Unit 3 - Mass Transport In Plants Flashcards
Role of the xylem?
They transport water from the roots to the leaves. They’re made out of dead cells.
How is xylem tissue adapted for its function?
1) long cells/tubes with no end walls so allows water to move in a continuous column
2) no cytoplasm/no organelles so allows easier water flow
3) thick wall containing lignin so provides support/withstand tension/waterproof
4) pits in walls so allows lateral movement/get around blocked vessels
What is transpiration?
Water evaporates from the Mesophyll cells and diffuses out of the open stomata down a water potential gradient.
How does water from the soil end up in the xylem?
-water moves up the xylem
-reducing water potential
-water moves through the cortex cells down a water potential gradient
-water drawn into root hair cells down a water potential gradient.
What is symplast?
Water molecules move through the cells walls.
What is apoplast?
Water moves from cytoplasm to cytoplasm.
What is the cohesion tension theory?
-Water evaporates from the Mesophyll cells and diffuses out of the open stomata down a water potential gradient.
-Reduces water potential in the cells in leaf.
-Water is drawn out from the xylem (which has a higher water potential) into the cells via osmosis.
-Water is therefore pulled up the xylem creating a negative pressure called tension.
-Due to hydrogen bonds between water molecules called cohesion.
-Forming a continuous column of water.
-Water molecules are also attracted to the walls of the xylem - called adhesion.
On a hot day (rapid transpiration) why does the diameter of a tree trunk reduce slightly?
Due to the adhesion with the walls of the xylem and negative pressure (tension) making the xylem vessels slightly narrower.
4 main factors affecting transpiration?
1) light intensity
2) temperature
3) humidity
4) air movement
The affect of light intensity on the rate of transpiration?
An increase in light intensity increases the rate of transpiration.
More stomata open in the light to allow more carbon dioxide to enter for photosynthesis.
So more water evaporates out of the stomata causing a higher rate of transpiration.
The affect of temperature on the rate of transpiration?
An increase in temperature increases the rate of transpiration
Temperature increases the rate of evaporation and diffusion of water molecules through the stomata.
As the water molecules have a higher kinetic energy.
The affect of humidity on the rate of transpiration?
An increase in humidity decreases the rate of transpiration.
A greater humidity reduces the water potential gradient between the inside and outside of the leaf at the stomata, due to the larger number of water vapour molecules in the air.
So the rate of diffusion of water vapour out of the leaf is reduced.
The affect of air movement on the rate of transpiration?
An increase in air movement increases the rate of transpiration.
Air movement over a leaf moves the water vapour away from the stomata pores.
This increases the water potential gradient between the inside and the outside of the leaf.
So the greater the rate of transpiration.
How does a potometer measure the rate of transpiration?
It measures water uptake by a shoot.
Process of using a potometer?
1) A leafy shoot is cut under water to prevent air entering the xylem which would break the continuous water column. The shoot is placed in a rubber tube.
2) The potometer is filled completely with water making sure there are no air bubbles.
3) The potometer is removed from under the water and all joints are sealed with waterproof jelly to prevent water leaking out which would produce an inaccurate result.
4) An air bubble is introduced into the capillary tube.
5) As transpiration occurs, water moves through the capillary tube and into the plant, and the air bubble moves with it.
6) The distance moved over a period of time is recorded and the mean is calculated of a number of repeats.
7) The volume of water lost over a period of time can be calculated by knowing the radius of the tube and the distance the bubble has moved in mm. Volume of a cylinder = pie * radius2 * length
How are leaves that live in dry environments adapted to reduce water loss?
1) Reduced number of stomata
2) Stomata in pits to trap water vapour and increase humidity
3) Hairs to trap water vapour and increase humidity
4) Rolled leaves to trap water vapour and prevent exposure of stomata to air movement
5) Leaves reduced to spines to reduce S.A.:Vol
6) Thick waxy cuticles to reduce evaporation
How can you start the experiment again?
By emptying the reservoir as it pushes bubble back to the start.
Con of the potometer?
Assumes all water taken up is transpired. Some water may be used to make cells turgid for hydrolysis reactions or photosynthesis.
Role of the phloem?
Transports organic solutes around plants.
What are solutes and assimilates?
Solutes are dissolved substances.
Assimilates are substances that get incorporated into plant tissues.
How is phloem tissue adapted for its function?
-Sieve tubes have no nucleus, little cytoplasm and few organelles so it allows unobstructed flow of solutes.
-End walls of sieve tubes perforated with holes so it allows continuous flow of substances through sieve tube.
-Companion cells contain many organelles e.g. mitochondria so it carries out the functions for the sieve tubes.
What is translocation?
It is the movement of solutes to where they are needed in a plant. It is an energy requiring process that happens in the phloem.
Definition of the source?
It is where the sugars are made/stored and are therefore in high concentration e.g. leaf.
Definition of the sink?
It is where the sugars are used in respiration or converted for storage and therefore in lower concentration.
What is the mass flow hypothesis?
1) Active transport is used to load solutes from companion cells into the sieve tubes of the phloem at the source.
2) This lowers water potential in sieve tubes.
3) Water enters the sieve tubes by osmosis from xylem.
4) This creates a high hydrostatic pressure inside the sieve tubes at the source.
5) At the sink end, sucrose is removed from the phloem to be used in respiration in repairing cells or stored as starch in storage organs.
6) This increases the water potential inside the sieve tubes so water leaves the tubes by osmosis.
7) This lowers the hydrostatic pressure inside the sieve tubes.
Supporting evidence for mass flow?
1) If a ring on bark (which includes the phloem but not the xylem) is removed from a woody stem, a bulge forms above the ring.
2) Pressure in the phloem can be investigated using aphids. They pierce the phloem, then their bodies are removed leaving mouth parts behind, which allows sap to flow out. The sap flows out quicker nearer the leaves than further down the stem - this is evidence that there is a pressure gradient.
3) If a metabolic inhibitor (which stops ATP production) is put into the phloem then translocation stops - this is evidence that active transport is involved.
4) Evidence from radioactive tracers.
How does evidence from radioactive tracers work?
-A radioactive tracer such as radioactive carbon dioxide (14C) can be used to track the movement of organic substances in a plant.
-The radioactive carbon is incorporated into sucrose at the source when the cells photosynthesise.
-The radioactive carbon can be traced, proving translocation can occur both up and down the phloem.
-The movement of these substances can be tracked using a technique called auto radiography.
-To reveal where the radioactive tracer has spread to in a plant, the plant is killed and then the whole plant, or sections of it is placed into photographic film - where ever the film turns black, the radioactive substance is present.
-The results demonstrate the translocation of substances form source to sink over time.
Evidence against mass flow?
-Sugars move to all areas of the plant, not just from source to sink.
-The sieve plates would create a barrier to mass flow. A lot of pressure would be needed for the solutes to get through at a reasonable rate.