Unit 3- Legal and Ethical Flashcards
Rules of conduct created and enforced by governments.
Criminal Law
Laws that define what kind of behavior is classified as a crime.
Civil Law
Involves Disputes between individuals or organizations
An action purposely causing emotional, physical, or mental pain
Failure to care for someone resulting in injury
Injury to a person due to professional misconduct through negligence, carelessness, or lack of skill
When a person uses physical force against another or forces them to do something without consent.
The legal and ethical principal of keeping information private
A federal law that requires the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed
Protected Health Information PHI
A persons private health information
Holding someone responsible for harming someone else
A violation of a law or regulation
A set of guidelines or rules that determine a course of action
An established way of doing something.
An advocate for residents and their rights
The law that helps with quality of life and quality of care in long term care settings.
Residents Rights
Rights identified in OBRA that related to how residents must be treated while living in a facility
Informed Consent
The process in which a person, with the help of a doctor, makes informed decisions about their healthcare.
Minimum Data Set
A detailed form with guidelines for assessing residents in long term care facillties.
Incident Report
A form that documents the details of an incident in the workplace.
Care Plan
Provides specific instructions on what tasks healthcare team members should perform and how those tasks should be performed based on the specific needs of the patient.
Joint Comission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (Joint Commission)
An independent, non profit organization that evaluates and accredits healthcare organizations.
Colorado State Board of Nursing
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
inspect healthcare facilities to make sure they are following medicare, medicaid, and state regulations.
Nurse Aide Practice Act
Defines scope of practice
The moral principles of right and wrong
Medical Durable Power of Attorney
A health care agent appointed to make medical decisions if you are unable to.
An order to not do CPR if someone goes into cardiac arrest or stops breathing
Where is a DNR noted for a patient
In their room, on their chart, on their wristband
Where is a DNR noted for a resident
In their chart
Living Will
A person’s written desires regarding their medical treatment if they are unable to make decisions.