Unit 3: Geese, Swans, Dabbling Ducks (pt 1) Flashcards
No white on blue-purple speculum
Dark hat; lighter head; dark body

American Black Duck
Male: Yellow bill; green head; white line on neck
Female: Brownish; blue-purple speculum; white leading edge on speculum

Classic swan
Orange bill; black face knob
S-curved neck

Mute Swan
White overall; black bill/face
Concave bill
Yellow spot before eye; less black on eye

Tundra Swan
White overall
Black face; touches eye
Straight bill from head to point

Trumpeter Swan
Orange-pink bill; white band at base
Dark patches on breast
White line along wing/breast line

Greater White-Fronted Goose
Shorter/stubbier neck, bill, head
No ‘grin patch’ (less lipstick)
Black wing tips

Ross’s Goose
Pinkish bill w/ dark lipstick
Big ‘grin patch’ on bill
Black wing tips

Snow Goose
Black head, neck, breast, bill
Stubby bill
White marks on each side of neck

White chin strap
White-banded rump when in flight

Canada Goose