Unit 2: Upland Gamebirds (pt 2) Flashcards
White barring on chest/sides
False “ears” (in display)
Pink display sac

Lesser Prairie-Chicken
Red comb over eye
Winter plumage: white body, black line through eye
Summer plumage: brown/black body, paler belly
Black line in tail
Small bill

Rock Ptarmigan
Little-no red over eye
No black in tail
Entirely white in winter
Otherwise similar to Rock Ptarmigan

White-Tailed Ptarmigan
Reddish-brown head/back
White wings
Red comb over eye (not always visible)

Willow Ptarmigan
Male: White line over eye; black line through eye; white throat; black crest
Female: Same pattern, but buff (yellow-beige) instead of white

Northern Bobwhite
Cottony white crest
Blue-gray body with apparent scales on breast

Scaled Quail
Two long, thin plumes
Brown throat w/ white outline
“Painted” white stripes on flanks

Mountain Quail
Black face+forehead w/ white outline
Reddish crown
Gray chest; yellow (pale) belly; black belly patch
Dark body; white striping on sides

Gambel’s Quail
Black plume and crown
Gray forehead; black face; black throat; white outline
Apparently scaled belly

California Quail
Dark, pointed bill
Black spots at top of neck, and on wings
Irridescent patch on neck (male)
Long, pointed tail
White tipped outer tail feathers

Mourning Dove
Yellow bill w/ black tip
Gray-blue body
Squared tail
White band on back of neck; irridescent patch below

Band-Tailed Pigeon
Standard city pigeon
Note white bit over bill (most of the time)

Rock Pigeon