Unit 3 Exam Flashcards
Name the lobes of the Brain
Frontal lobe Frontal bone - Anterior lobe
Occipital Lobe Occipital bone- Posterior lobe
Parietal lobe Parietal bone- mid section
Temporal lobe Temporal bone- mid section
Regions of the brain name 4
Cerebrum we think about the lobes
Brain stem
What the largest portion of the brain
Cerebrum also known as the cortex
The cerebrum has a right and left what?
Corpus collosum connects what?
IHF Interhemisphere fissure seperates what?
the right and left hemisphere fissure
Largest portion of brain
Also referred to as cortex
Consists of two hemispheres
Corpus Collosum connects hemispheres
IHF separates Right from left side
Logitudinal fissure is also know an
Infrahemisphere fissure
Logitudinal and IHF has a what? and where is it ?
is the deep cleft between the two hemispheres
Whats Gyri
Convolutions between sulci
5 Lateral (Sylvian) fissure
- Precentral gyrus
- Central sulcus
- Postcentral gyrus
- Superior temporal gyrus
Whats a sulci?
Grooves ridges, furrows
Deep sulci are fissure
main one Deep fissure lateral Sylvian
its the lateral side
deep sulci
main one sulcus
what seperates
Central sulcus
separates anterior and posterior
based on the location is centralized in the brain
Precentral gyrus
not too important before the central sulcus
postcentral gyrus
"”post’’ after
superior temporal gyrus
in the temporal lobe superior aspects
Longitudinal or IHF is where
Longitudinal fissure is described as the deep cleft between the two hemispheres
GYRI versus Sulci
Grooves ridges, furrows
DeepSulci are fissures
lConvolutions between sulci
whats a Gyri
Prominent rounded elevations or convolutions that form the cerebral hemispheres, each consisting of an exposed superficial portion and a portion hidden from view in the wall and floor of the sulci
lBumps not grooves
dip in
Grooves or Furrows on the surface of the brain bounding the several convolutions or gyri Also referred to as fissures or slight depressions
Surface layer is gray matter
Consists of nerves cell bodies, and fibers
2-4mm thick
Lying underneath cerbral cortex is lighter colored white matter, made up of myelinated nerve fibers
Scattered throughout white matter is basal ganglia
2-4 mm think what is it?
Surface layer is gray matter
Lying underneath cerebral cortex is lighter colored white matter, made up of what?
inner is of the brain is what
White matter
The outer is
Gray matter
Scattered throughout white matter is
Basal ganglia
Gray matter is myelinated or not
its not myelinated
Cerebral cortex is
gray myelinated
Basal Ganglia
Two of the larges regions of basal ganglia are caudate nuclues and lentiform nucleus and lentiform nucleus
lentiform nucleus ocated is centrally located in each cerebral hemisphere
the caudate nucleus is more depth than tha lentiform nucleus
caudate nuclues is more importatant
Cauadate nucleus
Lies in the subependymal space of the basal ganglia
visualized in association/ relationship of the lateral ventrical
Subependymal space
basal ganglia relates to the general matrix
Centrally located between the hemispheres it surrounds the 3rd ventricle and conist of
Brain stem
Subdivion of the brain stem
goes from superior to inferior
- Midbrain
- Pons
- Medulla
Brain stem where is it located
Midbrain located between Diencephalon and pons
surround the cerebral aquaduct
Pineal glands projects from diencephalon
cerebral peduncles are ropelike bundles on ventral aspect of midbrain
Brain stem
Pons are prominent band of fibers located between midbrain and medulla oblongata
most of fibers connect to the cerebellum posterior to it
posterior to that is the medulla oblongata
and inferior to the medulla oblongata is the brain stem
Medulla Oblongata
conical shape
extends from pons to foramen magnum
then continuous with spinal cord
they run together
Cerebral aqueduct widens about halfway along Medulla Oblongata to form fourth ventricle
Ventricles of the brain
Ventricles are filled with fluid within the brain contains CFS
Broken down into pairs of lateral ventricle they are paired not midline they are paired sagital
thrid ventricle more mid line and third ventricle is sandwhich with the thalamus
fourth ventricle more mid line
They carry the Cerebrum Spinal Fluid
the ventricles have an frontal and anterior horns they have a body and ocipital horn that can also be called posterior
What happens when the aqueduct wides
the aqueducts is the area that goes from the third to the 4th ventricle is not the 4th ventrcile when the aqueducts wides is the 4th ventricle
Whats midline in the brain?
septum pellucidum is the
space its from the corpus collusum
if we dont see a septum pellucidum on a fetus or band there no wont be a space
What are midline structure in the brain
Third ventricle
foramen of monroe
corpus callosum? not too sure
mass intermedia
aqueducts of silvius
4th ventricle
cerebellum -vermis
Whats the inner table of the skull?
its the part of brain inside and knocking the skull
inside the brain
knocking from inside and telling the brain let me out
Whats the outer table of the skull?
knocking the outside of the brain skull
whats cp?
Chorois plexus
The body of the lateral ventricular is what?
Longest portion of the ventricular system right and left
at the atria in the lateral ventricular the chorid plexus fills the atria of the lateral ventricular
Wheres the atria in the brain?
the atria of the lateral ventricle is just communication it fans out to get to the inferior
Whats the benefit of coronal view?
we can see the right and the left side together and the whole long axis
is not a transverse cut
parasagital view we can see
the third ventricle,
fourth ventricle
foramen magnum
and cisterna magna
we cannot see the front bone
What communicates with the right ventricle and left vetricle to the third ventricle
Foramen of monroe or intraventricular foramen
The third ventricle is samwich with what
caudate nucleus is posterior to
vetricle the anterior horn
what space space?
is where the caudate nucleus lies
Where does the blood start when baby is premature
Basal ganglia
what connect the two hemispheres
band of fibers connect the hemispheres and thats where thr corpus callosum is a piece of elastic
What comes down in front
Just the corpus callosum
the ventricles dont do that
The normal chorid plexus should never…..
it should never extend never be seen in the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle it wraps and hugs the thalamus it does not extend its blood
What lies in the sepemble space in the matrix
the caudate nucleus
choroid plexus produces what?
Cerebraspinal fluid CSF
the choroid plexus is found where?
flips over the caudate nucleus and it grooves and its the choroid plexus
and the choroid plexus is found on the floor of the body of the lateral ventrical and they roof in the inferior horn should never never never go into the posterior horn
Whats another name for the posterior horn?
Occipital horn
Where does the baby bleed at 32 weeks highly vascular
its what bleed first in the caudate nucleus
Another name for temporal horn
inferior horn
another name for anterior horn
frontal horn
Two ventricle they communicate each other with
path way
via the interventricular foramen or formamen of monroe is the fluid to dump into the 3rd ventricle
they come together to form the 3rd ventricle
after the 3rd vetricle is the mass intermedia then the aqueduct of sylvius
the aqueduct of sylvius is the passage from the 3rd to the 4th
then the 4th ventricle
Where is the aqueduct of sylvius
is the passage from 3rd to 4th ventricle
Where is the CFS is form and also is a
Choroid plexus
Vascular network
Where is choroid plexus located
lateral ventricle
on the floor of the body in roof of the inferior horn
3 ventricle ( lateral ventricle ) and 4 ventricle
Where is the caudate nucleus
sympedimal space in the general matrix is where bleed in premature starts is not matured and not vascular
Caudate nucleus is part of what
is broken into body head and tail
which is the biggest
where is located
basal ganglia
the head is the biggest
it communicates with the lateral ventricle
What landmark do we use
vetricle wraps around the thalamus and we use it as a landmark the lateral ventricle
Whats the largest portion of the diecephalon
thalamus it surrounds the third ventricle and it mushes it the thalamus forms the lateral wall of the thrird ventricle
the thalamus has a vermis that connects the two sides and has a sensory pathway to the cerebrum
Thalamus surrounds the
thalamus it surrounds the third ventricle and it mushes it the thalamus forms the lateral wall of the thrird ventricle
the thalamus has a vermis that connects the two sides and has a sensory pathway to the cerebrum
part of the diecephalon form the roof of the 3rd ventricle
coming off the epithalamus is the midline of ….
Hypothalmus forms the
floor of the 3rd vetricle
luska is
paired lateral
Choroid Plexus
Main producer of CSF
Specialized vascular unit
Loated in LV, 3rdV, 4thV
Inferior V
Caudate Nucleus
Gray matter dispersed in white
Basal Ganglia
Head, body Tail
Located in LV
Largest part of diencephalon
Surrounds 3rd V
Forms lateral walls of 3rd V
Sensory pathway to cerebrum
Forms roof of 3V
Midline projection forms pineal gland
Forms floor of 3V
Whats the largest part of the diecephalon
Massa Intermediate
Passes thru 3v between hemithalamus
Foramen of Monro
Aka Interventricular Foramina
Communication between Lateral ventricles and 3rd V
Aqueduct of sylvius
Aka cerebral aqueduct
Passes thru the midbrain
Relatively long
Foramina of Luschka
Present in lateral walls of 4thV
Foramen of Magendie
Coomunication of 4th ventricles with subarachnoid space
single not paired just single
Internal Carotid Artery
Two pairs of arteries
Cerebral portion extends to meidal end of Lateral cerbral fissure
Then divideds into ACA and MCA
Two anterior cerebral arteries
Go towards Long Fissure
Connected by Anterior communicating artery
Continue with arteries
Two arteries then run parallel in long fissure and give off branches to supply frontal and parietal lobes
Middle Cerebral Artery
Passes thrure lateral fissure and spread over lateral surface of brain
Posterior Communicating Artery
Runs posteriorly to anastomose with posterior cerebral arteries
Vertebral Arteries
Branches of subclavian
Course superiorly thru transverse foramina of C-6
Pass thru foramen magnum, pierce dura and enter cerebellomedullary cistern of subarachnoid space
Right and left join- Basilar artery
Circulus Arteriosus Cerebri
Configuration seen at base of brain
Shows vessels anastomosing to form a circle
Circle of Willis
Internal carotid artery, anterior cerebral arteries and anterior and posterior communicating arteries
Heart and Vascular Components
The heart is a… organ
whats the size
Heart is a hollow muscular organ
Composed of four chambers
Approximately the size of a fist clenched
Trapezoid shaped (sort of)
Superficial relationships of the Heart
What does the heart includes
Formed by what?
where is it ?
gives what ?
Base is the widest most posterior , Broad and posterior
Most superfiscial /post region of heart
Mainly the base is formed by the left atria
Formed by atria *(mainly left)
Gives rise to the great vessels
What formed by the left ventricle?
how does the heart point?
what level?
how does the apex points?
APEX is the pointy area
formed by left ventricle
The base point inferiorly and anteriorly position
points inferiorly, anteriorly and to Left
The apex of the heart Located at level of 5th intercostal apace,
The apex is just medial to mid-clavicular line
to get all the chambers we shoot through the apex to get a better image
Sternocostal surface is
anterior or posterior and what is it formed by?
Sternocostal Suface is the anterior surface of the heart
Anterior surface
Formed by rt atrium, Rt ventricle and a
Small portion of Lt ventricle
What in front is the right atrium the right ventricle and small portion of the left vetricle
Diaphragmatic surface
Superior or inferior
where does it rest?
What forms the diaphragmatic surfaces
Inferior surface Rests on central tendon of diaphragm
Formed by both ventricles, and small portion of right atrium
Both ventricles and small portion of the riht atrium for the diaphragmatic surfaces
Pulmonary surface is what to the heart?
what side?
formed by what?
Pulmonary Surface is lateral to the heart
Left surface left side
Formed mainly by LV, and fills the cardiac notch in the lungon the left side of left lung
Heart Borders
Right, left, superior border
inferior border list them
Right border: RA and between SVI and IVC
Right side of the heart is formed by Right Atrium between the SIV and IVC
Left border: formed by Apex of heart is formed by the left ventricle (LV)
Superior border: formed by RA, LA Right Atrium
Inferior Border: Formed by RV and lil’ LV Right ventricle and Left ventricle
the heart is enclosed by what?
what surrounds the heart and great vessels?
broken into 4 list them?
Heart is enclosed in a pericardial sac peri means surround the heart
Sac surrounds heart and great vessels is never stops moving cuz the heart is constently moving
Broken down into :
Fibrous Pericardium outside
Serous Pericarium inside
Parietal Layer closes to the surface
Visceral Layer (Epicardium) closes to the heart
Fibrous Pericardium
outer layer is attached to what?
Outer layer
Attached to central tendon of diaphragm
Pierced by the IVC
Serous Pericardium
inner layer is what?
Inner layer to Fibrous layer
Double layered serous membrane:
Parietal Layer outer capsule
Visceral Layer closes to the organ
Layer of Serous Pericardium
parietal layer lines what?
what covers the outer surface and vessels
Parietal Layer:
Lines the inner surface of fibrous pericarium
Visceral Layer:
Also called Epicardium
Covers outer surface of heart and roots of great vessels
whre is the Pericardial Cavity located?
Located between parietal and visceral layers is a potential space
Space referred to as pericardial cavity
Pericardium cavity
What does it contain?
whats its job?
what located between the percardium and the heart wall?
Contains thin film of serous fluid
Acts as a lubricant to reduce friction to tissues caused by heart movements
Located between the percardium and the heart wall is a layer of epicardial fat
what layers is the heart wall made of
list 3
Consists of three layers
- *-Epicardium top of muscle
- Myocardium muslce
- Endocardium inner within closer to the inner cavity**
Layers of the Heart
what 3 layes
Consists of three layers
-Epicardium: Thin outer layer
in contact w/pericardium
-Myocardium: Thick muscle layer
Strong muscle the posrtion that causes contraction
-Endocardium: Thin endothelial layer
Lines inner surface, inside the ventricle
how many chambers the heart has?
list them
Four Chambers
two atria
two ventricles
fetus has opening between Interartail septum: Foramen Ovale
Foramen Ovale
where is the foramen ovale and what happens
During embryologic development oval opening exists within the interatrial septum
Allows blood flow between the RA and LA during lung development
CLOSES AT BIRTH (“hole in the heart”)
name the 4 chambers
Right Atrium
Right Ventricle
Left Atrium
Left Ventricle
Right Atrium
receives deox, or O2? blood
Forms right border of heart
receives deoxygenated blood from body via Vena cava
Also from Coronary sinus and cardiac veins (myocardium)
Right Atrium projects what?
Right auricle projects upward and towards left from right atrium
Covering root of aorta
Right Ventricle lies where?
small or large?
received O2 or deoxygenated blood
Lies on diaphragm
comprises largest part of anterior surface
Recieves deoxygenated blood from right atrium and forces it into pulmonary trunk then to lung
Papillary Muscles (ventricular
whats the shape and projecting from…..
Projecting from inferior surface of ventricle walls are conical shaped projections of cardiac muscles
Anchor valve to ventricle
Left Atrium
where is the left atrium
O2 or not?
Project what?
Lies posterior to right atrium
most posterior surface of heart
Oxygenated blood from lungs thru PV
also has an auricle that projects to left of pulmonary trunk over superior surface of heart
Left Ventricle
forms the what?
O2 or not
Forms the apex, left border and most inferior surface of heart
receives oxygenated blood from left atrium and pumps that into aorta to forward thru systemic circuit
Cardiac Valves
where are the located and divided into what?
Valves located in heart that function to maintain one-way direcdtional blood thru heart
Divided into two groups
Atrioventricular and Semilunar
Atrioventricular Valves
where are they found?
whats the function?
Found at entrance to both ventricles
function to control backflow of blood between atria and ventricles during ventricular contractions
Leaflets of valves
where do they connect?
what kind of tissue are they?
Connected to papilalr muscle sby chordae tendineae
These are fibrous cords of tissues
AV valves
which one has three leaflets where are they
which one has 2
Three leaflets
Called the tricuspid valve
Two leaflets
Semilunar Valves
located where?
whats the fucntion
seperates what?
Located at junction where ventricles meet great vessels
Separates ventricle from circulatory system
Three crescent shaped cusps
Prevent back flow
Semilunar Valves
how many valves are they?
name them?
where are they located?
Pulmonary semilunar valve
located at junction of RV and PA
Aortic Semilunar
lies between LV and ascending aorta
origin, insertion, action
Internal body wall
Central tendomn
Enlarges thorax during inspiration
Separates the chest from Abdominal Cavity
Extends under rib cage to level of 5th Intercostal space
Usually higer on on right
Whats the trigone
The atrium, or trigone of the lateral ventricle is the site where the anterior, occipital and temporal horns join together