Unit 3 Exam Flashcards
Annual tax imposed by King Alfred the Great (871-899 AD), who was the king of Wessex (S. English kingdom).
This tax was used to fight the Danes. —> Paid for standing army, forts, ships, etc.
People of Wessex paid this willingly b/c they didn’t want the Vikings to take over their land.
King Ethelred the Unready used this as an attempt to pay the Vikings to not attack - WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL!
Provisions of Oxford
1258 AD.
Barons and lords cornered King Henry III in Oxford and forced him to sign this document.
It stated that there would be a Council of Lords and Barons that the King must take advice from.
King Henry III was a child king (defenseless) and wanted to be an absolute ruler to defend himself.
He ignored Magna Carta and faced a rebellion from the Lords and Barons.
Corned him and forced him to sign this — he had to take advice from them and meet w/ them 3x/yr
Assembly of Lords.
Manga Carta (1215) gave rise to this.
They were a partner in ruling England, they provided moneyyyy.
Over time, its power grows and Kings slowly start to lose their power.
It guaranteed rights for Englishmen and confirmed that even Kings were subject to law, which was unique at the time.
It is the legislature!!!!
Alfred the great of Wessex
King of Wessex (S. English Kingdom).
Ruled from 871-899 AD.
Mini Charlemagne —> Emphasized education, scholars at court were to write chronicles (history) —> This brought scholars to court.
Successful in defending his small kingdom against the Vikings.
-Defeated Rolf Duke of Normandy
Was able to keep Vikings out via Danegeld.
Conquered Mercia.
Built fortifications + Navy
Created a professional army
Battle of Poitiers
French vs. England —> French had larger numbers of soldiers but still GOT WHUPPED!!! (Happened at the Battle of Crecy in 1346 too).
During 100 years war
King John of France is CAPTURED.
France was such in a bad place (bubonic plague, famine, peasant revolts, etc.) that the Estates General met WITHOUT the king and made Dauphin Charles (the heir to the throne) sign the Great Ordinance. —> this document recognized the Estates General as co-ruler.
New weapon used by the English.
Eventually ruined the reliance on the cavalry and knight that was the backbone of feudalism.
Could fire 6 arrows/min and pierce armor at 200 yards —> POWERFUL.
Led to English victory at Crecy and Poitiers even tho English was outnumbered.
Great Ordinance
Document that recognized the Estates General as co-ruler of England.
Signed after the Battle of Poitiers when the Estates General met WITHOUT the king and made Dauphin Charles (the heir to the throne) sign it.
Signed when king John was captured by the French at the Battle of Poitiers
Babylonian Captivity of the Church
King Philip IV waged war against the Catholic Church, leading to the death of Pope Boniface VIII.
They had clashed over taxing of the clergy.
This left the Papacy open and Philip got a puppet elected as the New Pope and forced him to praise him name and thank his zealous defense of the faith.
Philip ensured that the papacy itself relocated to Avignon, France where it remained until 1378.
Edward the III
1327-1377 AD.
Succeeded Edward II.
He eventually executed those responsible for his father’s murder.
Was a warrior and turned his hostility against France.
Challenged France’s succession laws - France’s Salic Law stated that the heir could not inherit empire via a mother’s claim to the throne.
Invaded France to launch 100 years war.
Caused a Civil War in England because his descendants argued over who should take the throne.
Joan of Arc
Assisted the Duke of Orleans against the French Army.
Eventually executed by the English.
Bubonic (Black Plague) The Black Death
Deadly pandemic the spread outward from Mongolia during the 1330s AD.
Arrived in France after the Battle of Poitiers in 1356 - during Edward III reign.
Created havoc and killed about 1/3 of the population.
Psychological impacts — death is inevitable, skeletons, knew they would die.
High fever, persistent vomiting, skin boils that turned black.
Spread by flea ridden rats.
Decrease in agriculture and economic profits — no one to work the lands, grow crops, or trade crops.
100 year war pauses for a min, no one to fight.
overall troubling time
Avignon Papcy
King Philip IV clashed with the Catholic Church over taxing the clergy. This eventually led to the death of Pope Boniface VIII.
With the Papacy open, Philip got a puppet elected as the new Pope to ensure that the Papacy itself would relocate to ______, France. This is also known as the Babylonian Captivity of the Church.
14th century.
Schism in Catholic Church, leadership fell apart.
Council of Constance
After the schism of the of the Papacy in 1377 —> French were annoyed when Pope Gregory XI (who moved the Papacy to Rome) died and his uncle, Pope Urban VI was elected. The French went to Avignon and elected their own Pope, Clement VII.
In 1409, Cardinals met at Pisa, declared both of the current Popes out, and elected Pope Alexander V as the new one. —> welp no one cared and England and supporters of Pope Urban VI still clashed with France and supporters of Pope Clement VII.
A new council was formed and after 3 years of debate at the ______ __ ______, Everyone was fired as Pope and Martin V was elected as the sole leader.
This ended Avignon Papacy and the schism and united the church.
John Huss (Jan Hus)
Under ___ ___ in Bohemia and John Wyclif in England, many elements of the Church were attacked: worldliness, hierarchy, and veneration of the saints (prizing the examples of the saints, and often seeing them as intermediaries to God), communion in BOTH wine and bread.
Supporters of each clashed w/ the other (like the schism) and this meant conflict.
____ ___ was burned at the stake and John Wyclif would fall from influence —> Both were considered heretics.
3 Field System
After 1000 AD, life improved some for medieval society: Vikings raids became rarer and an agricultural revolution took place.
Invention of a heavy plow, an ___ ___ ___ increased production —> increased food supply and security.
Rotating cultivation so that the land got to rest and regain nutrients 1/3 of the time.
Led to a growth in population.
More food = more trade, economy increased. (More markets —> more towns).
481 AD, this Frankish chief became King of the Franks.
Skilled warrior and defeated the last independent Roman cauls who lived south of Paris.
1st king to be Christian.
Established precedent for catholic kings
France = one of the oldest catholic countries
Henry IV of HRE/Germany
Involved in the investiture crisis with Pope Gregory VII.
Investiture - who invests / confirms role of religious appointees.
Given to people to take holy office (bishop)
Who gives ppl the power to take office?
____ thought kings should appoint (as was the tradition in Germany)
Gregory VIII thought it was w/in the scope of power of the CHURCH.
____ was excommunicated (BIG DEAL HE WAS GOING TO HELL) by Pope Gregory.
___ begged for the Pope’s forgiveness for 4 days barefoot in the snow in 1077 AD, Gregory (as a priest) couldn’t deny him. So ____ kept his title and was able to reorganize
Great Schism of 1054
o Spilt after Basil II’s reign.
o Constantinople and Rome spilt following an issue on whether the Clergy should practice celibacy or not.
In the Western Church, those in holy orders were required to be celibate.
In Orthodoxy, some were allowed to marry.
o East and West argued over the liturgy (the set order of the service) and the nature of the Holy Spirit.
Each side eventually excommunicated (kicked-out) the other side out of the church.
o This split between Roman Catholicism (Rome) and Eastern Orthodoxy (Constantinople).
o East spoke Greek, and West spoke Latin. Division of communication also led to division of the Christian Church.
-Catholic Church is now referred to as the Roman Catholic Church after split.
Pope Gregory VII
Elected as Pope in 1073 AD.
Clashed w/ German HRE, Henry IV over the investiture crisis around 1070 AD.
He eventually excommunicated Henry IV out of the church (BIG DEAL).
He thought it was w/in the scope of power of the church to appoint ppl to holy office.
He forgives Henry IV in 1077 AD after Henry IV begs for his forgiveness.
Investiture Crisis
-Investiture was given to ppl to take holy office (like bishops), kinda like their inauguration.
-It was who invests / confirms the role of religious appointees.
-Who gives ppl the power to take office?
-Often the head Estate put them into power b/c they already knew ea other.
-In 1073, when Pope Gregory VII was elected pope, he thought that Popes were superior to kings, which caused King Henry IV of the HRE to clash w/ him.
St. Francis of Assisi
-12-13th Century: New order of religious ppl —> Movement towards Friars.
-He founded the order of friars, known as Franciscans.
-They were men who had taken religious vows, but who worked in the world, helping the poor and oppressed.
-Lived w/ ppl in small groups. They were there too provide help and healing to ppl.’’
-He was famous for his work w/ animals and children.
Salah al-Din (Saladin)
-In 1097 AD, European Christian fighters, crusaders invaded Turkey.
-They took Jerusalem in 1099 AD and created from coastal territory 4 Christian territories/kingdoms.
-Muslims under Kurdish leader _____ took Jerusalem back in 1187, but the Crusaders didn’t leave for good til 1291, and would attempt several returns.
-During the Third Crusade, w/ Philip II of France and Richard I of England, Richard I went home w/o recapturing Jerusalem, though he signed a treaty w/ _____ to permit Christian entry.
1st Crusade
-Era of ____ —> European armies would be raised, w/ faithful kings leading armies to the Holy Land to assert control of places important to Christianity rather than leave it under the control of Muslims.
-The ___ _____ was called in 1095 and w/ the Abbasids in decline, the field was more open.
-Muslim Turks who had won against Byzantium at Manikert in 1071, were overconfident and were surprised to lose to the Europeans
-Established 4 separate states (____ states) —> After successfully captured territory they thought would be good 4 Christianity and rule them as small Christian states.
-It was successful b/c Byzantine and Abbasid Empires were breaking down.
Synod of Whitby
-Following the fall of Rome, Britain fell under control of Germanic tribes - Saxons, Angles, and Jutes.
-By 603 AD, Anglo-Saxons had control of the larger and wealthiest parts of the island.
-Island consisted of 10 separate small kingdoms: Kent, Essex, Sussex, Northumbria, Wessex, etc…
-Germanic settlers = Pagans, but Britons had been Christian when conquered under Rome.
-Briton was divided over two kinds of Christianity: Catholic in the South and Celtic Christianity in the North.
-Finally in 663 AD, ___ ___ _____ saw the triumph of Roman Christianity in the Kingdom when the King of Northumbria chose Catholicism over Celtic Christianity and all Saxons became Catholic.
-Agreement that everyone will follow Roman Christianity.
Domesday Book
-King William the Conqueror of England commissioned the so-called ___ ___ after taking inventory of his new lands.
-The ___ ____ was used to come to an understanding of England’s situation, and replaced English aristocracy who resisted King William’s rule w/ new aristocrats.
-It was a survey of his kingdom (how many buildings, land holders, etc.). It helped understand what he can draw on, improve, / tax.
Thomas Becket
-Archbishop of Cantebury, battled w/ King Henry II after the King wanted to extinguish the power of the Catholic Church over the English courts.
-He was eventually murdered by supporters of Henry, which forced Henry to compromise.
Louis IX “St Louis”
-Child king of France, deeply influenced by his mother, Blanche of Castile.
-Succeeded Philip II.
-He refused to go to war w/ other Christians and signed treaties w/ France’s rivals: England and Castile.
-Persecuted heretics and tried to get Jewish children to convert to Christianity.
-He was declared as a Saint by the Catholic Church and went on a crusade in 1248, where he died.
-Under his reign, France enjoyed a cultural improvement: University of Paris (1st uni ran by church leaders b/c they were the educated), architecture went from Romanesque style to Gothic, literature: epics, poetry, romanticism thrived during this era.
Philip II “Augustus” of France
-Took throne at 16 y/o while Henry II is fighting against French.
-Great military talent, learned from enemies.
-Took title of Augustus; One of France’s greatest leader —> Added territory.
-1st to call himself king of France rather than the King of the Franks
Battle of Hastings 1066
-Battle on October 14, 1066.
-5000 Normans were outnumbered by 7000 Saxons.
-Normans had Calvary and archers, Saxons had neither… Saxons were crushed.
-William of Normandy becomes William I, the Conqueror.
Manga Carta
-“Great Charter”
-Gave rise to Parliament
-In 1215, John forced to give-in to barons/aristocrats and agree to ___ _____.
-Doctrine signed by King John in 1215.
-Outlined the right of Englishmen to a trial by their peers
-It placed the king under the law.
-And it reinforced the rights of the aristocracy.
-It limited the power of the king and provided rights to the Englishmen.
-It establish supremacy of law; gave rights to Barons.
-King could not get money from coercion.
-Unique for Europe @ the time, no one else did this… Kings had limits and ppl had rights.
King John of England
-Ruled from 1199-1216.
-Richard II’s brother and succeeded him b/c Richard didn’t have a son.
-He was not a good warrior like his bro and dad
-Lost most of the land his bro and dad conquered.
-Had problems w/ power of King v. Power of barons/aristocrats —> DEMANDED $$$, they didn’t want to give it to him/c of his loses on battlefield.
-raised the taxes to extremely high rates, threatened ppl —> get $$ from coercion/force (threatened women and children, kidnap them).
-Finally gave in and signed Magna Carta in 1215.
Edward I
-Became king in 1272 - 1307.
-Son of Henry III.
-He was 6’1” - unusual for the time.
-Former crusader, proved to be one of England’s premier Kings.
-He revised common law to great effect and removed corrupt officials.
-Completed conquest of Wales and built castles (center of gov., fortress, living quarters) —> solidified power of king and English in Wales.
-He squabbled w/ Scotland after he tried to assert his authority over them.
-The scots allied w/ France to defeat England.
-He then invaded Scotland and pronounced himself as King.
-The Scots rebelled under his rule, leading to hostility and wars.
-King ____ __ needed money to engage in these wars, so he summoned Parliament (learning from the mistakes of his father and grandfather to work w/ the baron council).
-Left war w/ Scotland when he died.
Salic Law
-French law that didn’t recognize inheritance to the throne that came through the mother.
-Insisted that the current king must be related to the former king via males.
-Caused problems for Edward III b/c he felt the throne of France was his b/c he was the late king’s, Philip VI, sister’s son —> grandson of French kings.
-French picked a cousin of Philip VI this caused Edward III to get pissy and he invaded France and war breaks out.
-Started the Hundred Year War.
Prince Vladimir of Kiev 988
-Prince who converted to Christianity in 988 AD.
-Became a saint after his death.
-Ruled over a territory where subsidiary princes of cities protected trade and reported to him.
Prince Vladimir of Kiev 988
-Prince that Converted to Christianity in 988.
-Thus his territory also was converted.
-He ruled over a territory where subsidiary princes of cities protected trade and reported to him.
-Became a saint after his death.
Rolf, Duke of Normandy (Rollo)
-Duke of Normandy (land of Northmen) —> Military leader.
-French King makes deal w/ this Viking leader to stop the Vikings from raiding.
-Had to pledge loyalty to king too,.
-In exchange for land.
-defeated in Wessex by King Alfred the Great.
Henry II of England
-King who worked hard to restore the position of the throne in England, which was damaged by the civil war.
-Established a rule of law and did his best to undercut the power of aristocrats who were exercising power and didn’t want to recognize a central power structure.
-state had legal jusirdictions
-Trial by peers
-State control of courts: no church courts to try church officials.
-Started the idea that law had its own importance and even the king was subject to it -Unique for the time.
-Tussled w/ Thomas Becket over power of the Catholic Church in English courts.
-Wanted to bring English Empire into France.
-Married riches heiress of era, Eleanor of Aquitaine, gave him access to large territory in SW France,.
-Wanted to reconquer the Angevin Empire.
-Caused war in France.
-Left throne to son, Richard I, the lionhearted.
-This is the term that Vikings were called in Eastern Europe.
-started a trading empire after raiding Constantinople in 860 AD.
-Realized Constantinople was rich w/ trees, bees (honey/wax), and gems
-Trades on the water to Kiev, Novgorod, and Moscow
-Varangian grand prince of Novgorod, Rurik, founded Russian state.
-930 AD, all available land was settled in Iceland.
-Vikings first arrived there in 860 AD.
-The settlers had an assembly called ____, which stated laws and passed judgements
-Vikings established gov. centered by a council.
-Communities of Viking Villages (one from ea) represented the council.
Battle of Clontarf 1014
-Vikings eventually adapted to European ways and Catholic missionaries started to make converts among them.
-Strong leaders attempted to make themselves kings.
-They wanted their warriors organized in armies rather than raids.
-Back home in Norway and Denmark: Vikings there tries to develop national monarchs, and eventually started fighting amongst themselves for control of the region.
-They were fewer Vikings left to go raiding.
-The Irish took the opportunity and in 1014, and at this battle, which was super bloody, as many as 4000 Irish and 7000 Vikings dead.
Battle of Stamford Bridge
-This battle ended the Viking era in 1066 w/ the defeat of the Norwegian king Harald Hardrada after an unsuccessful attempt to conquer England.
-Defeated by Saxon Army.
-battle between king of Norway (Harold Hardrada), English Earl, Harold Godwinson, and King Canute of Denmark.
-3 wat race to the throne of Briton
William Wallace
-Scots rebelled under this king during the time when King Edward I of England tried to invade Scotland and announce himself as king.
-He was executed in 1305.
3rd Crusade
-Composed of Richard I of England, Fredrick Barbarossa (HRE), Philip II of France.
-Bonded together to recapture Jerusalem from Muslim ruler, Salah al-Din.
-This ___ lost kingdom of Jerusalem but was successful to treaty that ensured European pilgrims access to shrines.
-They captured Acre tho.