Unit 2 Exam Flashcards
Prophetic Revolution
o 730-500 BC
o Threats from surrounding kingdoms (I.e., Assyrians), provoked a major change in the religion of the Israelites. This time period is referred to as the _______ _________.
o Judaism got a new emphasis through teaching of Prophets: men who claimed to be inspired by God.
o Most famous prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.
o Major ideas of Prophets:
Monotheism- Prior to ___ _____, the Israelites believed the gods of other peoples existed. They didn’t worship their gods, but they accepted the difference in beliefs. Now, they viewed that there is ONLY ONE GOD.
God=good, evil=man and comes from people’s sins.
God demands ethical behavior from his believers, they should act morally and clean up their act.
First Triumvate
o Came about after the slave-gladiator revolt led by Spartacus.
o Pompey, Crassus, and Julius Caesar joined forces to direct and run the Roman empire and the Senate.
o In 58 BC, Caesar goes after Gaul (one of the first to look west instead of east {Eastern side of Rome=RICH}).
He also invaded Britain and began fighting with them.
o Caesar emerges at the top of the ___ ___.
o Crassus gets killed on the battlefield.
o Pompey vs Caesar: Caesar is victorious 49 BC.
Pompey fled to Egypt b/c it was rich and wanted an ally w/ Pharaoh to defeat Caesar.
• Ptolemy (Pharaoh) beheaded Pompey and sent his head to Caesar to befriend him.
• Caesar gave his support to Ptolemy’s co-rule, Cleopatra VII (had an affair together and had a son).
Caesar returned to Rome and became dictator where he launched the Julian calendar.
Was then stabbed to death (44 BC) by members of the Roman Senate (led by Brutus) because he had lots of power and the Romans were afraid, he’d become a king.
o This was the queen of Egypt whom Julius Caesar had an affair with and had a son together.
o Mark Anthony of the 2nd Triumvirate also fell victim to her beauty and poise; they had 3 children together.
o She was not necessarily drop-dead gorgeous, BUT she was funny, smart, well-educated, and paid attention to the wants and desires of the man she was with –> proved very useful in keeping a man wrapped around her finger.
o In 31 BC, she committed suicide.
Octavian/Caesar Augustus
o This was the adopted son of Julius Caesar.
o He was a part of the 2nd Triumvirate along with Mark Anthony and Lepidus.
Together they led an attack against Brutus and defeated him in 42 BC.
o Mark Anthony and _____ had some tension between them and eventually Mark Anthony lost power to ____.
o ____ defeated Mark Antony in 31 BC and took control of Egypt.
o He returns to Rome in 27 BC and is immediately appointed consul and is elected as the emperor/supreme ruler (NOT KING).
He preferred to be called the “Princep” meaning “first citizen”.
This period is called the Pricipate, under the Princep.
o Takes title of Augustus, meaning “blessed one”.
Marc Antony
o This guy was a part of the 2nd Triumvirate (him, Octavian, and Lepidus) and led an attack against Brutus, whom they defeated in 42 BC.
o He left for Egypt after defeating Brutus where he met Cleopatra.
He fell victim to Cleopatra’s beauty, poise, and her nature. They had 3 children together.
• During this time, he lost power to Octavian and was defeated in 31 BC by Octavian.
Battle of Actium
o 31 BC.
o This was the battle that broke out between Octavian and Marc Antony of the 2nd Triumvirate.
o Octavian came out as the victor.
o This is the period of time in which Octavian rules over the Roman Empire as Consul and Supreme Ruler (AGAIN NOT KING).
o Also, the period of time that Rome is under the rule of Princeps (STARTED BY OCTAVIAN).
o 27 BC
o It is called this b/c Octavian preferred to be called “Princep” meaning “first citizen” b/c he knew that if he was called Emperor, the Senate would kill him.
o This was the stepson of Augustus who was the heir who succeeded Augustus’ throne after his death.
o He was a claudian – of Julius Caesar’s family.
o He came to power at 55 years of age and proved to be an ok leader during the The Year of the 4 Emperors (all claudians).
Each Emperor succeeded each other through violence.
Praetorian Guard
o This was the Palace Guard.
o They killed Nero in 68 AD.
o Tiberius killed the head of the ____ ____ after they had overstepped his power in TIberius’s absence.
Five Good Emperors
o Around 96AD, Rome started to improve.
o 96-180AD.
o “Golden Age” of Rome.
o This was a period of stability in Roman Empire.
Fixed their succession problem.
• Current emperor appoints his successor in his lifetime and they work together and successor takes over when the emperor dies.
o 5 _____: Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pius, Marcus Aurelius.
o Nerva- Ended the laws that let Domitian rule as a tyrant.
o Trajan- “Model emperor”, expanded the empire.
o Hadrian- Built a wall at the narrowest point in the island to keep Barbarians out and tell the army where to stop.
o Antonius Pius- Most popular and longest period of peace under his reign.
o Marcus Aurelius- Stoic general, last of the ___ ___ ____.
Viewed Christianity as a disruptive force and had it persecuted.
Left the throne to his son, Commodus.
o Son of Marcus Aurelius, the last of the 5 Good Emperors.
o After his father died, he left the throne to ____, who was a selfish jerk.
o Believed he was the reincarnation of Hercules and spent most of his time at gladiatorial games.
o His mistress’ friends strangled him in a bathtub.
Age of Anxiety
o 235-285AD.
o Unstable period of Rome.
o 26 emperors in 50 years, where only 1 died a natural death.
o External foes = Persians and Germans.
o No rule, insecurity in Roman power, and no security.
o Common people rioted when they didn’t get food or entertainment.
o No reliable succession —> Life and Political uncertainty.
o Army sucked: no discipline, no professionalism, plague created shortage of men.
Barracks Emperors- Put into power by their troops, lasted very briefly. —> Troops only wanted the benefits of having their general as Emperor.
Army became CORRUPT.
o Emperor 285-305AD.
o Ended the Age of Anxiety in Rome.
o He divided the Empire into 2, making it easier to rule.
West=poor, East=rich.
o Got rid of “Barracks Emperors”.
Reestablished the 5 Good Emperors succession method (“Emperor-in-waiting”).
o 312-337AD
o United Western and Eastern Roman Empire.
o Became a Christian after winning a battle and being inspired by a Christian vision.
Battle at Millikan Bridge 312AD.
o Founded a new capital at Byzantium, called it Constantinople.
o There were many different forms of Christianity and he wanted to unify the belief and make it strong.
Led to the creation of the Council of Nicaea 325AD.
• Nicacean creed (Short version = Apostle’s Creed.
• Statement of belief for Christianity —> 3 Gods, 1 Being
o God the Father, Jesus the Son, Holy Spirt (energy, generates faith).
o Made Orthodox (standard Christianity) belief enforced by the State.
5th century AD when Rome falls, ppl who don’t accept the beliefs of the Holy Trinity will be prosecuted by the Eastern Empire.
o Emperor who pacified the Goths by giving them territory in the Balkans.
o 379-395AD.
o Major policy decision during his reign: Make Christianity the official religion to supreme paganism and Christians who didn’t accept the Orthodox belief / Standard definition of who Jesus Christ was.
o Divided the empire between his 2 sons, they competed against each other and used Barbarians as a weapon against the other.
o 1st and most important Emperor of the surviving Byzantium Empire —> Eastern Europe
o 527-565AD.
o Responsible for the revision of the law code of Roman Empire.
_____’s Code / Code of ______.
Preserved Roman law for subsequent European civilizations.
Served as the foundation of law in the West for centuries.
o Under Leo III, religious controversy concerning icons (religious artwork – mosaics, sculptures, paintings).
Artwork represented Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and other religious figures.
o “Icon smashers”.
o Wanted to get rid of the icons because they were afraid people would start worshipping them like pagans and start to believe that there are multiple gods.
Justinian Code
o Drawn up between 528 and 535 AD, by Emperor Justinian.
o Preserved Roman law for subsequent European Civilizations.
o Served as the foundation of law in the west for centuries.
o Under Justinian’s reign, there were riots in the city over the issue of sports and religion.
o Gov. Forces under this general massacred thousands to reassert control.
o Under ____, the vandals of N. Africa were conquered.
o ____ invaded the Southern half of Italy in 536AD, but he couldn’t take over northern Italy.
Saint Cyril
o Monk missionary sent to convert.
o The Byzantines began a missionary program to convert the Slavs to Christianity in the 9th century.
Became the apostles to the Slavs with Methodius
o Developed a written language with Methodius – Old Church Slavic, for Slavic Christians to use.
Cyrillic alphabet was accepted by converts, including Russians.
Russia became Christian in 988AD.
Battle of Manzikert
o 1071AD.
o Occurred during the Christendom split between Roman Catholicism (Rome) and Eastern Orthodoxy (Constantinople).
o Turks became a threat to the empire and rode into Asia Minor and defeated a Byzantine army at this battle.
Gave Turks a foothold in Turkey, and eventually they used this to replace Byzantium to create a new and huge empire.
Great Schism 1054
o Spilt after Basil II’s reign.
o Constantinople and Rome spilt following an issue on whether the Clergy should practice celibacy or not.
In the Western Church, those in holy orders were required to be celibate.
In Orthodoxy, some were allowed to marry.
o East and West argued over the liturgy (the set order of the service) and the nature of the Holy Spirit.
Each side eventually excommunicated (kicked-out) the other side out of the church.
o This split between Roman Catholicism (Rome) and Eastern Orthodoxy (Constantinople).
o East spoke Greek, and West spoke Latin. Division of communication also led to division of the Christian Church.
o Form of heresy.
o Believed Jesus only had ONE identity.
Viewed Jesus as just a rly good man, not DIVINE.
o These people did not accept the the Nicene Creed – God is Holy Trinity.
o This was considered treason under the Byzantium Empire.
____ became anti-Byzantine.
Would suffer persecution in Byzantium.
Basil II “The Bulgar Slayer”
o 1014 AD, defeated Bulgars
Those who were not killed were blinded (couldn’t fight).
o He also conquered the Balkans and pushed the Arabs out of Anatolia and took Antioch.
o He also revised the law code during this period.
Saint Augustine
o Christian Philosopher.
o Known for his philosophy on the City of God.
o Said that all earthly governments pass away, and only the city of god is eternal
City of God
o Idea created by Philosopher St. Augustine that all earthly governments pass away, and only the City of God is eternal.
Harun Al-Rashid
o 786-809
o Referred to as “Aron” by Charlemagne.
Sent Charlemagne an elephant as a gift.
o Baghdad reached its height under this ruler.
Wealth and luxury was very common in Baghdad.
Was a center of learning: Medicine, Mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, and literature flourished.
Dukes and Counts
o Foundation of European nobility.
o Main Military leaders.
o These were the people that the missi dominichi were to keep track of for Charlemagne.
They gained more power and control over the land when King Clovis divided his kingdom between his sons (Frankish custom) after his death.
Missi Dominichi
o During the Frank Empire under King Clovis, Dukes and Counts began to establish more power and control over the land.
o Under Charlemagne he commissioned the ___ ___ to keep track of his main military leaders (aristocrats, AKA dukes and counts).
Charlemagne knew that their military power gave them an advantage and a threat to overthrow him.
Needed to keep tabs on his subordinates to ensure they was no mutany so he used the ___ _____.
Battle of Tours 732
o 720, the Muslims crossed the Pyrenees and began raiding France.
o Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer), Frankish, defeated the Muslims.
Ending Islamic expansion into Europe —> Islam would not threaten Europe from the West.
5 Pillars of Islam
o The basis of the Islamic religion, created by Prophet Muhammad.
Outline these in the Quran.
o Ethics of Islam and 5 things that ALL Muslims should do!
o 1. Faith- Public profession of faith, witness their belief by testifying that “there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet”.
o 2. Prayer- Pray 5 times/day, bowing all the way to the ground and facing Mecca (Origin point of Islam.
o 3. Charity (Zakat)- Obligation to the poor/unfortunate.
o 4. Fasting- During lunar month of Ramadan, All Muslim must abstain from food, water, and sexual relations during daylight hours.
o 5. Pilgrimage (Haji)- Should make a journey/visit to Mecca at least once if possible during their lifetime.
o Similar to Nicene Creed
Nicene Creed
o Short version of this – Apostle’s Creed
o Summarized the Christian position regarding the nature of God (the Holy Trinity), the Virgin birth, and the universal (catholic) nature of the Christian Church.
o 3 Gods – 1 Being
God the Father
Jesus the son
Holy spirt – Energy, generates faith.
o Created by the Council of Nicaea.
St. Benedict
o Established the rules: work prayer, and obedience with St. Basil.
o Muslims who believed the Caliph should be elected at large.
Did NOT have to be a blood relative of Muhammad to be Caliph
o Accepted 1st Caliphs.
Prophet Muhammad
o Initially was a caravan trader.
o Complained that Arabs had forgotten who they were and where they come from.
Social welfare was apart of Arab ethics – take care of elderly, poor, and disabled folks.
Arabs had become selfish.
o Around 40 years old, ___ underwent a religious experience and started to preach that there was only one true god, Allah (Chief God of Arabic polytheists).
Allah brought him visions of what Arabic ppl should do.
o His beliefs led to the creation of the Quran (holy book) and the 5 Pillars of Islam.
Created the Belief of Islam.
o Successor to Muhammad.
o Chosen by the community of believers of Islam (Umma).
Decision was political and religious.
o Leader of Islams after Muhammad had died.
Gregory the Great
o 590-604 AD.
o He was a missionary, pope, theologian, and musician.
o Revised the liturgy (order of the service) of the Catholic Mass, and had it set to music (Gregorian Chant).
o Wrote a number of theologian works and explained purgatory- Wait station for souls, state in which dead souls wait for final judgment.
o Established the doctrine of Papal Supremacy- The Pope’s final judgement in matters of faith was absolute.
o Germanic tribe who moved into Northeastern Gaul (now France).
o Hated Roman culture.
o King of the ____: Clovis 481 AD.
1st of the Kings to become Christian (France is one of the oldest Catholic countries).
Married Catholic and was baptized by the Monks.
Was the ONLY catholic King in Europe at the time.
o ___ish tradition = Divide your empire amongst your sons.
Clovis did this.
o Eventually Charlemagne (Charles the Great) becomes the ruler of the ___