Final Exam Flashcards
- Arrived in Russia in 1223.
o Central Asian group and they were ruthless.
o 1258 – Defeated Abbasid Empire and open land to the Turks.
o 1237 – Hit city of Kiev and burned it to the ground, about 300 church’s destroyed and lots of people were killed.
o Allied with the Turkish Tatars
o Held control of Russia till 1480.
o B/c of their control (and w/o Catholic ethics), Russia didn’t get to share the religious, philosophical, political, literary, artistic, and other developments of Renaissance Europe.
▪Including the emphasis on the individual and the individual’s potential.
Mongol Yoke
o The burden of Mongolian control in Russia.
o Russian were “strapped” to Mongol’s control from 1223-1480.
o Ended when Ivan III defeated the Tatars in 1480.
Ivan I (Ivan Kalita) of Muscovy
o Prince of Moscow.
o Nicknamed “moneybags” for being tax collector for tribute to the Tatars in Muscovy.
o 1328-1341.
o Persuaded head of Orthodox Church in Russia to relocate its headquarters to Moscow after the burning of Kiev.
▪ Made Moscow the seat of religious administration.
o Approached Mongolians w/ a tax to pay them to stop attacking (similar to Ethelred the Unready and the Danegeld).
Ivan III - Ivan the Great
o Ruled from 1462-1505 in Muscovy.
o Defeated Tatars in 1480, ending Mongol yoke.
o Adder of territory: added Novgorod to Muscovy.
▪ Lots of land.
▪ Land = Power..
o Inherited group of Nobles: Boyars – Old Russian nobility.
o Because of land, he needed cooperative group of Nobles to hello him rule: Needed bureaucrats, tax collectors, etc.
▪ Boyars were NOT interested.
▪ So, he created a new order of Nobles: Pomeschiki.
o New Nobles = Service Nobles; served the ruler and were more likely to be his allies.
▪ ____ gave them land and peasants.
▪ Got prestige, authority, and power.
• Enserfment in Russia began.
o 1st to take title of Tsar in Russia.
o Muscovy flourished under him.
o Service Nobles under Ivan III.
o Ivan gifted them with land and peasants b/c they served him.
o Ivan added Novgorod to Muscovy, which meant a lot of land he needed to control and he couldn’t do it alone.
▪ Created ____ to help him rule the land after the Boyars declined the offer
Boyars q
o Old Russian Nobility, in Novgorod, they had to share power with the ruler.
o Oprichnina = territory of theirs.
o Were replaced by Ivan III’s creation of the service nobility after they declined to help Ivan III rule his massive territory after adding Novgorod to Muscovy.
o Black-clad secret police and executioners.
o Were Tatar and German
o During Ivan IV’s Livonian War, Ivan IV attempted to capture the Baltic Coastline.
▪ Russians got whupped by Sweden and Poland.
▪ Ivan IV abdicated (ran away) when shit hit the fan in 1564.
o Ivan IV the Terrible got an army of non-Russian speaking soldiers, dressed them in black and gave them black horses and used them to attack and kill his enemies.
▪ Non-Russian speaking so when the Russians begged for their life they wouldn’t know what they were saying.
▪ Killed off a lot of Boyars and killed the Metropolitan.
▪ In 1569, the entire population of Novgorod was massacred
o Some of the Ottoman Empire’s most famous and effective infantry warriors.
o Murad I and his successor showed themselves to be state builders.
o Ottoman rule periodically swept through a district, recruiting boys of a certain age to become slaves of the Sultan (the ruler).
These boys would go to train for the infantry and other governmental jobs.
Seen as positive - a way for young men and their families to get ahead.
▪ This was the boy levy / devshrime.
▪ Some would become ______.
Mehmet II the Conqueror
o Sultan of Ottoman Empire.
o Took Constantinople in 1453.
o Gifted ruler and soldier.
o Established basic institution of the Empire.
▪ At the top was the Sultan, who would work through a head official, the Grand Vizir, to run the empire.
o Established a system of dealing with other religions – the Millet System.
▪ Created ways for Jews, Greek Orthodox Christians, Muslims, and Armenian Christians to deal w/ the government and run its old communities.
• Had autonomy – Could elect their own leaders and bring problems to the Sultan.
• Had to pay taxes and stay outta trouble though.
Millet System
o Established under Mehmet II in Ottoman Empire.
o A system of dealing with other religions in Empire.
▪ Created ways for Jews, Greek Orthodox Christians, Muslims, and Armenian Christians to deal w/ the government and run its old communities.
• Had autonomy – Could elect their own leaders and bring problems to the Sultan.
• Had to pay taxes and stay outta trouble though
Battle of Mohacs 1526
o Battle where Sultan Suleiman added Hungary to the Ottoman Empire in 1526.
o Under Shah Ismail, the entire state of Iran (Persia) had just converted to Shi’ism.
▪ Meant that the empire was very large and the issues of imperial overstretch arose.
• This battle made it even larger and more difficult.
Henry Tudor (Henry VII)
o Earl of Richmond then became ___ ____
o From Lancastrian family and was offended by the young princes (Edward IV’s sons) disappearances.
o Defeated Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485.
o Established the Tudor Dynasty.
▪ Married Henry VI’s daughter —> Joining the Lancastrians and Yorkists families; creating the new family name: the Tudors.
o Ruled from 1485-1509.
▪ 1st of the Tudors to rule England
o Reformed English law.
o Recruited Englishmen who had property (meaning income) and were educated to be Justices of the Peace’s (JPs) — They were NOT high nobility though.
▪ They reported to the king.
o Encouraged trade, which was stalled during the War of the Roses.
▪ Especially cloth.
▪ With Low Countries.
o Married Elizabeth of York, had lots of kids and also negotiated good marriages for his family, creating alliances and put England back on the map for having royal marriages with other countries.
o Two sons: Henry VIII and Arthur.
▪ Plan: Arthur was to succeed ___ ___ as King and Henry VIII was to be leader of the Church: brothers could control government and religion.
▪ But Arthur died at 1 due to sweating sickness.
Battle of Agincourt
o 1415
o Around 300 Englishmen defeated the French.
▪ English had the longbow.
o Henry V invaded France.
o Branch of royal family.
o Edward III had lots of sons —> descendants of royal family.
▪ Branch vs branch.
▪ _____ vs Yorkists.
o All of the descendants wanted to claim their the rightful king b/c of relation to the late king Edward III.
o Leads to civil war between the royal family over who gets the throne.
▪ The War of the Roses.
▪ Family flags both had the symbol of a rose
o Branch of royal family.
o Edward III had lots of sons —> descendants of royal family.
▪ Branch vs branch.
▪ Lancastrian vs _______.
o All of the descendants wanted to claim their the rightful king b/c of relation to the late king Edward III.
o Leads to civil war between the royal family over who gets the throne.
▪ The War of the Roses.
▪ Family flags both had the symbol of a rose
Richard III
o Brother of Edward IV, served as Regent for Edward’s son.
▪ Young Princes mysteriously disappear, most likely murdered by ____.
▪ Saw the opportunity to be King and took it…
o Became king in 1483.
o Defeated by Henry of Richmond (Henry Tudor, later Henry VII)
▪ Henry was offended by the Young Princes’ disappearances.
▪ Descendant of Lancastrians.
▪ Defeated ____ at the Battle of Bosworth Field.
Battle of Bosworth Field 1485
o Henry VIII defeats Richard III.
o Richard III allegedly killed Edward IV’s young sons and Henry of Richmond (Henry Tudor/Henry VII) was offended by the young boys’ disappearances.
o Henry of Richmond married Henry VI’s daughter, becoming Henry VII. Simultaneously joining the Lancastrians and Yorkists.
▪ Established the Tudor Dynasty becoming Henry Tudor.
The Prince
o Book that stated what you needed to be an effective ruler.
▪ Study of politics as conducted by princes.
o Had nothing to do with religion, just a raw look at the realm of power of politics.
o Said to rule effectively people needed to fear you
Justices of the Peace (JPs)
o Henry VII reformed English law.
o Appointed Englishmen who had property (meaning income) and educated them to be ___ __ __ ___.
▪ Were NOT of high nobility, usually of the gentry.
▪ Job: Carry out King’s law, administer law and enforce King’s rule, especially in the Low Countries.
o Renaissance artist – Painter and sculptor.
o Famous for Statue of David.
Gerolano Savonarola
o Religious reformer in Florence.
▪ Told everyone they were going to go to Hell if they didn’t clean up their act.
o Caused a rebellion against the Medici.
o Burned Florence, burned books, leading to fighting and violence, people died, and Civil War occurred,
o Arrested and executed in 1497
Erasmus of Rotterdom
o Portrait painting by Hans Holbein.
▪ Famous for painted berry individual faces and having attention to detail and accuracy.
▪ Renaissance artist
o Northern Humanist, scholar with language skills.
▪ Retranslated scripture b/c it was wrong.
o Loudly critiqued the Catholic Church
Northern/Christian Humanism
o Italy in 14th/15th centuries was a very urban, less secular place when the Renaissance moved North.
▪ People had a very casual relationship w/ the church.
▪ They took methods and ideas of investigation, going to the source, and figuring things out and applied it to religion.
o Individuals that were very critical of the Church.
o People like Erasmus and Martin Luther split from the Catholic Church.
▪ They emphasized living the godly life and disagreed w/ the Reformation
Philip Macedon
o Christian Humanist scholar who supported the Reformation.
o Great scholar
▪ Professor of Greek, founder of 3 universities and a reformer of 8 unis.
o Eventually left Catholic Church because of Christian humanist views.
Henrician Catholicism
o Henry VIII and 1st wife, Catherine, tried to have a son.
▪ After 6 pregnancies they only could conceive a daughter, Mary à was frail and delicate (not fit to rule).
o Henry VIII starts looking for a new wife to give him a son, falls for Catherine’s maid, Anne Boleyn.
▪ However, Henry VIII was Catholic and they do not divorce!! BUT they can get annulments.
▪ Catherine did not want to be replaced and the Catholic Church resisted against their annulment.
• Mainly b/c in 1527 Rome is sacked by the Holy Roman Empire and the Pope is taken captive.
• Charles V (the HRE) is Catherine of Aragon’s nephew and he is the one holding the Pope, who has the power to annul.
o Charles V knows that Catherine does not want to get an annulment so ofc he helps his auntie.
o Henry VIII and Anne needed to find a way to go around the pope.
▪ Advice from Advisors tell Henry VIII that he was the head of the church in England and he was not bound to Rome.
▪ His soln: Breaks from Rome and keeps the forms of the Catholic Church in England but takes it out of the hands of the Pope à Said that the King should be head of Church and Gov.
o When he breaks he gets the church, churches wealth (from its large territories), his annulment, the state, and a new wife.
Elizabeth I
o Daughter of Henry VIII.
o When Henry VIII died in 1547 he left 3 heirs: Edward VI (1st ruler), Mary (2nd ruler), and ____ ___ (3rd ruler).
▪ For about 15 years, every time the ruler of England changed, religion changed with it.
▪ Movement towards Protestantism.
o Under this ruler England became a truly Protestant state when ____ got a council of religious officials of England together to hammer out religious policies and created a new Protestant Church called the Church of England.
▪ Became possible b/c of the Act of Uniformity that made all churches use the same prayer book, the Book of Common Prayer.
• Created the same services everywhere.
• There had been Catholicism, Henrician Catholicism, Zwinglian Protestantism, and Lutherans in England. Now there was just the Church of England.
Church of England
o New Protestant Church of England created by Elizabeth I.
o When Henry VIII died in 1547 he left 3 heirs: Edward VI (1st ruler), Mary (2nd ruler), and ____ ___ (3rd ruler).
▪ For about 15 years, every time the ruler of England changed, religion changed with it.
▪ Movement towards Protestantism.
o Elizabeth I got a council of religious officials together to hammer out religious policies and created the new Protestant Church called ___ ___ ____.
▪ Act of Uniformity- Made all Church in England use the same prayer book, the Book of Common Prayer.
• Created the same services everywhere.
• There had been Catholicism, Henrician Catholicism, Zwinglian Protestantism, and Lutherans in England. Now there was just the ___ ___ ____.
o Territory in Spain w/ many kingdoms.
o In 13th century, many Kingdoms settled into just a few ones: Castile, Aragon, Portugal, and Moorish Kingdoms in the South.
o Aragon - Reputation for raising kings.
o Castile – Rich, kept expanding to the South.
o Granada – South, muslim.
o Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile marry in 1469, tying Spain in one royal family.
▪ They attacked Granada and by 1492, the last of the Moors would be defeated.
• Jews and Moors were effected à This led to Spanish Inquisition, designed to ensure the sincerity of those who converted to Christianity.
o Southern, Muslim Kingdom in South Iberia.
o Attacked by Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile.
▪ By 1492, , the last of the Moors would be defeated.
• Jews and Moors were effected à This led to Spanish Inquisition, designed to ensure the sincerity of those who converted to Christianity.
▪ Joined Granada and Aragon.
o Ferdinand and Isabella worked on trade and economic development.
▪ Their goal was to make Spain a big player in European affairs
Ferdinand and Isabella
o 1469 – These two got married and tied Spain into one royal family.
▪ Joined Aragon and Castile of Iberia.
o They attacked Granada and by 1492, the last of the Moors would be defeated.
▪ Jews and Moors were effected à This led to Spanish Inquisition, designed to ensure the sincerity of those who converted to Christianity.
o They worked on trade and economic development.
▪ Their goal was to make Spain a big player in European affairs.
o During their lives, Castile and Spain were ruled differently.
Charles Hapsburg (emperor Charles V of HRE, Kings Charles I of Spain)
o Became HRE in 1519.
o Inherited a HUGE Empire.
▪ Basically the only thing he doesn’t end up ruling is France and England.
o Took the throne young, a teen.
o Reign began w/ a peasant revolt.
o Spent most of his reign in Germany fighting against the Ottomans.
o Left throne to his son, Philip.
Ludovico Sforza
o Wanted to replace his nephew as Duke of Milan.
▪ Lured Charles VIII of France to invade Italy.
o Once Charles VIII was in Italy, he double crossed him and joined an alliance against France, but Italy lost out.
Louis XII
o Succeeded Charles VIII of France.
o No one expected him to be King, but Charles VIII left no sons to the throne.
▪ Sort of a Henry VII for France.
o He respected the rights of the Nobility, which made them support him.
o Reformed the legal system, had customary laws codified, reduced taxes, and improved administration.
o Conducted a treated w/ HRE and renewed the old alliance w/ Scotland.
o Took his rebuilt army to battle and captured Duke of Milan, Sforza and imprisoned him in France.
Martin Luther
o German Monk.
o Began the process that would create the reformation.
o Portrait drawn by Lucas Cranach – Made him fluffy to look more important, he actually was really skinny.
o His father, who was a manual laborer (miner), sent him to university.
▪ His father wanted him to become a lawyer. Instead, he became a monk.
o Joined the monks of the Augustinian order who gave him more education.
▪ Became a college professor of Bible studies.
▪ He also began to worry about his own salvation.
o Determined that the Catholic Church’s pathway to salvation was WRONG!
▪ After reading the letters from St. Paul to the Romans he discovered that salvation doesn’t come from what you do, but rather something that comes from your faith in God, and then God’s grace grants you w/ salvation.
o Priesthood of all believers – The relationship between God and believers is more direct because priests are no longer needed to administer sacraments because it is all based on scripture.
▪ Pastors do not bring salvation, faith in God does.
o Concerned about the selling of indulgences, guaranteed your sins were forgiven.
o 1517- Published 95 Theses.
▪ Criticisms of Catholic Church because of the Popes licensed selling of indulgences.
▪ 95 statements/arguments why the Church is wrong.
o Started a religious protest in early 16th century
o 1521- HRE, Charles V summoned ___ to the City of Worms to be questioned before the Emperor.
▪ Charles declared him an outlaw (anyone could murder him) and a heretic/.
▪ Fortunately Frederick the Wise of Saxony rescued him and hid him in his tower.
• ___ could write and think here.
o Laid out the foundations of modern Protestantism.
o Died in his own bed somehow.
Augsburg Confession
o Perhaps the most fundamental statement of Martin Luther’s ideas.
o Penned by Philip Melancthon.
95 Theses
o October 31, 1517.
o Statements/arguments against the Catholic Church written by Martin Luther.
o Criticisms of Catholic Church because of the Popes licensed selling of indulgences.
o Challenge/debate against religious ideas concerning the sell of indulgences.
▪ Indulgences – Guaranteed that your sins (especially minor ones) were completely forgiven.
▪ Used for live and dead ppl.
o Luther said the nature of salvation came from faith, which came from God’s grace.
▪ Not from the Pope.
o Guaranteed forgiveness of sins from Catholic Church.
o Granted by Pope, granted salvation.
o People could donate to Church out of gratitude, leading to the sell of these.
▪ People started to wonder what would happen to their dead loved ones who
couldn’t be forgiven/confess their sins on deathbed.
o Challenged by Martin Luther in his 95 Theses.
Frederick the Wise of Saxony
o Prince, head of the state of Saxony.
o Rescued Martin Luther after HRE Charles V declared him a heretic and an outlaw (anyone could murder him).
o Hid Luther in his castle in Wartburg and allowed him to think and write there.
o Produced by John Calvin’s theology.
o Calvin was a French Monk
▪ Qualified as a lawyer (his dad wanted him to be one – Like Martin Luther.
▪ But he entered the priesthood.
o In 1533 he started showing interest in the reformation, influenced by the importance of grace.
▪ Thought that salvation only came to very few.
o Wrote The Institutes of the Christian Faith.
▪ Written in Basel, Switerzland.
• After he had fled from France after outing himself as a Protestant and being met with violence from Catholic Church.
o King Francis I was willing to execute Protestants after the Affair of Placards.
▪ Later added Predestination (doctrine) to book – God already knows who will be damned and who will be saved/be chosen (the elect).
▪ Believed in putting everything in God’s hands – Philosophy of Presbyterians, Puritans.
▪ Man’s fate is predetermined.
The Institutes of the Christian Faith
o Written by John Calvin in Basel, Switerzland.
▪ After he had fled from France after outing himself as a Protestant and being met with violence from Catholic Church.
• King Francis I was willing to execute Protestants after the Affair of Placards.
o John Calvin’s basic religious statement.
o Held that man is utterly worthless in the sight of God, saved only by grace.
▪ Man does not deserve grace, but God grants it to only a few.
o Late added his theory of Predestination.
▪ Later added Predestination (doctrine) to book – God already knows who will be damned and who will be saved/be chosen (the elect).
▪ Believed in putting everything in God’s hands – Philosophy of Presbyterians, Puritans.
▪ Man’s fate is predetermined.