Unit 3 Day 8 (Thur 4/30) Flashcards
Interstitial Lung Diseases
- UIP- usual interstitial pneumonia
- NSIP- non specific interstitial pneumonia
- HP- hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Usual Interstitial Pneumonia
- patchy heterogeneous fibrosis by collagen fibroblastic foci
- honeycomb cystic changes worse in lower lobes
- affects alveolar septa (interstitium)
Non Specific Interstitial Lung Disease
- uniform inflammation in septa (cellular), uniform fibrosis of septa (fibrotic), or both
- few if any fibroblastic foci
- little if any honeycomb change
- affects alveolar septa
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
- airway centered chronic inflammation
- non-necrotizing granulomas
- focal organizing pneumonia
- variable fibrosis
- response to foreign antigens (birds, mold, hot tub mycobacteria)
Thromboembolic Disease
- organizing fibrin clots in pulmonary arteries
- may be in situ (thrombus) or travel to the lung from elsewhere (embolism)
- affects vessels
Talc Embolism
- polarized crystals around vessels
- may include foreign body multinucleated giant cells
- usually from IV drug use
- talc particles very visible under polarized light
- affects vessels
Pulmonary Hypertension
- muscular hypertrohpy of pulmonary arteries
- muscularization of arterioles
- some forms may have plexiform lesions (artery lumen replaced by endothelial proliferation with numerous tangled slit-like lumens)
- affects vessels
- inflammation in the vessel wall
- often with alveolar hemorrhage
- may be autoimmune of infection
- affects vessels
Sarcoid/Chronic Beryllium Disease
- both have same appearance
- well formed non-necrotizing granulomas
- concentric collagen deposition
- lymphatic distribution
- affects nodules
Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
- langerhans histiocytes (CD1a/S100 positive)
- variable inflammation including eosinophils
- fibrotic phase: stellate scar around airway
- usually smoking related if lung limited
- affects nodules
- nests and ribbons of neuroendocrine cells with powdery salt and pepper chromatin
- stain positive for neuroendocrine markers
- usually indolent but may act in a malignant fashion particularly if there is nuclear atypia, high mitotic rate, or necrosis
- affects nodules
Small Cell Carcinoma
- Small, blue, easily crushed cells with scant cytoplasm
- stain positive for neuroendocrine markers
- high mitotic rate and abundant necrosis
- affects nodules
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- large polygonal cells with hyperchromatic (dark) nuclei and abundant cytoplasm
- rarely have prominent nucleoli
- may be keratinizing and form keratin pearls
- affects nodules
- cells with large nuclei, large nucleoli, and variable amounts of cytoplasm
- form gland-like structure
- if cells only line septa and do not invade, considered in situ
- affects nodules
Large Cell Carcinoma
-large, sometimes bizarre appearing malignant cells that lack the typical features of either adenocarcinomas or squamous cell carcinomas
Airway Diseases of the Bronchi
-acute bronchitis
-chronic bronchitis
Airway Diseases of the Bronchioles
- chronic bronchiolitis
- follicular bronchiolitis
- constrictive and obliterative bronchiolitis
- granulomatous bronchiolitis
Diseases of the Airspaces
- acute pneumonia
- aspiration pneumonia
- eosinophilic pneumonia
- organizing pneumonia
- diffuse alveolar damage
- emphysema
- respiratory bronchiolitis
- desquamative interstitial pneumonia
- pink, thickened submucosal lamina
- esoinophilic inflammation
- mucus hypertension
- smooth muscle hyperplasia
- mainly affects bronchi
Acute Pneumonia
-neutrophils in airspaces
Aspiration Pneumonia
- foreign material in airspaces
- may also have multinucleated giant cells
Eosinophilic Pneumonia
-eosinophils, macrophages, and fibrin in airspaces
Organizing Pneumonia
- fibroblast plugs in airways and airspaces
- patchy but may be densely consolidating
- may also include small amounts of fibrin
- also known as BOOP and COP
- enlarged airspaces
- broken alveolar septa
- subpleural blebs
- smoking related emphysema is worse in the upper lobe
- alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency associated emphysema is worse in the lower lobes