Unit 3: Competence Based management Flashcards
what is Boyatzis (1982) definition of competency?
underlying characteristics (personality traits) causally related to good-excellent performance in a job (observable)
What is Levy-Leboyer (1995) definition of a competency?
set of OBSERVABLE traits causally related to good/ excellent performance in a job
what are the indicators of theory X leadership?
clarify roles & resposnibilities
concrete, realistic goals for members
involve team
What are the 6 indicators of theory Y leadership?
- prioritize & solve requests for help
- Adapt mgmt style to each employee & needs
- teach, train, develop
- Positive/secure climate encouraging free expression
- collaborative DM
- Teamwork
How is competency based M different to classic management?
CBM goes beyond one individual/job (classic focuses on job)
CMB focuses on future (Csc= now)
CBM focuses on strategy (Csc = compliance)
what are 5 methods fo identifying competencies
expert panels
critical incident analysis
other (observation, documentation analysis)
which method of identifying competencies is most fitting when excellent performance in a role is necessary?
Critical incident analysis
How many competencies should you start with? and why?
5 - shouldn’t make it too complex
what is a competency model?
Its the process of identifying competencies & the related behaviours needed to fulful org startegy
what is a competency model used for?
selection, training, career planning, remuneration, performance appraisal
what are the 3 methods of competency models?
single Job CM
One-fits-all M
Multiple poitions M
what is a single-job competency model? which method?
Bhvrs job holders perform to achieve excellence
Method: criticial incident review
This info is the analysed and converted into a CM
what is a one-fits-all model?
Competencies established for wide range of poistiions (managerial)
What is a multiple positions CM?
competencies for all positions in company
what are the 3 phases of developing CM for multiple positions?
- prepare a menu of competencies
- Adapt the CM to specific job positions
- Identify specific technical competencies for each position (optional)