Unit 3 - Chapter 5 of Text - Person-Environment Interactions Flashcards
Who was Kurt Lewin?
- German-American psychologist, known as one of the modern pioneers of social, organizational, and applied psychology in the United States
- Contributions - 3 lenses of analysis:
1) Applied research
2) Action research
3) Group communication
What does equation B = f(P,E) mean?
This equation defines the person-environment interaction and means that behaviour (B) is a function of both the person (P) and the environment (E)
- What this basically means is that behaviour is a combination of a person interacting with their environment
What are some objective aspects of environment?
- Objective aspects of an environment are elements that are measurable, such as crime rate, quality of housing, density of housing etc.
- You may think people are nuts to live in a particular neighbourhood as the crime rate may be higher, but people come into an environment with personal choice and may not always choose an environment that makes sense from an objective standpoint.
- The example given in the book is about people who live in a high crime city such as New York … it would make more objective sense to live in a city with a lower crime rate, but some people really like New York and want to live there.
Define psychosocial
- Relating to the interaction between social factors and individual behaviour.
What is required to understand psychosocial aging? How can this be done?
- Understanding psychosocial aging requires seeing each indivual as a unique person rather than lumping all aging people together
- One way of making sure that we’re not just lumping all seniors together is to examine the person’s realtionship between themselves and their environment
What is competence?
- The upper limit of a person’s ability to function in five domains:
1) Physical health
2) Sensory-perceptual skills
3) Motor skills
4) Cognitive skills
5) Ego strength - These factos are viewed as underlying all other abilities and reflect the biological and psychological forces
What is environmental press?
- Environmental press refers to the physical, interpersonal, or social demands that environments put on people
- Physical demands might include having to walk up 3 flights of stairs to get to your apartment
- Interpersonal demands include having to adjust your behaviour patterns to different types of people
- Social demands include dealing with laws or customs that place certain expectations on people
- These aspects of the theory reflect biological psychological and social forces
- Competence and environmental press change as people move through the life span
- Competence-environmental press framework reflects life-cycle factors as well
- What you are capable of doing as a 4 year old differs from what you can do as a 25 year old, which differs from what you can do as an 80 year old
- The demands put upon you by the environment also change as you age
Provide an outline of the competence and environmental press graph (5.1)
- Low to high competence is represented on the vertical axis and weak to strong environmental press is represented on the horizontal axis
- Points in the figure represent various combinations of the two
- The shaded areas show that adaptive behaviour and positive affect can result from many difference combination of competence and environmental press levels
How is adaptation level defined?
- The area where press level is average for a particular level of competence; this is where behaviour and affect are normal
- Slight increases in press tend to improve performance
- This area on the figure is labeled the zone of maximum performance potential
What is the zone of maximum performance potential?
- When press level is slightly higher, tending to improve performance
What is the zone of maximum comfort?
- When press level is slightly lower, facilitating a high quality of life
- People are able to live happily without worrying about environmental demands
- Combinations of competence and environmental press that fall within either of these two zones result in adaptive behaviour and positive emotion, which translate into a higher quality of life
Graph 5.1
What is the competence-environmental press approach?
- An approach to understanding how people interact with their environments that uses biopsychosocial (a general model stating that biological, psychological (thoughts, emotions, behaviours), and social (socio-economical, socio-environmental, and cultural) factors, all play a role in how humans function in the context of disease or illness.
- Health is best understood in terms of a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors) into the person-environment relationship
How do people deal with changes in their particular combinations of environmental press, such as adjusting to a new living situation, and competence, perhaps due to illness?
When people choose new behaviours to meet new desires or needs, they respond in 2 basic ways:
1) Proactivity
2) Docility
What is proactivity?
When people choose new behaviours to meet new desires or needs, they exhibit proactivity and exert control over their lives.
What is docility?
When people allow the situation to dictate the options they have, they demonstrate docility and have little control
Give an example of proactivity and docility
- Let’s say that a senior is moved to a seniors’ residence … perhaps against their will or without their agreement. If they are proactive, they will get out and meet the other residents, participate in the activities, take meals in the common dining room, etc. If they behave in a docile fashion, they may sit in their room, refuse to meet other residents, won’t join in on the activities, etc.
- The theory says that proactive behaviour tends to come from those with high competence and docile behaviour comes from those with low competence
What relationship is seen between a person’s competence and the degree to which environmental factors will influence them
- The less competent the person is, the greater the impact of environmental factors
- The most competent the person is, the less the impact of environmental factors
What does the concept of proactivity and docility help us predict?
- It helps us understand how well people adapt to various care situations such as adult day care
What is a general rule about competency and the impact of environmental factors?
- The less competnet the person is, the greater the impact of environmental factors.
- To the extent that people experience declines iin health, sensory processes, motor skills, cognitive skills, or ego strength, they are less able to cope with environmental