unit 3 chap 3 management Flashcards
what does management mean
all activities that managers have to perform –> to ensurethe smooth running of the business w/o any disturbance
good managment involves?
invidializing every employee –> maximize their potential + best untiize their unique skills
good mangers improve–> employees satisfaction + development
- get to know their employees personally —-> promotes greater success + productivity
Mention 5 manager roles of Henry Fayol
Define the roles
- good managers think ahead
-senior management establishes over all strategic objs
Then translated into tactical objs for less senior staff
-planning needed to put obj into effect
-in order to create plan—> managers must consider—> firms tangible + non tangible resources + work in progress + trends + future events
Features of good plan
. Unity
. Flexibility
Define the role
-providing everything is imp to a plan of action
- ppl through out business need to be remited carefully + encourager to take some authority + hold some accountability
Define the role
-guiding + leading + overseeing employees
Ensuring organisational goals met
- developing staff —> so that they are motivated to apply all abilities at work
- make sure they are fulfilling obj
Define the role
Goals + Devision of each staff and brach are all put together
- achieving common sense of purpose
- requires all personnel to be aware + understanding of their responsibilities
- resources + activities in org should work in harmony to achcive desired goal
Define role
- managements responsibly to appraise performance in achieving targets + take action if under performance
- imp to provide positive feedback when things going right as well
How do managers contribute to business success?
Mention the key indicting of impact
Managers play very imp told in success of business
- functions and roles suggeted by FAYOL and MINTZBERG suggest significance of thier work
Key indicators of impact made by managers
- business regularly meets obj
- high employee motivation
- high level of customer satisfaction
- high regard from third parties eg stakeholders
- low Labor turnover
What are the 4 imp managerial positions
- directors
- managers
- supervisors
-work representatives
Define the managerial positions
- directors
- senior managers
-elected by office or stakeholders in limited company
- head of major functional dep
- generally responsible for strategic level task in org
- work towards achieving obj of dep set by board of directors
- communicate obj to rest of dep
Define the managerial position
- individuals responsible for ppl + resource’s * decision making
- some authority over staff below then in hierarchy
Define the managerial position
-appointed by management to watch over work of others
-do have responsibility for leading a team working towards preset goals
Define the managerial position
-elected by workers
-work councils or TU reps to discuss areas of common concerns with managers
Mention the 4 management styles
- Laissez faire