Unit 3: Burns: Rehabilitative phase Flashcards
When does the Rehabilitative Phase begin?
- last phase
- begins from the time the patient is admitted to the burn center and may last for several years, even extending beyond discharge
- all members of interprofessional team are essential during this phase
Focuses In the Rehabilitative Phase
- Psychological and emotional support
- Return the patient to his/her highest level of function and mobility
-Psychological and Emotional Support
- may experience PTSD, body image disorder, anxiety, and/or depression
- must include mental health professionals
- may require both emotional and pharmacological interventions for mental health issues
- family members may also be affected by this traumatic experience
Return to highest level of functioning and mobility
- physical and occupational therapists involved; work w/ burn patient immediately upon admission
- range of motion, positioning, splinting, ambulation, and ADLs implemented as soon as the patient is physiologically stable
- once discharged, PT and OT continue at home, at a rehabilitation facility, or in an outpatient setting
Complications of Burns
- Contractures
- Scarring
-permanent tightening of the skin that may involve underlying muscles and tendons and result in limited mobility
Most common method used to prevent the formation of contractures
- most commo method used to prevent contractures
- splints are place by rehabilitation therapists to maintain range of motion and function of the involved joints
- important to employ the use of splints when a burn injury crosses over a major joint, such as elbow or knee
- any area that has been grafted will have some element and degree of scarring
- as burn wounds mature over the course of months to years, hypertrophic scarring can result
- burns to the face and hands that have caused scarring are traumatic to the patient and may result in appearance changes and disfigurement
- as patients progress to discharge, they are measured and fitted for specialty pressure garments; purpose of these is to apply continuous and uniform pressure over the area of burn to prevent hypertrophic scarring
How to prevent hypertrophic scarring?
- as a patient progresses to discharge, they are measured and fitted for specialty pressure garments
- purpose of these is to apply continuous and uniform pressure over the area of burn to prevent hypertrophic scarring
- garments worn 23 hours a day for up to a year or more after injury in some patients
- specialty face masks may also be utilized to help prevent scarring
Nursing Management: Assessment and Analysis
-the rehabilitative phase is the longest and may last several years depending on the TBSA affected, the severity of the burns, and the complexity of the treatments
-patient monitored for infection, nutritional status, and pain
-priorities expand to promoting greater mobility, flexibility, comfort, and psychosocial health
>Nurse observes for:
-limited mobility
-altered/depressed mood
-flat affect
Nursing Diagnoses
- Activity intolerance r/t pain when exercising b/c of burn injury
- Impaired physical mobility r/t pain on movement and potential scar and contracture development
- Disturbed body image r/t altered physical appearance
- Moral distress r/t anticipation of discharge to home and/or a rehabilitation center
Nursing Assessments for the Rehabilitative phase of Burns
- Pain level; pain can affect participation in physical activities, further complicating recovery
- Range of motion
- Compliance w/ treatment and rehabilitation regimen
- Assess readiness for integration into society
Nursing Assessments for the Rehabilitative phase of Burns
- Pain level; pain can affect participation in physical activities, further complicating recovery
- Range of motion
- Compliance w/ treatment and rehabilitation regimen
- Assess readiness for integration into society
Nursing Actions
- Splinting and encouragement of rehabilitation exercises and ADLs
- Include psychology in patient treatment decisions
- Provide community resources for support upon discharge, including psychological support
Nursing Teachings
- Teach patient and family members the importance of and how to apply pressure garments and/or face masks; prevents hypertrophic scarring
- Teach patient and family about burn prevention, sun protection, and prevention of hyperthermia; patients with burns may be lacking sweat glands, and new ski and/or grafted skin is sensitive to sunlight
Evaluating Care Outcomes
- the focus during the rehabilitative phase is to return the patient to the highest functioning level
- outcomes: pain management, prevention of complications, improvements in mood, and increasing independence with ADLs
- nurse assists and encourages patients during physical and occupational therapy treatment regimens
- important for family and patient to verbalize and demonstrate understanding of therapy routines b/c noncompliance can quickly lead to contractures and loss of function
- nurse works closely with patient and psychologist to manage and deal with the possible psychological sequelae, which may include body image disorder, nightmares, and PTDS