Unit 3 - Atomic Structure and Properties Flashcards
UV wavelengths
10 nm
Visible wavelengths
390 nm (purple) to 760 nm (red)
Infrared wavelengths
10 000 nm
Electromagnetic spectrum
radio waves - microwaves - infrared - visible - ultraviolet - X-rays - gamma rays
Continuous spectra
results when the gas pressures are higher;
emission spectrum in which the lines overlap with each other and cannot be distinguised
Line spectra
spectra that appears as specific discrete lines;
may be emission or absorption;
produced by passing electrical or thermal energy through gases
Photoelectric effect
using small frequency (low energy), no electrons are ejected even after increasing intensity;
using large frequency (high energy), electrons were ejected but no additional ones after increasing intensity
Louis deBroglie
proposed that all particles (including electrons) would also display wave properties;
massive particles have a short wavelength;
small particles have a longer wavelength
regions where there is a high probability of finding an electron;
has a high charge density
Principal quantum number
describes how far the orbital extends from the nucleus;
denotes a shell;
values = 1 to infinity
Orbital angular momentum quantum number
second quantum number;
denotes a subshell within a shell and describes the shape of the orbital;
values = 0 to n-1
Magnetic quantum number
third quantum number;
describes the direction the orbital faces
values = - l to +l
Electron spin quantum number
fourth quantum number;
does not apply to orbitals, but to electrons within the orbitals;
denotes the spin of the electron;
values = -1/2 or +1/2
Diamagnetic vs. paramagnetic
diamagnetic = paired; paramagnetic = unpaired
Appearance of s, p, and d orbitals
s orbital = sphere;
p orbital = dumbbells;
d orbital = propellors