Unit 3 Anatomy Lachmans Flashcards
Which axillary lymph nodes are in the most likely pathway of lymphatic drainage from the breast?
The anterior nodes receive the initial drainage, and these nodes drain to the central and apical nodes.
What three nerves pass through the axilla and are most sus- ceptible to injury in an axillary node dissection, and what do these nerves innervate?
Long thoracic nerve lies against the medial wall of the axilla
Thoracodorsal nerve lies against the posterior wall of the axilla
Intercostobrachial nerve traverses the axilla from medial to lateral and provides sensory innervation to the medial arm
Why is a dye injected into the region of the breast tumor before a sentinel lymph node biopsy is done?
The dye is picked up by the lymphatic system and will travel to the axillary lymph node or nodes to which the tissue around the tumor drains.
This is allows identifi cation of the fiirst lymph nodes to which cancer cells from the tumor would metastasize.
The biopsy of this node then provides
a good indication of whether there has been any metastasis of the cancer from the breast to the axilla.
What muscles form the walls of the axilla?
Anterior wall= Pectoralis major/ Minor
Posterior wall = Subscapularis, teres
major, and latissimus dorsi
Medial Wall- serratus anterior
What is the role of the parasternal lymph nodes in the lymphatic drainage from the breast?
Lymphatic drainage from the medial portion of the breast goes to the parasternal lymph nodes (anterior intercostal spaces near the internal thoracic
Nodes drain to the supraclavicular nodes.
What is the functional and structural unit of the lung?
functional and structural unit of the lung is the bronchopulmonary segment
- Region of a lobe that is supplied by one segmental (tertiary) bronchus and one segmental branch of a pulmonary artery.
Why is an aspirated foreign body more likely to pass into the right main bronchus than the left
At the tracheal bifurcation, the right = more vertical and is wider.
At what point does the common aerodigestive tract divide into separate airway and digestive tracts?
Oropharynx is a common aerodigestive tract.
C4 vertebra, the opening into the larynx is the upper end of the dedicated airway, and the laryngopharynx is dedicated as a food pathway.
The larynx continues downward as the trachea, and the laryngopharynx continues as the esophagus.
What vascular structures are used surgically as landmarks to identify the boundaries between bronchopulmonary segments
Branches of the lobar pulmonary veins lie in the connective tissue planes between adjacent bronchopulmonary segments.
What is the role of the soft palate during swallowing?
During swallowing, the soft palate is elevated to occlude the opening between the nasopharynx and the oropharynx.
prevents food in the oropharynx from passing upward into the nasopharynx when the pharynx constricts
What is the piriform recess, and what is its role in swallowing?
Recess is that portion of the laryngopharynx that is postero-
lateral to the larynx. During swallowing, food is diverted from the midline by the epiglottis and directed into the piriform recesses.
From there, it returns to the midline to enter the esophagus. this is pathway keeps the food out of the airway
What is the role of the vocal folds in the cough reflex?
Supraglottic mucosa is stimulated, the vocal folds adduct to close the glottis. This prevents a foreign body from entering the infraglottic space.
With the glottis closed, the intrathoracic pressure is increased by contraction of abdominal muscles.
When the pressure gradient between the infraglottic space and the supraglottic vestibule is high enough, the vocal folds rapidly abduct to open the glottis, and a high-velocity blast of air moves upward to clear the vestibule
What four congenital defects are found in tetralogy of Fallot?
Pulmonary stenosis
Overriding aorta
Ventricular septal defect
Right ventricular hypertrophy
What embryonic structure is responsible for the formation of the ascending aorta and the pulmonary trunk?
Aorticopulmonary septum forms in the truncus arteriousus and divides it into the ascending aorta and the pulmonary trunk