Unit 3 - AG Governance Flashcards
Who was the first African American to hold ministerial credentials with the newly formed AG?
Ellsworth S. Thomas
Who composed 600 songs making an impact on AG music?
Thoro Harris
What concept deceived some in the AG into diversifying their churches?
“Separate but equal “
Who was instrumental in writing the resolution on racism?
David W. Searles
Spencer Jones founded the National Black Fellowship, which was committed to
community transformation.
What practice brought repentance and forgiveness during the Memphis Miracle gathering?
Foot washing
What new multifamily Fellowship replaced the PFNA?
PCCNA-“Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches of North America “
Challenged by racial division, those who were part of the Memphis Miracle desired to
covenant together in the ongoing task of racial reconciliation.
In 2009, Zollie Smith, the first African American to hold an executive leadership position, was elected as
director of AG U.S. Missions.
In 2017, Samuel Huddleston was elected as
African-American executive presbyter.
Hispanic, Black, and ethnic minorities are fueling
growth and vitality of the AG.
What contributed to the AG’s membership increase during a time of denominational/fellowship decline?
The vigorous growth of ethnic fellowships
The growing importance of ethnic minorities is reflected in increased
AG leadership.
What offices serve as liaison between the national office and ethnic minority and immigrant ministries, churches, and fellowship groups?
Office of Hispanic Relations and Office of Ethnic Relations
The growth of minority adherents in the AG in the twenty-first century is largely due to which two factors?
Immigration and missions
In 1921 the AG adopted the indigenous church principle as its official missions strategy, in order to
carry out world evangelism.
Advancing technology is bringing which two changes?
Many ministries have regular podcasts and videos.
What are some ways in which technological advances have revolutionized the AG?
Financial transactions and curriculum and other resources can be securely accessed online.
What is a statement of purpose that was added by General Superintendent George O. Wood?
Which AG program at the national level partners with missionaries and national churches to restore community health?
Compassion Link
AGTrust’s three key iniatives are to
plant churches, strengthen existing churches, and increase Bible engagement
What three programs implement AGTrust’s three initiatives?
The Church Multiplication Network, the Acts 2 Journey, and the Bible Engagement Project
The Church Multiplication Network has positively impacted communities around America by
launching thousands of new churches and training thousands of churches leaders.
The Church Multiplication Network views the Church as an important part of the community because
it impacts and revitalized it’s community