Unit 1 - AG Governance Flashcards
What major spiritual event began less than twenty years after the end of the American Revolution?
The Second Great Awakening
According to the author, which of the following post-Civil War crisis points is still relevant in today’s society?
Decline of public morality
Restorationism is the
restoration of Christianity as demonstrated by the apostles.
What was a major influence of the Holiness Movement on the AG?
The emphasis on the tradition of valuing spiritual experience
Parham described the additional tenet of belief he added to the Pentecostal Movement as:
“the baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire.”
Parham concluded that speaking in tongues was the initial physical evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit because he
studied the Bible directly in order to establish his theology.
Before he went on a three-day ministry trip, Parham directed his students to
study the book of Acts regarding the “biblical evidence “ of the “Apostolic baptism. “
What was the significance of Parham’s book, A Voice Crying in the Wilderness, to the Pentecostal Movement?
It was the first defense of the young movement.
Name the first African American who was baptized in the Holy Spirit in one of Parham’s meetings.
Lucy Farrow
Which of the following difficulties did Seymour encounter early in his life?
Racial hostility
What was Parham’s reaction to the Azusa revival services that greatly affected his relationship with Seymour?
He voiced his disapproval for the unintelligible “babble.”
What was G.B. Cashwell’s reaction to the racial bigotry in his previous ministry?
He repented and died to it.
Pentecostal meetings
included personal involvement through testimonies, prayer, and gifts of the Spirit.
Name an area in which the Pentecostal Movement was egalitarian in nature, and a person of historical significance in that area.
Age equality–J. Roswell Flower, twenty-six years old as the first secretary of the new AG
In what way were the Pentecostals different than society at large?
Pentecostals had a diverse, multi racial, and multiethnic flavor.
Describe the role one Hispanic played in the Pentecostal Movement in the early 1900s.
Antonio Rios Morin got saved, healed of war wounds, and filled with the Holy Spirit in one service. He became an evangelists to the Mexican people.
In what ways was God’s presence evident to those who attended early Pentecostal gatherings?
Some attendees fell on their faces under conviction; others sat in reverent silence or raised their voices in praise.
Key characteristics of Pentecostal people that contributed to the success of the movement included fervently, faith, openness to the new, and
an awareness of holiness.
List the four core tenets of the AG.
Salvation, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Divine Healing, and Second Coming
Detect one weakness of the early Pentecostal Movement
The Pentecostal Movement grew outside of the scope of a central leader.
How did John Alexander Dowie illustrate the danger of unaccountability?
He built a utopian Christian city where people were required to live by his interpretation of biblical standards.
Identify the challenges missionaries faced in the early years.
It was difficult for the missionaries to go to the field because they had no network of support.