Unit 3 Flashcards
Discovered the law of effect
The law of effect stated
Organisms learn through the consequences of their actions
Experimental analysis of bx
B. F. Skinner
Discovered many principles of operant conditioning.
B. F. Skinner
Radical behaviorism
B. F. Skinner
Verbal behavior
B. F. Skinner
Private events
B. F. Skinner
Wrote behavior of organisms
B. F. Skinner
Wrote walden two
B. F. Skinner
It is a descriptive term and NOT an explanation
Contingency btw the response and the consequence must exist
Environmental change that must happen immediately after the response
Environmental change which follows a response and decreases the future frequency of that behavior
An environmental change in which a stimulus is added or magnified following a response, which increases or maintains the future occurrence of that behavior
Positive reinforcement
A stimulus that when presented following a response increases or maintains the future frequency of that behavior. Includes tangibles, attention, and activities
Positive reinforcer
What is reinforcing at one time for an organism may not be reinforcing at other times (depends on establishing/motivating operations
Reinforcer shift
The value of a reinforcer depends on __________ ________ that are available for the same behavior and for competing behaviors
Competing reinforcers
The reinforcer may effectively reinforce one response and not reinforce a different response. The amount of ______ involved in responding is often a determining factor.
If the opportunity to engage in a preferred or high probability behavior is made contingent on engaging in a less preferred bx, the future frequency of the less preferred bx will increase.
Premack principle
A stimulus that is usually reinforcing without any prior learning, due to phylogenic provenance
Primary reinforcers – ie food water sex
Unconditioned reinforcer
S^R+ or S^R-
operant conditioning
acts on the environment and results from movements of the skeletal frame (striated muscles)
operant behavior
stimulus or event that occurs after a response
environmental change which follows a response and increases or maintains the future frequency of that behavior
consequence reinforces responses NOT organisms
a stimulus that initially has no innate reinforcing properties, but acquires reinforcing properties through pairing with unconditioned reinforcers or strongly conditioned reinforcers
conditioned reinforcer
Sr+ or Sr-
a conditioned reinforcer that has been paired with a variety of other reinforcers and which is effective for a wide range of behaviors
generalized conditioned reinforcers
less susceptible to the effects of deprivation and satiation. EX: praise, money, tokens
generalized conditioned reinforcers
an environmental change in which a stimulus is subtracted (removed/attenuated following a response, which increases or maintains future frequency of that behavior
An irritant/aversive antecedent condition must exist!!
Negative Reinforcement
a bx that terminates an aversive stimulus; thus it is maintained by negative reinforcement
terminates or delays a warning stimulus (a conditioned aversive stimulus whose presence is correlate with the upcoming onset of an unconditioned aversive stimulus)
attn, edibles given by someone else, tangibles given by someone else, given access to a preferred activity
socially-mediated positive reinforcement
escape from task, having to comply with request, setting, people
socially-mediated negative reinforcement
self access to edibles, tangibles, access to preferred activity, proprioceptive feedback
automatic positive reinforcement
escape from pain/discomfort, escape from task, having to comply with request, setting, people
automatic negative reinforcement
the process by which a previously reinforced behavior is weakened by withholding reinforcement
operant extinction
an environmental change in which a stimulus is added (presented) or magnified following a response, which decreases the future frequency of that bx
positive punishment
a stimulus that when presented following a response decreases the future frequency of that behavior
positive punisher
a stimulus that usually is punishing without any prior learning; that is, due to phylogenic provenance
unconditioned punisher
a stimulus that initially has no punishing properties, but acquires them through pairing with unconditioned punishers; that is due to ontongenic provenance
Conditioned punisher
an environmental change in which a stimulus is subtracted (withdrawn, removed) or attenuated following a response, which decreases the future frequency of that behavior (appetitive condition whose removal would be punishing has to exist)
negative punishment
a type of negative punishment procedure in which a response starts a timer; while the time is running; the organism cannot access reinforcers
time-out form positive reinforcement
the process by which a previously punished behavior is strengthened by withholding punishment
recovery from punishment
consists of two operations: reinforcement and extinction (not reinforcing)
differential reinforcement
reinforce some responses and not reinforcing and other responses. leads to differentiation.
differential reinforcement
consists of reinforcing a response when certain stimuli are present and not reinforcing the the same response wen those stimuli are not present
S-R-S contingency that leads to differentiation (different stimuli)
the differential reinforcement of successive approximation to a target behavior
leads to differentiation and is used to establish a novel topography or dimension fo a behavior
when a behavior is no longer reinforced, it will immediately and temporarily increase in frequency, duration, and intensity before it decreases
extinction burst
the reinforcer is withheld (not presented)
extinction of behavior maintained through positive reinforcement
the aversive antecedent stimulus is NOT withdrawn (not terminated or removed)
extinction of behavior maintained through negative reinforcement
masking the sensory consequences of the bx (padding the table for head banging)
sensory extinction
the procedure of non-reinforcement of a previously reinforced behavior
the process in which, when an operant behavior has ceased following extinction, the behavior may reoccur at a later time in the same circumstance in which it was previously reinforced
spontaneous recovery
reinforcement works without any need for verbal-mediation
automaticity of reinforcement
we cannot refer to hypothetical constructs such as expectancy, understanding, knowing, and awareness
automaticity or reinforcement
an environmental change that follows a response which decreases the future frequency of that bx