Unit 3&4 - Exercise Physiology Flashcards
vasodilation and vasoconstriction
If the body needs to lose heat, vasodilation (blood vessels
to the skin surface increase their diameter) takes place, increasing blood flow to the skin so heat loss can occur via sweating
If the body is trying to retain heat, vasoconstriction (blood vessels to the skin decrease their diameter) occurs and less blood is sent to the skin surface so heat loss is minimized. Vasoconstriction can result in a loss of fine motor skills.
CONDUCTION and factors
Heat exchanged by 2 objects in contact
Factors that determine rate at which conduction occurs:
Difference in temp between 2 surfaces (heat flows from hot to cold)
Surface area (↑SA→ ↑ heat loss)
Thermal conductivity of material (metal – good conductor of heat)
Heat exchange by contact with a fluid that is flowing
This will occur when heat is carried away from body by air or water currents.
Radiation occurs when heat is transferred from a warmer body to the cooler surroundings without physical contact
Is the cooling of the body as a result of the vaporisation of sweat
Evaporation of sweat on skin creates cooling effect
As a result, the cooled skin cools the blood travelling to the skin’s surface, maintaining the body’s core temperature
- Evaporation is most effective in dry conditions
As humidity increases, evaporation becomes less effective
- 100% humidity results in no heat loss via evaporation as sweat cannot be evaporated off the skin if the surrounding air is already saturated.
- Body will continue to sweat but no heat loss occurs and core temperature will rise. Dehydration becomes a problem due to large volume of fluid being lost from the body.
Rate of sweating dependent on;
Gender (male more than female)
Number of sweat glands
Body surface area (↑SA = ↑ sweat)
How fit you are (↑fitness = ↑ sweat if all other factors are equal e.g. body SA)
Excessive sweating leads to a loss of body fluids and when level of fluid drops, body’s core temp↑.
It is this gradual dehydration which leads to heat exhaustion and heatstroke
The body’s preferred mechanism of heat loss is dependent upon the following 3 factors;
Ambient temperature – if above the body’s core temperature, then evaporation is the only method of heat loss. Other methods will result in heat gain.
Forced convection – heat loss via convection will occur if it is windy.
Barriers to convection – clothing will minimise the effect of convection as it will insulate the boundary layer of air.
Temperature radiating surfaces – light clothing will not absorb as much heat as dark clothing
Relative humidity – if 100%, no heat loss via evaporation.
The body’s preferred mechanism of heat loss is dependent upon the following 3 factors;
Children don’t sweat as much as their sweat glands are not as developed as adults
The body’s preferred mechanism of heat loss is dependent upon the following 3 factors;
Rate of heat production (how much work the athlete is performing)
Hydration state – will determine rate of evaporation as a reduction in plasma volume leads to a decrease in sweat rate
Heart rate (HR) Stroke Volume (SV) Cardiac Output (Q)
the number of times the heart beats per minute
the amount of blood ejected from the heart each beat
the amount of blood circulating around the body every minute = HR * SV
Double heat load
situation where the body is forced to deal with 2 forms of heat (metabolic heat and environmental heat)
As a result this double heat load creates competition for blood flow
- Muscles and vital organs require blood flow to sustain energy metabolism
- Skin blood flow required to transport heat out to environment to keep core temperature cool. This blood flow cannot deliver its oxygen to the working muscles, impacting on performance.
Cardiovascular drift (cardiac drift)
when heart rate increases in an attempt to maintain cardiac output caused by a decrease in stroke volume
When exercising in the heat, the body directs blood flow to the skin and away from the working muscles to increase heat loss via evaporation
An ↑ in sweat rate → ↓ blood plasma volume.
As a result CARDIOVASCULAR DRIFT occurs;
In an attempt to maintain cardiac output, HR increases.
This increase in HR is relatively smaller than the decrease in SV, therefore cardiac output is reduced.
As a result, skin blood flow ↓ (cooling mechanism) and oxygen sent to working muscles is also reduced, placing extra strain on the body to maintain exercise levels.
A reduction in blood flow to the working muscles increases production of lactic acid
A reduction in blood flow to the skin reduces the rate of sweating, inhibiting the body’s ability to lose heat via evaporation. These changes lead to a rise in core temperature and negatively affect performance
- occurs when the amount of water leaving the body is greater than the amount being taken in
Heat related injuries are progressive – they occur in a certain order.
Stage 1 – Dehydration occurs when fluid replacement does not match fluid loss.
Stage 2 – Heat exhaustion occurs when the dehydrated athlete continues to exercise and continues to sweat thereby losing more fluid. If the athlete fails to replace the fluid lost through sweating, he risks moving to stage =
Stage 3 – Heat stroke occurs when the body stops sweating resulting in the core temperature rising to dangerous, life threatening levels, caused by a lack of evaporative cooling. It is a form of hyperthermia.
explanation summarises the process of heat stress occurring to an athlete exercising in very hot conditions (40°C);
At rest in the heat, conduction, convection and radiation all become methods of heat gain.
As a result HR and SV ↑ to allow the body to send more blood to the skin, creating a cooling effect via evaporation
Commence exercise – HR and SV continue to ↑ as the body must also send blood to the working muscles
Whilst exercising, core body temp starts to↑ which places extra strain on the body’s cooling mechanism – the hotter it is, the more dependant the body is on evaporation
A hot ambient and core temperature creates a double heat load
Players drink fluid in an attempt to remain hydrated
As exercise continues, player continues to drink, however fluid loss > fluid intake resulting in dehydration occurring
Dehydration results in a loss of plasma volume. This affects the amount of blood which can be delivered around the body
As blood volume , the body must try and maintain cardiac output (Q) to ensure enough blood is still sent to the working muscles and skin
HR ↑, however this increase is not as big as the SV. Subsequently, Q leading to less blood flow to the working muscles and the skin
This leads to a reduced performance and an ↑ core body temp – headache, dizziness, nausea
With continued exercise, further sweat loss occurs leading to severe dehydration
With Q, body must now make a decision
Send blood to the working muscles and vital organs?
Send blood to the skin for cooling?
The body chooses muscles and vital organs leading to reduced heat loss via evaporation (dry skin). As a result core temperature rises placing the athlete at extreme risk of unconsciousness, coma or even death if exercise continues
Involves increasing the body’s fluid stores by consuming extra fluid prior to an event.
1L prior to exercise recommended
600ml 3 – 4 hours before the game
400ml just prior to the game to prime the stomach m
An abnormally low concentration of sodium (salt / electrolytes) in the blood.
When a person sweats profusely for an extended period of time, drinking too much water can cause problems because the body is losing salt and water in the sweat, but only the water is being replaced
4 ways sports drinks are affective SPORTS DRINKS
Taste good meaning athlete wants to drink more
Provide athlete with rapid supply of energy (high GI) and assist in glycogen sparing
Replace lost electrolytes (particularly effective in ultra endurance activities where massive amounts of sweat loss and electrolyte loss occurs)
Rehydrate the performer
Heat acclimatisation and HOW TO ACCLIMATISE;
when heat tolerance is improved by repeated exposure to hot environments.
The first sessions of heat acclimatisation should last for 15-20 minutes and be combined with light to moderate activity.
It should increase to 45-60min daily for approx 8-9 days with an increase in exercise intensity & duration.
5-10 days living and training in heat is recommended
Should be completed 4-6weeks prior to competition and then 2* per week leading up to competition to maintain benefits
↑ blood plasma volume
↑ Sweat rate (sweat glands ↑ size)
Start sweating at lower core temperature
Sweat becomes more dilute & is distributed over the body more effectively – keeps salt in the body
Heat acclimatised athletes exercise with lower core and skin temperatures due to sweating adaptations
Increased blood volume to allow for increased sweating
Humidity define and it will;
Defined as the amount of water vapor that exists in the air
Increase sweat rate
Increase fluid loss
Decrease the effectiveness of cooling via evaporation
Decrease performance, particularly aerobic performance.
Wind chill
is the apparent temperature felt on the skin due to the combination of wind and ambient temperature.
Wind increases the loss of heat via convection as it constantly removes the layer of warm air around the body and the body cools rapidly.
Hypothermia occurs when the body’s temperature falls below 35°C.
Experiment with length of warm up
Experiment with layered clothing
Psychological acclimatisation
Ensure adequate fluid replacement as water loss will be increased via the need to humidify dry, cold air before it enters the lungs
when at ALTITUDE
At altitude, there is a reduction in the pressure of oxygen entering the lungs. This reduces the pressure differential between the alveoli and the capillaries with the result being less oxygen diffusing from the alveoli into the blood.
Altitude acclimatisation describes the improved physiological response to altitude hypoxia
This involves daily intermittent exposure to artificial altitude environments whilst maintaining normal training intensities
This method is seen to be more beneficial as it allows players to maintain their training intensity whilst still getting the added benefit of altitude exposure and its associated physiological adaptations.
Athletes lives at altitude to achieve physiological benefits of decrease in 02 concentration and trains at altitude to obtain adaptations
As a result, reduced benefits in performance due to reduced training intensity over a prolonged period of time – DETRAINING.
train for a period of 3-4weeks
Athletes live at sea level but train in hypobaric chambers or altitude tents to simulate a hypoxic environment.
No evidence that this method is effective in gaining the chronic adaptations achieved by using the “live high, train low” method.
↑ Respiratory rate
Because the “absolute” amount of 02 available in the air is reduced, the body will hyperventilate (↑ rate of breathing) in an attempt to ↑ the amount of 02 getting into the lungs
↑ Tidal Volume
↑ Nausea/headaches/giddiness
Brought on as a result of lowered oxygen levels created through hypoxic stress
↑ HR and Q during rest and submaximal exercise
Because the “absolute” amount of 02 available in the air is reduced, the body will ↑ HR in an attempt to ↑ the amount of 02 getting to the working muscles
↓ plasma volume to ↑ concentration of haemoglobin in the blood
↑Haematocrit (represents the %RBC in the blood
Is caused by an increase level of EPO which is secreted by the kidney to act on red bone marrow to ↑RBC production – occurs within 2-3hrs arriving at altitude
This will cause ↑ haemoglobin concentration as RBC contains haemoglobin
↑ mitochondria – powerhouse of the cell and the site for ATP production. Increases the rate of ATP production
↑ aerobic enzymes – increases the rate at which ATP is produced
↑ capillaries – allows for greater surface area for diffusion of O2 at the site of the muscle and the lungs
↑ myoglobin – responsible for transporting O2
molecules from the haemoglobin to the mitochondria therefore improving the rate of ATP production
ALTITUDE – power vs endurance
Negatively affected due to;
Less 02 uptake (hypoxia) and lower pulmonary diffusion means a reduced ability of the body to provide 02 to the muscles via the aerobic pathway. Aerobic metabolism is adversely affected
Low humidity at altitude – greater risk of dehydration
Positively affected due to;
Less drag (friction) due to thinner air causing less resistance
Decreased gravity effect on objects – objects travel further for any applied force
- Growth of muscle tissue
- Repair of muscle tissue
- Production red blood cells, hormones and antibodies
- Contribution to ATP production when carbohydrate and fats stores are depleted. This may occur in extreme circumstances such as starvation or during ultra endurance events such as the Hawaiian Ironman.
(stored as triglycerides in muscle cells and broken down into free fatty acids) are the major fuel source during rest (60%) & light to moderate exercise
First converted to blood glucose leading to a rise in insulin levels
Excess blood glucose converted to Glycogen
Glycogen is stored for future use in the muscle and the liver
80kg person stores approx 400g in muscle and 100g in liver
When muscle and liver glycogen stores are full, any remaining glycogen is stored in adipose tissue
Ranking of carbohydrates based on their immediate effect on blood glucose (blood sugar) levels.
Measured on a scale of 1 (low) -100 (very high)
Apples Lentils Kidney beans Peanuts Navy beans Sausages
Corn Peas White pasta Sweet potatoes Oranges Oatmeal
Pure glucose which has a GI of 100 Honey White bread White rice Gel shot
Break down quickly during digestion – therefore have immediate effect on increasing blood sugar levels.
Rapid absorption and release of energy into bloodstream provides opportunity to top up glycogen stores, helping with glycogen sparing.
IMMEDIATELY AFTER (first 3o min) Immediately after exercise muscles are most responsive to topping up fuel supplies, therefore high GI foods best served here.
Break down slowly during digestion – releasing glucose gradually into the blood stream
PRE – EVENT MEAL (1-4hrs prior)
Slower release of glucose into bloodstream helps keeps blood glucose levels topped up prior to race.
AFTER EXERCISE (1-24hrs post exercise)
Assists with repletion of muscle and liver glycogen stores in the 24hrs post exercise.
Athletes must be careful they don’t consume high GI foods 30-120min prior to event as it may cause REBOUND HYPOGLYCAEMIA
Immediately after eating CHO, there is a rise in blood sugar levels resulting in the hormone insulin being released into the blood and lowering blood sugar levels
When an athlete consumes HIGH GI foods just prior to physical activity, we see a rapid rise in blood sugar levels causing an overshoot in insulin release.
This significantly reduces blood sugar levels which impairs CNS functioning during exercise causing a negative effect on performance!
Carbohydrate loading
is a nutritional intervention aimed at delaying the depletion of glycogen stores. It occurs when the athlete increases the amount of CHO consumed prior to competition with the aim being to store extra glycogen in the liver and muscles. There are 2 main methods to load.
Consume approximately 7-8g/kg bodyweight of carbohydrates for 3 days leading up to competition (approx 700g stored in the muscle and liver)
Players can still exercise, however there is significant tapering occurring leading up to competition so as to not deplete glycogen stores.
1 day method
Consume approximately 8 to 10g/ kg of bodywheight of carbs before comp the day before
ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES of Carbohydrate loading
CHO loading avoids the depletion of glycogen stores by increasing muscle and liver glycogen levels
By sparing glycogen, it allows aerobic athletes to maintain a higher intensity for a longer period of time.
Binding of H2O to CHO molecules increases water absorption, causing an increase in weight
Polycose, Polyjoule
94-95% concentration
Excellent for carbo loading
Not as high but still very effective for carb loading and too concentrated to consume during exercise
The fuel source used for ATP production is based on the duration and intensity of exercise.
- Low intensity / rest – stored fats are the main fuel source
- As intensity of exercise increase, the contribution of muscle glycogen increases to meet the more immediate demands for fuel.
- There is enough glycogen stored in muscles to fuel up to 90 minutes depending on intensity. Athletes “hit the wall” when muscle glycogen runs out.
- When muscle glycogen stores run out, the stored liver glycogen becomes the primary fuel source allowing exercise to continue but performance starts to diminish.
- Depletion of liver glycogen is referred to as “bonking” and affects the brain – decision making ability affected.
- Fats now become the primary fuel source and intensity of exercise is reduced as fats are more difficult to break down
7.Depletion of fats results in protein being used as a fuel source
This is only likely to occur in ultra endurance events
Is the ability of an athlete to spare glycogen supplies by using an alternative fuel source during physical activity.
GLYCOGEN SPARING can be affected by
Training effect
Through an aerobic training programme, athletes are better able to break down fats for a given intensity, sparing glycogen for later in the event.
Caffeine consumption
By consuming caffeine before the event, it better enables the athlete to break down fats at the start of the event, sparing glycogen for later in the event.
Pre – event meal
By consuming a low GI meal 1-4hrs prior to the event, it increases blood glucose levels allowing for the sparing of glycogen for later in the event.
CHO loading before the event DOES NOT achieve this as it is used to increase initial stores of muscle and liver glycogen
During the event meal
By consuming high GI foods during the event, it allows blood glucose levels to be constantly topped up, sparing the use of glycogen as a fuel source.
Main aim of the precompetition meal is to provide adequate carbohydrates and to ensure optimal hydration leading into the event
Food preference – liquid meals, nutrition bars may be consumed.
Digestibility of foods – consume foods low in fat and fibre
Increase glycogen levels leading to glycogen sparing
Ensure optimal hydration
Ensure gastro – intestinal tract feels comfortable during performance
Dietary recommendations for an athlete preparing for an event lasting longer than 90min;
Day(s) before;
CHO loading combined with exercise taper to top up glycogen supplies
Maintain fluid intake to ensure optimal hydration
Pre – event meal (1-4hrs before)
1L of fluid to assist with hyperhydration (assume warm to hot conditions)
Low GI meal to top up glycogen supplies
During event
200ml of fluid every 15 min
30-60 g of high GI CHO per hour
Immediately after the event (first 30min)
1g/kg of body mass of high GI CHO within 30 minutes of event
Commence fluid replenishment with the goal to replace 1.5* weight loss
Next 24hrs after the event
Consume fluid which equates to 1.5* weight loss
Consume 7-10g/kg body mass of low to moderate GI CHO
Consume protein to assist with muscle repair
Anabolic Steroids
ADVANTAGES Increase the performer’s size, strength and power. Decreases recovery time Stimulates protein synthesis Improved rate of tissue repair.
DISADVANTAGES/SIDE EFFECTS Acne Liver damage Depression Aggression Hypertension Infertility Testicular atrophy Increased masculinity Male breast enlargement.
Stimulants (amphetamines, cocaine, pseudoephedrine)
Increases awareness
Increases aggression
Masks fatigue, improving anaerobic performance
DISADVANTAGES/SIDE EFFECTS Anxiety Restlessness Insomnia Dependence Ineffective heat regulation and dehydration Increase chance of heart disease
Acts as an analgesic reducing the perception of effort and therefore increasing the time to exhaustion in short distance events
Stimulates the CNS, increasing alertness, arousal levels and decreasing reaction times
Thought to also create a glycogen sparing effect through the oxidation of free fatty acids
Through the mobilisation of fat as a fuel source during moderate to high intensity exercise, the athletes spares glycogen supplies improving performance in long duration events
- Potent diuretic
This may cause an unnecessary loss of fluid pre exercise, having a negative effect on the athletes ability to regulate temperature, particularly during hot conditions
- Irritability - Muscle twitching
- Insomnia - Withdrawal effects
- Headaches - Excessive intake may lead to over arousal
Increased protein consumption may assist in increasing muscle bulk (hypertrophy) and repair damage tissue.
Protein powders decrease muscle catabolism using protein as a fuel source
Protein powders improve the rate of recovery from training sessions
Increase muscle mass only occurs if the athlete is doing a resistance training program.
Best consumed along with high GI snack immediately after exercise.
DISADVANTAGES/SIDE EFFECTS Increased risk of osteoporosis Colon cancer Kidney damage Increase water retention
The training program generally consists of;
ANNUAL PLAN – the year as a whole with the big goal pictured
TRAINING PHASES – large training phases
MACROCYCLES – large blocks of training which lasts minimum of 3 months
MESOCYCLES – medium block of training within a macrocycle
MICROCYCLES – smaller blocks of training (week, day, session)
is the planning, well in advance, of training variables to achieve optimal performance at the most crucial times. it will;
Help to avoid staleness, overtraining and burnout
Promote higher levels of enthusiasm in the player group.
Plans for the athlete to ‘peak’ at the right time
Plans for rest / recovery periods
Mesocycles vs microcycles
Mesocycles are smaller blocks of time
Which together form a macrocycle. Each mesocycle has a specific goal or objective. Mesocycles are between 4 – 12 weeks long
A microcycle is a smaller unit of time normally between 3 – 10 days long but can be as short as one day. Several microcycles form a mesocycle.
A microcycle is often one training week
PRE – SEASON General
Usually lasts 6-12 weeks
Objective: Training is designed to build a suitable aerobic base and skill level leading into the competition.
High volume training with low / medium levels of intensity
Continuous, interval & fartlek training
Flexibility training
Basic skill work
Fitness testing used to gather baseline data and comparison to other players, teams, previous seasons etc.
PRE – SEASON specific
Objective: Develop game specific fitness, skills and strategies
Training may need to be personalised depending on players / positional needs
Reduced training volume with increased intensity occurs during this macrocycle
High intensity interval training.
Weight training,
Plyometrics training (up to 2 x per week)
Flexibility / agility training.
Objective is to reach peak match condition
Focus at training moves to match specific intensities, durations & tactics.
Application of the principle of specificity is crucial
Continue to develop appropriate mental skills
Intensity of training increases
Volume of training decreases
Recovery between sessions essential
Play trial games
Objective - Fitness is maintained - dependent on individual situations (injury and illness, position, number games played, game time played).
Players at optimal level of skills and fitness
Focus on psychological and tactical preparation
Recovery sessions critical, particularly after games when players are often sore
Constant peaking & tapering are critical in allowing players sufficient recovery during the season
Done as soon as the season ends
Involves the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the programme, to determine what worked and what did not.
Questionnaires, checklists and quantitative data can be used to gather information.
Coaches need to determine whether the physical and mental skills introduced, practiced and used during the annual programme were beneficial to the performer.
Changes are made to the program based on feedback received
What do we need to improve – recruit specific players, certain positions, who to target in the draft etc
Training volume and intensity significantly reduced to allow for full physical and psychological recovery.
Older players in particular find this time crucial in allowing the body to recover
Aerobic fitness should be maintained to avoid detraining through involvement in enjoyable activities
Different sports
Monitor nutrition to ensure a return to active participation close to playing weight
Opportunity for corrective surgery and rehabilitation
Specialised programs to correct structural or skill deficiencies
tapering for endurance vs power
Endurance athletes – short taper ( because aerobic muscle enzymes decrease rapidly so continued training is important.
Strength and power athletes – Longer tapers are important for sprint and strength events as strength and speed are suppressed with intense periods of high vol training.
Peaking and tapering aim to prepare an athlete to be injury – free, physically and mentally fresh
Strategies used to taper include;
Reduce training volume and maintain or increase training intensity to a level greater than, or equal to competition activity
Increase the use of recovery techniques between sessions to improve quality of recovery
Monitoring diet to ensure athlete has adequate glycogen stores
Individualise the program to ensure athletes needs are met
” is the term used to describe a temporary training state which allows the athlete to perform at their optimal level
Recovery strategies
Recovery strategies are designed to reverse the impacts of fatigue and return the athlete to performance readiness both physically and mentally.
Recovery includes 3 key areas;
. Nutritional recovery
The body’s depleted fuel stores are refueled by consuming high carbohydrate foods and isotonic drinks. Protein is also consumed to promote muscle tissue repair.
2. Physical recovery Aimed at regenerating the physiological capacities of the athlete. This would include both active and passive recovery; Hydrotherapy Sport Massage Stretching Hyperbaric oxygen therapy Rest Psychological recovery
Aimed at returning the athlete to an optimal mental state
Psychological recovery starts immediately after the game with a debriefing which provides all players a chance to express their thoughts and feelings about the just completed performance.
Helps reduce muscle soreness and aid recovery
Active recovery is most beneficial in events/activities where lactic acid has been produced as increase blood flow to the muscles during recovery assists in the removal of lactic acid.
COOL DOWN (PASSIVE RECOVERY) Passive recovery involves little or no movement – massage, hyperbaric chamber
Consume approx 1.5L fluid for every 1kg body mass lost
Sleep routines very important – try and wake up at the same time each day, lie down only when you are sleepy
Includes movement in water or alternate use of hot/cold or ice baths
Reduces tissue damage and pain
Contrast baths operate on principle of increasing blood flow by constricting and dilating blood vessels
Aids recovery physically and psychologically
Should occur 1-2hrs after training or competition
Helps relax the muscles and helps clear away lactic acid by increasing blood flow
Should not be used on soft tissue injuries for first 72hrs.
Used to treat soft tissue injuries and promote recovery
Athletes breathe in pure oxygen to increase oxygen concentration in the blood
Results in more oxygen been delivered to fatigued muscles and a more rapid recovery process
Use of compression clothing with brands such as Skins helping reduce fatigue, minimise soreness and improve recovery by assisting blood flow to muscles
Level of depletion is dependent on duration and intensity of exercise performed
Aim is to maximise replenishment by commencing as soon as possible but definitely within 30 minutes after exercise with 1-2g/kg of body mass of high GI CHO when muscles are most responsive to storing glycogen.
Start with high GI and sports drinks within 30 minutes of finishing exercise and continue with low GI food for the next 24 hours
3 ways
Training logs – are used to monitor what is done at training;
Lab Testing
Self Monitoring of heart rate and blood pressure
Mental Approach
Is the athlete as motivated / enthusiastic as normal?
Are there unusual lapses in concentration?
Performance Levels
Is the player under – performing?
Are times up and speed down?
Body Language
Does the player have positive body language ?
How does it compare to normal?