Unit 3 Flashcards
What is a natural resource?
Anything found in nature that can be used by people
What is a renewable resource?
Resources that can reproduce within a shirt period of time (a hundred years)
What is a non-renewable resource?
Resources that take a long time to reproduce (millions on years)
What is a conventional energy source?
a well established source of energy
often non-renewable
What is an alternative energy source?
a non-conventional source of energy
often renewable
What is the materials economy?
a system composed of extraction, production, distribution, consumption, and disposal
What is an ecological footprint?
the amount of productive land needed to provide you with goods you use, and to absorb the wastes you produce
What is perceived obsolescence?
Changing how it looks to make the previous version look old
Forces people to routinely change products to stay up to date
What is planned obsolescence?
“Designed for the dump”
Cheaply designed/made products made to last for a short period of time so it will be bought again
products made to fail
What is a global hectare?
units for measuring our demands on the Earth (ecological footprint) and the ability of the Earth to supply our demands
What is a gross domestic product?
the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year
What is a commercial forest?
forested land that is capable of producing marketable products, such as timber
What is clear-cutting?
a logging method that involves clearing an area of all it’s trees at one time
What is strip logging?
a form of clear cutting in which long strips of land are cleared of trees, leaving some islands of forests intact
What is shelter wood cutting?
a logging method used in an area of trees that are the same age; some of the more mature trees are cut, leaving others to provide the shade needed for growth of younger trees and saplings
What is selective logging?
a logging method that removes mainly deciduous trees of various ages singly or in small groups
What is a stakeholder?
a person with an interest or concern in something
What is a temperate rainforest?
a rainforest that is located in temperate latitudes from 40 degrees to 60 degrees north and south of the equator
What is a tailings pond?
where materials are pumped into a pond
What is bitumen?
semi-solid hydrocarbon product that looks like thick black mud
What is sustainable development?
using resources in a way that both meets human needs and preserves the environment
What is trade?
the exchange of goods and services between countries
What is trade surplus?
When the value of exports is greater than the value of imports
What is trade deficit?
When the value of imports is greater than the value of exports
What is balance of trade?
The difference between the value of imports and exports for a country for a one year period
What is import substitution?
Manufacturing a product in our own country that was formerly imported
What is a tariff?
A tax on an import
What is the WTO?
Global organization in charge of establishing, regulating and enforcing trade between countries worldwide
What is NAFTA?
A free trade agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico that was established in 1993. This allows the countries to trade with each other with no tariffs
What is the primary industry?
extracts or harvests products from the earth
What is the secondary industry?
manufactures finished and usable goods
What is the tertiary industry?
service industry, provides services to the general population and business
What is the quaternary industry?
consists of intellectual activities, the processing of ideas rather than goods