UNIT 3 Flashcards
_______ has grown in popularity over the
years, with hundreds of options for sharing your
thoughts, photos, and videos and for interacting
with friends and family.
Social media
There are some practices for engaging in responsible social media use and best practices for social site etiquette.
- We all have a social responsibility. (You may not agree with everything or everyone you encounter on social media networks, but treat each person with dignity and respect. The Golden Rule of treating others how you want to be treated is a good practice.)
- Do not turn to social media as a way to harass, demean, or bully someone else. Sitting in front of a computer screen does not give you license to embarrass, intimidate, or spread hurtful rumors about others.
- Regardless of your privacy settings, keep in mind that anything can possibly be seen by anyone at any time, even by that person that you did not want to see it. Pause before you post, think before you click.
- Whether you’re concerned with maintaining good friendships or future job prospects, be responsible in what you post and how it could affect your reputation. Many employers now check up on job candidates’ social media accounts for evidence of bad behavior.
refer to highly interactive digital technology. These are very easily processed, stored, transformed, retrieved, hyper-linked, searched for, and
New Media
New media can be classified as:
Social media
Online newspaper
Virtual reality
Computer games
Language in new media is
sometimes referred to as
Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC)
Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) may also be called as:
Computer-mediated discourse
Digital discourse
Electronic discourse
Digitally mediated communication
Keyboard-to-screen communication
The ______ is the largest area
of language development we
have seen in our lifetimes.
Crystal (2011) said that only two things are certain about the Internet:
it is not going to go away, and it is going to get larger
______ illuminates social and cultural processes, which is under the domain of sociocultural linguistics
Digital discourse
The primary concern is not with abstract, grammatical linguistics, but rather the everyday functions and use of
This type of discourse or computer-mediated communication can be described as:
which means it uses language
that is common to people regardless of age,
social class, gender, or race.
CMC is Vernacular
CMC is Vernacular Examples
Acronyms (Lol, yolo, fomo, bae)
Initialisms (atm, rotfl, brb, btw, hbd,
idk, jk, af, nvm, tmi, tldr, ftw, g!)
Emoticons/ Emojis
Expressive Punctuations
Hello? VS Hello?!?
No. VS No? VS No!!!
<3; </3
:-) ;)
a resource whose use is subject to a variety of factors, including users’ “technoliteracy’, their considerations of audience and purpose, and physical constraints of message production (for economy and text entry reduction). (cu, 2nyt, tom/2mrw, abt, y? )
These increase insecurities in spelling, but also tolerance
towards typographical “errors”
, which are reinterpreted
as outcomes of ______ rather than indices of lacking competence.
speedy text production
It is relationship-focused rather
than subject oriented. This can be explained by the number
of Group Chats (GCs) a person has, and the number of
individuals and GCs a person engages simultaneously.