Unit 3 Flashcards
scientific cycle
observation, construction of testable hypothesis, experimental design, gathering recording and analysis of data, evaluation of results and conclusion, formation of a revised hypothesis
Null Hypothesis
There will be no statistically significant effect as a result of the experiment.
If there is evidence for effect then the null hypothesis will be rejected.
When do scientific ideas become accepted
Once they have been checked independently and effects must be reproducible, one off results and be treated with caution.
Common methods of sharing original scientific findings
Seminars, talks and posters at conferences and publishing and academic journals
Peer Review
specialists with expertise in the relevant field assess the scientific quality of a submitted manuscript and make recommendations regarding its suitability for publication.
Importance of integrity and Honesty
Unbiased presentation of results, citing and providing references, avoiding plagiarism
What to do in animal studies
The concepts of replacement, reduction, refinement are used to avoid, reduce or minimize the harm to animals.
What do humans have the right to do in studies
They have the right to withdraw at any point, informed consent and confidentiality.
Variables controlled so that any measured affect is likely to be due to the independent variable.
Consistent values in repeats and independent replicates
Data or means of data sets are close to the true value.
Measured values are close to each other.
Pilot Study
Integral of the development of an investigation a pilot study is used to help plan procedures, assess validity and check techniques
This allows evaluation and modification of experimental design.
The pilot study allows the investigator to establish the number of repeat experiments needed to give a representative value.
Independent variable
The variable that is changed in a scientific experiment.
Dependent variable
Is the variable being measured in a scientific experiment.
What two groups do variables fall into
Discrete or continuous.
Multi factorial experiment
Involves a combination of more than one independent variable or combination of treatments.
Observational Studies
Good at detecting correlation but siNce they don’t directly test a hypothesis they are less useful for determining causation.
In observational studies the independent variable is not directly controlled by the investigator for ethical or logical reasons.
Confounding variable
Is an environmental or outside factor that may affect results out with the independent/dependent variable.
These variables must be held constant if possible or at least monitored so their effect can be accounted for in the analysis.
In cases where confounding variables cannot easily be controlled a randomized block design could be used.
Negative control
Provides results in the absence of a treatment.
Positive control
A treatment that is included to check that the system can detect a positive result when it occurs.
Can be included without the presence of an independent variable being investigated. Placebo effect is a measurable change in the dependent variable as a result of a patients expectations.
In vitro
Refers to technique of performing a procedure in a controlled environment outside of a living organism
In vivo
Refers to experimentation using a whole living organism.
Random sampling
Members of the population have an equal chance of being selected
Systematic sampling
Members of a population are selected at regular intervals.
Stratified sampling
The population is divided into categories that are then sampled proportionally.