Unit 3 1.2 Flashcards
What is the role of the police
-they provide evidence in courts
-help bring defendants to courts
-works with CPS for charging and prosecution
-assists courts in case preparation
Relationship with other organisations police
Cps- advise police on charges, handles court advocacy, works closely in charging and the prosecution of offenders
Hm courts and tribunals service- collaborates on cases and defendant presence, ensure defendants in custody are brought before them
National probation service- aids in arresting recalled probationers
What is the role of the ministry of justice
Oversee courts, probation and prisons
Relationship with other organisations ministry of justice
Hm courts and tribunals service- part of MOJ, contributes to laws, oversees courts
Probation services- managed by MOJ, part of the justice system
Hm prison service- falls under MOJ’s administration
What is the role of Hm courts and tribunal services
- helps make laws through judgements
-ensures safe prisoner transport - sets up video links for remote hearings
- holds prisoners in court cells
Relationship with other organisations Hm courts and tribunal services
Define imprisonment
The state of being imprisoned, captivity
Define probation
The release of an offender subject to a period of good behaviour under supervision
Define concurrent
Existing,happening or done at the same time
Define consecutive
Following each other consecutively
Define detention
The action of detaining someone or the state of being detained in official custody
Summary of the criminal justice system prcieudre
- Law creation - criminal law is made in parliament
- Police enforce the law that is made by investigating breaches of criminal law. They will arrest a suspect and use their powers of detention and interview
- Crown prosecution service- will advise the police on the appropriate charge
- Suspect brought before the court:all cases start in the magistrate’s courts and around 5% go to the crown court
- Defendant is released on bail or remanded in to custody
- A guilty plea results in sentencing or a plea of not guilty results in a trial. A trial will include witnesses giving evidence. A bench of magistrates or a jury decides the verdict.
- If convicted, formal punishment is given by the magistrates or judges. The sentencing council provides guidelines to assist the courts. If a custodial sentence is given the defendant is sent to prison
- Hm prison service oversees the welfare of prisoners. Hm inspectorate of prisons is an independent body that reports on the conditions and treatment of those in prisons
- When released from prison a prisoner is usually on licence and is subject to supervision by the prosecution service. Any breach may result in a return to prison