Sociological theories Flashcards
What are the sociological theories ?
Functionalists- Merton, durkeim
Left realism
Right realism intereactionalist- Stan cohen
Edwin Lembert
Howard becker
What is Marxism ?
Marxism is a conflict based the society between the divisions of the 2 classes bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Concept 1 is capitalism is crimogenic presenting an idea of being unequal and being greedy and unfair ( upper exploit lower) concept 2 is relative deprivation where the working class lack things and items compared to others so crime may be committed to stay in line. Concept 3 is the law serving interest in the bourgeoisie as law making are brought in to protect the rich and law enforcement make laws against the working class. Concept 4 is that there is an ideological function in the ruling class where the upper don’t want the lower class to realise a difference so they focus on working class so that the bad things aren’t noticed and the upper class can focus
Strengths and weaknesses of Marxism ?
1. Highlights the divide between the proletariat and the bourgeoise
2. Critiques capitalism
3. Presents link between law making and enforcement
1. Only focussed on class not on aspects like race age or gender
2. Tries to suggest the bourgeoise don’t get punished
3. Exaggerates the gap between the 2 classes
What is mertons theory ?
Merton believes in the American dream and that society is stable as all members share views however he says in life you need the goals and the means in life to achieve something and if you don’t you become rule breakers where society becomes a state of anomie.
Innovator, retreatist, rebel and ritualist. Not having things others have or not being as fortunate due to the classes there in can result in the strain theory.
Strengths and weaknesses of Merton theory
1. Create a better understanding of poverty and crime
2. Explains the reason of crime and deviance due to result of social strain
3. He says unequal positions have unequal opportunities
1. Focus on the narrow range of strain
2.Overemphasise the role of the social class
3. Assumes society is based on materialistic needs.
What is Durkeim theory ?
He says crime will happen and it’s functional, it also brings positives. E.g maintain social order, create jobs, safety valve, warning device, enable social change.
Strengths and weaknesses of Durkeim theory ?
1. Enable social change
2. Focus on social integration and the ability to explain social order.
3. Seen as a natural part of society
1. Doesn’t play much attention to different aspects of society.
2. Fails to consider individual differences in society
3. Too deterministic
What is right realism
They believe it’s the individuals fault at the end of the day it was there choice to commit the crime, there and nothing else is taken in to consideration.
There from the right wing neoliberal government of Margaret thatcher, the media exaggerate and says individuals is responsible and they need to be tougher on criminals.
Theories that relate to right realism ?
Rational choice- it makes sense to commit crimes it’s seen as a reward, crimes increased so no risk or punishment
Underclass- there’s been an increase in crime due to
- change in family structure
- poor socialisation
- grown of welfare
- threaten society cohesion
Broken windows- signs of disorders are focussed on and there’s a lack of concern for others in neighbourhoods
Strengths and weaknesses of right realism
1. Help shape government and research
2. Practical
3. Addresses crime to be taken seriously
1. Ignores the wider structural causes
2. Overemphasises the disorder
3. Blames the poor
What is left realism
States we can’t blame individuals and instead we need to help them and more is taken in to consideration. It’s from the left wing party and the media look favourably at the working class and they want to improve the relations of the community and say we need to be tougher on crime.
Theories that relate to left realism
relative deprivation- levels have fallen and the standards of living has got better so a lot of crime is committed to stay in line.
subcultures-the working class block out opportunities so that goals can be achieved due to the social class status, this leads to frustration and the aim is to create a master status so it can be controlled.
marginalisation- people lack the power to participate in society as the goals and means are lacked.
Strengths and weaknesses of left realism
1. explores the role of the victim
2. see crimes as a problem
3. it draws reality
1. very optimistic
2. relative deprivation can’t fully explain crime
3. can be un-presentative
What is Edwin Lemert theory ?
He believes that there were 2 types of deviance. These were primary and secondary.
primary is where an act of deviance has not been socially labelled as deviant.
secondary is where the acts labelled as deviant.
What is Howard Becker labelling theory ?
he states if a person is labelled as criminal or deviant it will become their self fulfilling prophecy.
self concept- how we see ourselves
label reinforced- recommit crime
master status- how we identify ourselves
deviant career- becomes our full life and job
strengths and weaknesses of Howard Becker theory ?
1. show society the effects of criminal behaviour
2. easy to see if people follow
3. focus on individuals
1. gives a bad reputation
2. give many opinions
3. cause someone to be criminal
What is Stan Cohens folk devil theory ?
in 1972 Stan researched fights in England seaside resorts between the 2 subculture groups (mods and rockers).
Stan was interested in media response.
moral panic, folk devil, deviancy amplification