Unit 2 ( work and employment) Flashcards
-to agree to take something
-to say yes to an offer or invitation
-an arrangement with a bank to keep your money there and to allow you to take it out when you need to
-someone who keeps or examines the records of money received, paid, and owed by a company or person
-a picture, short film, song, etc. that tries to persuade people to buy a product or service:
-a piece of text that tells people about a job, event, etc
-an official request for something, usually in writing
-to request something, usually officially, especially in writing or by sending in a form
appointment ( job )
-a formal arrangement to meet or visit someone at a particular time and place
-the act of officially choosing someone for a job, or the job itsel
-Schôdzka, stretnutie
-a person whose job is to design new buildings and make certain that they are built correctly
-to go to an event, place, etc.
-zúčastniť sa
-a person whose job is making and repairing wooden objects and structures
-a particular situation or example of something
-a problem, a series of events, or a person being dealt with by police, doctors, lawyers, etc.
-a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a shop, bank, restaurant, etc
(in ) charge
-responsible for something or someone
-na starosti, zodpovedný za
-a skilled and trained cook who works in a hotel or restaurant, especially the most important cook
-the small closed space where the pilot sits in an aircraft, or where the driver sits in a racing car
-the area on a boat where the person operating the controls sits or stands
-pilotová kabína
-a large box-shaped device that is used to cook and heat food, either by putting the food inside or by putting it on the top
-a person whose job is treating people’s teeth
-to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering
-to remove someone from their job, especially because they have done something wrong
-odmietnuť,prepustiť, vylúčiť
-the situation in which an employer officially makes someone leave their job
-an act of officially removing an employee from their job
-prepustenie, zamietnutie
-the system of trade and industry by which the wealth of a country is made and used
-the intentional saving of money or, less commonly, the saving of time, energy, words, etc.
-a person who puts in, checks, and repairs electrical wires and electrical equipment
-to have someone work or do a job for you and pay them for it
-someone who is paid to work for someone else
-a person or organization that employs people
-the fact of someone being paid to work for a company or organization
estate agent
-a person whose job is to arrange the sale, renting or management of homes, land and buildings for the owners
-realitný agent
-money that you spend when you are doing your job, that your employer will pay back to you
-(the process of getting) knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, or feeling things
-a person whose job is to stop fires from burning
-an area of land, used for growing crops or keeping animals, usually surrounded by a fence
firm (noun )
-a company offering a professional service, for example a company of lawyers
-a company or business, especially a small one
-new or different
-new and therefore interesting or exciting
-čerstvé, štavnaté
-a person who cuts people’s hair and puts it into a style, usually working in a special shop, called a hairdresser’s
hope (noun)
-something good that you want to happen in the future, or a confident feeling about what will happen in the future
-money that is earned from doing work or received from investments
-a company’s profit in a particular period of time
-the act of putting a liquid, especially a drug, into a person’s body using a needle and a syringe (= small tube)
-a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable for a job or course:
-a meeting in which someone answers questions about himself or herself for a newspaper article, television show, etc.
-rozhovor, interview
-someone who works in a library, is trained in the organization or running of libraries, or is in charge of a library:
-the money that you earn from your job
-to earn enough money to buy the things you need
-a group of large machines or the parts of a machine that make it work
-someone whose job is repairing the engines of vehicles and other machines:
mine ( noun )
-a hole or system of holes in the ground where substances such as coal, metal, and salt are removed
-a person who works in a mine
notice ( noun )
-(a board, piece of paper, etc. containing) information or instructions
-information or a warning given about something that is going to happen in the future
-the period of time that you must work after you have said that you are leaving your job, or after you have been asked to leave
-an official statement saying you are leaving your job or telling you your job has ended
-someone whose job is examining people’s eyes and selling glasses or contact lenses to correct sight problems
-(time spent working) after the usual time needed or expected in a job
-an amount of money paid regularly by the government or a private company to a person who does not work any more because they are too old or have become ill
-the type of person you are, shown by the way you behave, feel, and think
-the people who are employed in a company, organization, or one of the armed forces
-pracovníci, personál
-the person who is responsible for managing an organization
-a person who takes photographs, either as a job or hobby
-a person whose job is to supply and connect or repair water pipes, baths, toilets, etc.
-a person who flies an aircraft
position (job)
-a rank or level in a company, competition, or society
-A position in a company or organization is also a job
-pozícia, post
-money that is earned in trade or business after paying the costs of producing and selling goods and services
-money that you get from selling goods or services for more than they cost to produce or provide:
-the act of raising someone to a higher or more important position or rank
-activities to advertise something
-the possibility of being successful, especially at work
-finančné vyhliadky, nádeje
-an official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills, etc.
-an ability, characteristic, or experience that makes you suitable for a particular job or activity:
-success in getting into a competition
raise (verb)
-to lift something to a higher position
-to cause something to increase or become bigger, better, higher, etc.
-something such as a piece of paper or message proving that money, goods, or information have been received:
-potvrdenie, potvrdenka, účet, recept
-a mention of something
-a written statement describing your character and abilities, or the person who writes this statement
-a letter that is written by someone who knows you, to describe you and say if you are suitable for a job, course, etc.:
refuse collector
-a person whose job is to empty people’s dustbins and take the rubbish away
-zberač odpadov/ smetiar
-officially listed and accepted
-to give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are leaving:
-to leave your job or stop working because of old age or ill health
-odísť do dôchodku,signál na ústup
-to move upwards
-to increase
-zvýšenie, stúpanie
-waste material or things that are no longer wanted or needed
-something that you think is very low quality or not true:
-to remove someone from a job, usually because they have done something wrong or badly, or sometimes as a way of saving the cost of employing them
-a fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee, usually paid directly into his or her bank account every month
-the number of items sold
-Sales is also the department that sells a company’s products
-predaja,vývoz, export
-someone who speaks or does something officially for another person or group of people
-typical of, or the same as, others in a larger group of people or things
-zástupca, typický
-to provide food or drinks
-to work for; to do your duty to
-podanie, serv, slúžiť
-the treatment of injuries or diseases in people or animals by cutting open the body and removing or repairing the damaged part
-a place where you can go to ask advice from or receive treatment from a doctor or dentist
-not lasting or needed for very long:
-a person whose job is to type letters, reports, and other documents
-used to say how good someone is at typing
-prepisovačka, pisár na stroji, pisárka
-a person with a medical degree trained to take care of the health of animals
-the office where a vet works
-a priest in the Church of England who is in charge of a church and the religious needs of people in a particular area
-the money earned by an employee, esp. when paid for the hours worked
-a particular amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee, especially one who does work that needs physical skills or strength, rather than a job needing a college education
-an activity, such as a job, that a person uses physical or mental effort to do, usually for money
-to do a job, especially the job you do to earn money
-práca ,pracovať
-to agree to take something
-to say yes to an offer or invitation
-an arrangement with a bank to keep your money there and to allow you to take it out when you need to
-a record of debit and credit entries
-someone who keeps or examines the records of money received, paid, and owed by a company or person
-a picture, short film, song, etc. that tries to persuade people to buy a product or service:
-a piece of text that tells people about a job, event, etc
-an official request for something, usually in writing
-to request something, usually officially, especially in writing or by sending in a form
-a formal arrangement to meet or visit someone at a particular time and place
-the act of officially choosing someone for a job, or the job itsel
-Schôdzka, stretnutie
appointment ( job )
-a person whose job is to design new buildings and make certain that they are built correctly
-to go to an event, place, etc.
-zúčastniť sa
-a person whose job is making and repairing wooden objects and structures
-a particular situation or example of something
-a problem, a series of events, or a person being dealt with by police, doctors, lawyers, etc.
-a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a shop, bank, restaurant, etc
-responsible for something or someone
-na starosti, zodpovedný za
(in ) charge
-a skilled and trained cook who works in a hotel or restaurant, especially the most important cook
-the small closed space where the pilot sits in an aircraft, or where the driver sits in a racing car
-the area on a boat where the person operating the controls sits or stands
-pilotová kabína
-a large box-shaped device that is used to cook and heat food, either by putting the food inside or by putting it on the top
-a person whose job is treating people’s teeth
-to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering
-to remove someone from their job, especially because they have done something wrong
-odmietnuť,prepustiť, vylúčiť
-the situation in which an employer officially makes someone leave their job
-an act of officially removing an employee from their job
-prepustenie, zamietnutie
-the system of making money and producing and distributing goods and services
-a person who puts in, checks, and repairs electrical wires and electrical equipment
-to have someone work or do a job for you and pay them for it
-someone who is paid to work for someone else
-a person or organization that employs people
-the fact of someone being paid to work for a company or organization
-a person whose job is to arrange the sale, renting or management of homes, land and buildings for the owners
-realitný agent
estate agent
-money that you spend when you are doing your job, that your employer will pay back to you
-(the process of getting) knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, or feeling things
-a person whose job is to stop fires from burning
-an area of land, used for growing crops or keeping animals, usually surrounded by a fence
-a company offering a professional service, for example a company of lawyers
-a company or business, especially a small one
firm (noun )
-new or different
-new and therefore interesting or exciting
-čerstvé, štavnaté
-a person who cuts people’s hair and puts it into a style, usually working in a special shop, called a hairdresser’s
-something good that you want to happen in the future, or a confident feeling about what will happen in the future
hope (noun)
-money that is earned from doing work or received from investments
-a company’s profit in a particular period of time
-the act of putting a liquid, especially a drug, into a person’s body using a needle and a syringe (= small tube)
-a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable for a job or course:
-a meeting in which someone answers questions about himself or herself for a newspaper article, television show, etc.
-rozhovor, interview
-someone who works in a library, is trained in the organization or running of libraries, or is in charge of a library:
-the money that you earn from your job
-to earn enough money to buy the things you need
-a group of large machines or the parts of a machine that make it work
-someone whose job is repairing the engines of vehicles and other machines:
-a hole or system of holes in the ground where substances such as coal, metal, and salt are removed
mine ( noun )
-a person who works in a mine
-(a board, piece of paper, etc. containing) information or instructions
-information or a warning given about something that is going to happen in the future
-the period of time that you must work after you have said that you are leaving your job, or after you have been asked to leave
-Notice is also an official statement saying you are leaving your job or telling you your job has ended
notice ( noun )
-someone whose job is examining people’s eyes and selling glasses or contact lenses to correct sight problems
-(time spent working) after the usual time needed or expected in a job
-an amount of money paid regularly by the government or a private company to a person who does not work any more because they are too old or have become ill
-the type of person you are, shown by the way you behave, feel, and think
-the people who are employed in a company, organization, or one of the armed forces
-pracovníci, personál
-the person who is responsible for managing an organization
-a person who takes photographs, either as a job or hobby
-a person whose job is to supply and connect or repair water pipes, baths, toilets, etc.
-a person who flies an aircraft
-a rank or level in a company, competition, or society
-A position in a company or organization is also a job
-pozícia, post
position (job)
-money that is earned in trade or business after paying the costs of producing and selling goods and services
-money that you get from selling goods or services for more than they cost to produce or provide:
-the act of raising someone to a higher or more important position or rank
-activities to advertise something
-the possibility of being successful, especially at work
-finančné vyhliadky, nádeje
-an official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills, etc.
-an ability, characteristic, or experience that makes you suitable for a particular job or activity:
-success in getting into a competition
-to lift something to a higher position
-to cause something to increase or become bigger, better, higher, etc.
raise (verb)
-something such as a piece of paper or message proving that money, goods, or information have been received:
-potvrdenie, potvrdenka, účet, recept
-a mention of something
-a written statement describing your character and abilities, or the person who writes this statement
-a letter that is written by someone who knows you, to describe you and say if you are suitable for a job, course, etc.:
-a person whose job is to empty people’s dustbins and take the rubbish away
-zberač odpadov/ smetiar
refuse collector
-officially listed and accepted
-to give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are leaving:
-to leave your job or stop working because of old age or ill health
-odísť do dôchodku,signál na ústup
-to move upwards
-to increase
-zvýšenie, stúpanie
-waste material or things that are no longer wanted or needed
-something that you think is very low quality or not true:
-to remove someone from a job, usually because they have done something wrong or badly, or sometimes as a way of saving the cost of employing them
-a fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee, usually paid directly into his or her bank account every month
-the number of items sold
-Sales is also the department that sells a company’s products
-predaja,vývoz, export
-someone who speaks or does something officially for another person or group of people
-typical of, or the same as, others in a larger group of people or things
-zástupca, typický
-to provide food or drinks
-to work for; to do your duty to
-podanie, serv, slúžiť
-the treatment of injuries or diseases in people or animals by cutting open the body and removing or repairing the damaged part
-a place where you can go to ask advice from or receive treatment from a doctor or dentist
-not lasting or needed for very long:
-a person whose job is to type letters, reports, and other documents
-used to say how good someone is at typing
-prepisovačka, pisár na stroji, pisárka
-a person with a medical degree trained to take care of the health of animals
-the office where a vet works
-a priest in the Church of England who is in charge of a church and the religious needs of people in a particular area
-the money earned by an employee, esp. when paid for the hours worked
-a particular amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee, especially one who does work that needs physical skills or strength, rather than a job needing a college education
-an activity, such as a job, that a person uses physical or mental effort to do, usually for money
-to do a job, especially the job you do to earn money
-práca ,pracovať