Unit 1 (travel and holidays) Flashcards
-to travel by getting free rides in someone else’s vehicle
-Saturday and Sunday the part of the week in which many people living in the West do not go to work
-a long journey, especially by ship
-a space or place that is available to be used
-voľné miesto
-a visit to a place or area, especially one during which you look around the place or area and learn about it
-a journey made for pleasure, especially as a holiday, visiting several different places in an area
-to remove things from a suitcase, bag, or box
-vybaliť sa
-a shelter made of canvas or a similar material and supported by poles and ropes, that you can fold up and carry with you
take off ( verb )
-If an aircraft, bird, or insect takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly
single ( ticket )
-a ticket for a journey to a place, but not for the return
-jednorázový lístok
seat belt
-a belt that fastens around you when you are travelling in a vehicle or aircraft and holds you in your seat, in order to reduce the risk of being injured in an accident
-bezpečnostný pás
-vomiting or having the feeling you will vomit because of the movement of the ship you are travelling in
-morská choroba
-a long, level piece of ground with a specially prepared smooth, hard surface on which aircraft take off and land
-pristávacia/odletová dráha
return (ticket)
-a ticket for travel to a place and back again
-spiatočný lístok
relax ( verb )
-to (cause someone to) become less active and more calm and happy
reach ( verb )
-to arrive at a place, especially after spending a long time or a lot of effort travelling
-a long structure, usually built of stone, where boats can be tied up to take on and off their goods
-nábrežie, mólo
-a large printed picture, photograph, or notice that you stick or pin to a wall or board, usually for decoration or to advertise something
-a person whose job is to carry things, especially travellers’ bags at railway stations, airports, hotels etc.
-nosič, vrátnik
-to walk taking slow steps, as if your feet are heavy
-a long, flat raised structure at a railway station, where people get on and off trains
-a small solid piece of medicine that a person swallows without chewing (= crushing with the teeth)
package (tour)
-a holiday at a fixed price in which the travel company arranges your travel, hotels, and sometimes meals for you
pack (verb)
-to put something into a bag, box, etc.
-zbaliť sa
-the bags, suitcases, etc. that contain your possessions and that you take with you when you are travelling
look out (over)
-to quickly examine something
-to see something (an area of some kind, an expanse, or something occupying it)
-(to disregard in a kind way; forgive, excuse, or pardon )
-to be oriented in a certain direction
-dávať si pozor
life belt
-a life preserver in the form of a buoyant belt
-a ring filled with buoyant material or air, used to keep a person afloat
-záchraný pás
-to (cause to) arrive on the ground or other surface after moving down through the air
-a piece of paper or other material that gives you information about the object it is attached to
-štítok, označenie
-a detailed plan or route of a journey
-cestovný plán
in advance
-before a particular time, or before doing a particular thing
-ahead in time
an area of water near the coast where ships are kept and are safe from the sea
-a place where people, especially young people, can stay cheaply for short periods when they are travelling, with shared rooms and sometimes some private rooms
-a private house offering accommodation to paying guests.
-hosťovský dom, penzión
-used to describe an aircraft that is prevented from flying for some reason, or a ship that cannot move because it has hit solid ground
-things for sale, or the things that you own
-costing nothing, or not needing to be paid for
-a period of two weeks
-štrnásť dní
-a journey in an aircraft
-an organized journey for a particular purpose
double (room)
-a room in a hotel for two people
-dvojlôžková izba
-to cause something or someone to change direction
-presmerovať, odkloniť
-the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken
departure lounge
-the area in an airport where passengers wait before getting onto an aircraft
-odletová hala
-happening at a later time than expected, or happening some time after the event that caused it
-oneskorený, zmeškaný
-to announce something clearly, firmly, publicly, or officially
-to officially tell someone the value of goods you have bought, or the amount of money you have earned because you might have to pay tax
-vyhlásiť, prehlásiť
-a flat area for walking on, built across the space between the sides of a boat
customs officer
-a person whose job is to make certain travellers are not taking goods into a country without paying taxes
-a journey on a large ship for pleasure, during which you visit several places
-výletná ľoď
-a place where something such as a road, river, etc. can be crossed safely, or a place where a road and a railway meet and cross each other
-a journey across a large area of water, from one side to the other
-preplavba, prechod, prelet
-a group of people who work together, especially all those who work on and operate a ship, aircraft, etc.
-to put or spread something over something, or to lie on the surface of something
-(of an area or structure) having a roof or other type of shelter over the top
-an organized event in which people try to win a prize by being the best, fastest, etc.
-a situation in which someone is trying to win something or be more successful than someone else
-súťaž, prehliadka
check in
-to show your ticket at an airport so that you can be told where you will be sitting and so that your bags can be put on the aircraft
-prihlásiť sa, zaregistrovať sa
-to decide that an organized event will not happen, or to stop an order for goods or services that you no longer want
-a piece of land where people on holiday can camp, usually with toilets and places for washing
-kemping, miesto na kemp
-a small, simple house made of wood
-a meal where people serve themselves different types of food
book (verb)
-to arrange to have a seat, room, performer, etc. at a particular time in the future
-a place to stay or live
-a green, brown, or dark red plant that grows in the sea or on land very close to the sea
-morská riasa
sea level
-the average height of the sea where it meets the land
-výška hladiny mora
sea front
-the part of a town on the coast next to the beach, often with a road along it and a row of houses and shops facing the sea
-a bird that lives near the sea and has short legs, long wings, and white and grey feathers
-the land along the edge of the sea
-morské pobrežie / morský breh
put up
-to build something
-to raise something, or to fix something in a raised position
-to travel by getting free rides in someone else’s vehicle
-Saturday and Sunday the part of the week in which many people living in the West do not go to work
-a long journey, especially by ship
-a space or place that is available to be used
-voľné miesto
-a visit to a place or area, especially one during which you look around the place or area and learn about it
-a journey made for pleasure, especially as a holiday, visiting several different places in an area
-to remove things from a suitcase, bag, or box
-vybaliť sa
-a shelter made of canvas or a similar material and supported by poles and ropes, that you can fold up and carry with you
-If an aircraft, bird, or insect takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly
take off ( verb )
-a ticket for a journey to a place, but not for the return
-jednorázový lístok
single ( ticket )
-a belt that fastens around you when you are travelling in a vehicle or aircraft and holds you in your seat, in order to reduce the risk of being injured in an accident
-bezpečnostný pás
seat belt
-vomiting or having the feeling you will vomit because of the movement of the ship you are travelling in
-morská choroba
-a long, level piece of ground with a specially prepared smooth, hard surface on which aircraft take off and land
-pristávacia/odletová dráha
-a ticket for travel to a place and back again
-spiatočný lístok
return (ticket)
-to (cause someone to) become less active and more calm and happy
relax ( verb )
-to arrive at a place, especially after spending a long time or a lot of effort travelling
reach ( verb )
-a long structure, usually built of stone, where boats can be tied up to take on and off their goods
-nábrežie, mólo
-a large printed picture, photograph, or notice that you stick or pin to a wall or board, usually for decoration or to advertise something
-a person whose job is to carry things, especially travellers’ bags at railway stations, airports, hotels etc.
-nosič, vrátnik
-to walk taking slow steps, as if your feet are heavy
-a long, flat raised structure at a railway station, where people get on and off trains
-a small solid piece of medicine that a person swallows without chewing (= crushing with the teeth)
-a holiday at a fixed price in which the travel company arranges your travel, hotels, and sometimes meals for you
package (tour)
-to put something into a bag, box, etc.
-zbaliť sa
pack (verb)
-the bags, suitcases, etc. that contain your possessions and that you take with you when you are travelling
-to quickly examine something
-to see something (an area of some kind, an expanse, or something occupying it)
-(to disregard in a kind way; forgive, excuse, or pardon )
-be oriented in a certain direction.
-dávať si pozor
look out (over)
-a life preserver in the form of a buoyant belt
-a ring filled with buoyant material or air, used to keep a person afloat
-záchraný pás
life belt
-to (cause to) arrive on the ground or other surface after moving down through the air
-a piece of paper or other material that gives you information about the object it is attached to
-štítok, označenie
-a detailed plan or route of a journey
-cestovný plán
-before a particular time, or before doing a particular thing
-ahead in time
in advance
-an area of water near the coast where ships are kept and are safe from the sea
-a place where people, especially young people, can stay cheaply for short periods when they are travelling, with shared rooms and sometimes some private rooms
-a private house offering accommodation to paying guests.
-hosťovský dom, penzión
-used to describe an aircraft that is prevented from flying for some reason, or a ship that cannot move because it has hit solid ground
-things for sale, or the things that you own
-costing nothing, or not needing to be paid for
-a period of two weeks
-štrnásť dní
-a journey in an aircraft
-an organized journey for a particular purpose
-a room in a hotel for two people
-dvojlôžková izba
double (room)
-to cause something or someone to change direction
-presmerovať, odkloniť
-the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken
-the area in an airport where passengers wait before getting onto an aircraft
-odletová hala
departure lounge
-happening at a later time than expected, or happening some time after the event that caused it
-be late or slow
-oneskorený, zmeškaný
-to announce something clearly, firmly, publicly, or officially
-to officially tell someone the value of goods you have bought, or the amount of money you have earned because you might have to pay tax
-vyhlásiť, prehlásiť
-a flat area for walking on, built across the space between the sides of a boat
-a person whose job is to make certain travellers are not taking goods into a country without paying taxes
customs officer
-a journey on a large ship for pleasure, during which you visit several places
-výletná ľoď
-a place where something such as a road, river, etc. can be crossed safely, or a place where a road and a railway meet and cross each other
-a journey across a large area of water, from one side to the other
-preplavba, prechod, prelet
-a group of people who work together, especially all those who work on and operate a ship, aircraft, etc.
-to put or spread something over something, or to lie on the surface of something
-(of an area or structure) having a roof or other type of shelter over the top
-an organized event in which people try to win a prize by being the best, fastest, etc.
-a situation in which someone is trying to win something or be more successful than someone else
-súťaž, prehliadka
-to show your ticket at an airport so that you can be told where you will be sitting and so that your bags can be put on the aircraft
-prihlásiť sa, zaregistrovať sa
check in
-to decide that an organized event will not happen, or to stop an order for goods or services that you no longer want
-a piece of land where people on holiday can camp, usually with toilets and places for washing
-kemping, miesto na kemp
-a small, simple house made of wood
-a meal where people serve themselves different types of food
-to arrange to have a seat, room, performer, etc. at a particular time in the future
book (verb)
-a place to stay or live
-a green, brown, or dark red plant that grows in the sea or on land very close to the sea
-morská riasa
-the average height of the sea where it meets the land
-výška hladiny mora
sea level
-the part of a town on the coast next to the beach, often with a road along it and a row of houses and shops facing the sea
sea front
-a bird that lives near the sea and has short legs, long wings, and white and grey feathers
-the land along the edge of the sea
-morské pobrežie / morský breh
-to build something
-to raise something, or to fix something in a raised position
put up