Unit 2 Test: Overall Questions Flashcards
What are the four basic residence patterns? (location wise)
Patrilocal, matrilocal, ambilocal and neolocal.
What is polygamy?
More than one spouse
Where is Bountiful?
In south east corner of BC
Explain what Bountiful is?
A community that consists of many women and their children. Their kids all have the same father Winston Blackmoore.
What is a polyamorous marriage?
Union between three or more consenting adults.
What group is an example of a co-marriage? (Indigenous)
The Inupiat of Northern Alaska
What is a Taboo that all cultures have.
Incest taboo
What are the 6 family types?
- Nuclear
- Single parent
- Extended
- Childless
- Blended families
- Grandparent families
What percentage of canadian families are nuclear?
Why might you have an “extended” family type?
- Economics (nursing homes are expensive, cost of living is high)
- Health
- Divorce
- Migration (custom to live together)
What are the two types of kinship relations?
Consanguineal (by blood) and affinal (by marriage).
What are the 3 types of descents?
- Unilineal (mother OR father)
- Matrilineal (exclusively mother)
- Patrilineal (exclusively father)
Why do we have last names?
To track people
What is social stratification based on?
- Wealth
- Power
- Prestige
What are some hierarchies that exist in society?
- Age
- Gender
- Race
- Wealth
- Education
What are negative impact of hierarchies?
- Taking advantage of power
- Divides people
- Voices of the minority are NOT heard.
What are positive impacts of hierarchies?
- Age: parents are just trying to protect their kids.
- Clear lines of authority.
What are the origins of stratification?
Hunter, gather and fisher societies.
What are pastoral and horticultural societies
- People who raise crops.
- Farmers.
- Depends on animals for transportation
When did industrialized societies begin?
Mid 1700’s
When did the improvement of working conditions start and why?
In the mid 1900’s because of unions.
What are the 3 main examples of modern slavery?
- Debt bondage
- Indentured servitude
- Domestic servant kept in captivity
What are the causes of slavery?
- Debt
- Crime
- Prisoners of war
- Beliefs of inherent superiority
What is indentured servitude?
- Agreement to sell self for a set period of time
- Common practice in colonies of the New World 17th & 18th centuries
Who were the first indentured servants?
The irish
What are specific examples of modern day slavery?
- Migrant workers
- Sex trafficking
What are the 3 stages of a rite of passage?
- Seperation
- Transition
- Reintergration
What is a rite of passage for men?
What does a circumcision represent?
- Act of rebirth
- Strength (accepting pain without flinching)
- Becoming a man/manhood
- Eligible for marriage
What is a rite of passage for women?
First menstrual cycle
What does our first menstrual cycle represent?
- Going from girl to women
- Religious ritual
- Test of strength
What are rites of passages that you go through?
- Baptism
- Sweet sixteen
- High school transition
- Prom
- Wedding
- Retirement
- Funeral
What is the caste system?
- A system where your status is ascribed at birth.
Where is the caste system popular? (location)
Asia and India
What is an affirmative action?
Affirmative action involves sets of policies and practices within a government or organization seeking to include particular groups based on their gender, race, sexuality, creed or nationality in areas in which such groups are underrepresented
What are the 2 types of stratification systems?
Open and closed.
What is an open stratification system?
- Merit
- Equal opportunity
- High social mobility
- Can move up or down in status
What is a closed stratification system?
- Inheritance determines social rank
- Change is minimal
Why would there be an increase in inequality in Canada? (examples)
- Unemployment
- Part time & temporary work
- Income and wealth
Why would there be a decrease in inequality in Canada?
Self employed
How many billionaires are in Canada?
What is the distribution of wealth in Canada? (percent wise)
The top 20% hold 70% of Canada’s wealth.
What’s an example of the gender divide.
Females earn less than males in all occupations.
What are systemic discrimination examples?
- Landlord puts some people in apartments that need fixing - “Better units should be kept for Canadians”
- Pay inequality between men and women
- 1997 Canadian Human Rights Tribunal – Health Canada and its employees.
What is diaspora?
- The dispersion or spread of a people from their original homeland.
- Displaced communities.
What are the 5 types of diaspora?
- Victim
- Labour and Imperial
- Trade
- Homeland
- Deterritorialized
Who was responsible for the Armenian Genocide?
The Ottoman Empire.
What did African traders trade?
People for firearms.
What is cultural transmission?
- The way a group of people within a culture or society tend to learn or pass on new information.
- Learned through experience and participation.
How is information passed onto you?
By observing and participating
Choosing where you live is an example of what transmission?
Copying your sibling is an example of what type of transmission?
What is vertical transmission?
Between parents and offspring.
What is horizontal transmission?
Between peers within the same age group.
What is Oblique transmission?
Between older and younger individuals.
Girl guides is am example of _____________?
Enculturation (acquiring your own culture)
Gift exchanges are a _________ meaning?