Unit 2 test Flashcards
a smaller copy to represent something
physical model
information that is provided so you can see it
mathematic model
mathematical relationships Express by symbols formulas and equations
graphical model
a graph provides a picture of a relationship of symbols formulas and equations
Earth shape
one could argue Earth shape is obliquely spiracle
Central Force
outward Force caused by spinning on Earth access
energy equals mass times speed of elevation
evidence of Earth shape
2. The Horizon of earth’s surface is curved
3.eclipses people would see the Earth’s shadow in the Moon
4.measurement of gravity gravity is a stronger the closer you get to the center of the Earth
5.Northstar of Polaris Polaris does not move
angular distance north or south of the Equator
0 degrees starting point for measuring latitude
parallel lines
these lines are used for measuring latitude runs east to west
North/ South pole
90 degrees latitude is the maximum latitude one can travel
angular distance measured east to west of the Prime Meridian
runs north to south from pole to pole
prime meridian
0 degrees starting point for measuring longitude
International Date Line
180 degrees maximum longitude