Unit 2: Revolution and Building of America Flashcards
Life under British rule, American Revolution, Revolutionary War's effects
political/economic policies instituted in colonies to benefit the mother country
includes regulation/taxation, restricting migration of specialized workers
salutary neglect
British practice of leaving the colonies alone (not actively enforcing Navigation Acts, etc.) in exchange for obedience to the monarchy (no rebellion)
Navigation Laws / Acts
a series of acts in 1650s-1660s to expand British economic control over the colonies. included imports/exports in British ships only, exports to colonies had to go through British taxation, etc. increased British power and colonial resentment
Seven Years’ War / French and Indian War
happened from 1756-1763. unique in that it began in America and ended in a clear British victory.
British vs French+Indians vying for control over Ohio Country (Ohio+Mississippi rivers).
started because Washington was sent to stop French from building forts but got ⅓ of his army killed and had to retreat.
Treaty of Paris (1763)
French officially ceded all territory to the British (claims to Spanish Florida, West Indies sugar colonies, and swaths of Midwestern land)
With this, GB became biggest empire, but to manage new responsibilities, clutched its colonies with too tight a grip
Pontiac’s Rebellion
1763 result of settler encroachment on land - native american violence across several British settlements
led to Proclamation of 1763
Proclamation of 1763
to combat increased native violence b/c of settler encroachment, drew a “dividing line” between western native territory and eastern settler territory. angered colonists who felt constricted, but only really stopped them from purchasing west land, not creeping onto it.
Sugar Act
To curb smuggling incentives and pay off war debts, cut taxes on British molasses and increased taxes on imports like sugar in 1764
mission failed, enforcement cost 4x the revenue brought in
Stamp Act
the first time parli policy raised revenue through direct tax - the 1765 act mandated buying stamped (British) paper for basically all uses of paper
Stamp Act Congress
October 1765 uniting of colonial assembles around “No Taxation without Representation!”
precipitated by the Virginia Resolves (House of Burgesses resolutions)
a late 1700s opponent of British policies in American colonies
non-importation acts
American pledges not to buy/consume British goods in the 1760s-1770s
Virtual vs. Actual Representation [“taxation without representation”]
virtual rep (British): parli represents all British subjects, so America can be taxed
actual rep (Americans): no taxation without representation, parli doesn’t rep b/c not elected by us!
Sons and Daughters of Liberty
1770s protestors against British military/governmental control. Daughters stopped buying clothes and made fabric themselves. Sons pledged to non-importation agreements.
Townshend Acts
To raise more revenue to fund governor salaries, taxed a variety of imports in 1767 (glass, tea, etc.)
unpopular because they undermined previous colonial assembly powers to regulate royal governors’ salaries
Boston Massacre
March 1770 brawl between taunting Boston colonists and harassing British soldiers
contributed to April 1770 repealment of Townshend Acts (American tensions rising)
Tea Act
In 1773, removed tax on East India Company tea imports to bail them out and undermine American smuggling (lower prices)
caused Boston Tea Party
Boston Tea Party
Because of the Tea Act (1773), Boston rebels dumped 300+ tea crates into the sea - contributed to highly violent British response
Coercive/Intolerable Acts
a series of 1774 acts to punish the Boston Tea Party: closure of Boston harbor until tea debts were paid, new Quartering Act, Massachusetts governor assumed total election power over legislature. caused Patriots to stop paying taxes and stockpile weapons.
Continental Congress
When the Virginia Assembly was dissolved (coercive acts backlash), gathered in September-October 1774 to have colonial policy coordination. Instituted Continental Association of 1774, where thousands organized boycotts of British imports and American exports to the British (brought war to a point of inevitability).