Unit 2 - Natures Chemistry Flashcards
What is a homologous series?
Family of compounds which share the same chemical properties and the same general formula
What do the hydrocarbons in the same homologous series share?
Same chemical properties
Same general formula
Different physical properties
What do saturated hydrocarbons have?
C-C single bond
What do unsaturated hydrocarbons contain?
Double/triple C=C bonds
What is the process of addition?
When a double bond is added onto an unsaturated hydrocarbons
What hydrocarbons are usually involved with Addition?
Alkenes, hydrogens, halogens, hydrogen halide (HCl) and water
How is an alkane produced?
When a Alkene reacts with a hydrogen
How do you test for unsaturation?
Add few drops of bromine water to solution/substance. If it quickly decolorises then it is unsaturated
What is the general formula of alkanes?
What is the general formula for Cycloalkanes?
What is the general formula for Alkenes?
How do you name Alkenes?
Look for longest chain of carbons
Find which side the double bond is closest to
Label that end carbon C1
If any branches then give them position
Give double bond position
Position of double bond goes inside name of longest chain
How do you name Alkanes?
Look for longest continuous chain of carbons
Go to end carbon name it C1
Look for any branches
Give branch position based on c1
Position of branch comes before the alkane type and name
What are the different structural formulas?
Full structural formula
Shortened structural formula
Molecular formula
What are isomers?