Unit 2 (My brain hurts) ;-; Flashcards
What is arithmetic density?
People divided by total land area
What is physiological density?
People to arable land
What is agricultural density?
Farmers to the amount of arable land
What is arable land?
Land capable of growing food
What is the global population distribution?
Clusters in East Asia, South Asia, Europe, and Southeast. Approximately 5 Billion people live in these regions
What is carrying capacity?
The amount of people resources can support
What is a census?
In America, the census is mainly used to decide how many representatives a state gets in the house of representatives. Unfortunately, gerrymandering across multiple states usually twists in favor of the Republicans
What is overpopulation?
When resources cannot support the population
What is a LDC?
Least developed countries, with low development of everything.
What is a MDC?
More developed countries have better infrastructure, but still, have a growing population
What is a HDC?
Highly developed countries have slow or declining growth.
What is natural increase rate?
Percentage a country´s population grows in a year
What is crude birth rate(CBR)?
Amount of live births per 1000 people
What is crude death rate(CDR)?
The number of deaths per 1000 people
What is doubling time?
The time it takes for a population to double
What is the total fertility rate (TFR?)
The number of children a woman usually would have between ages 15-49.
What is the replacement fertility ratio?
Base minimum: 2:1 babies per women on average to keep a constant population
What is an ecumene?
A part of Earth’s surface that has been permanently inhabited by humans.
What are demographics?
Statistical data of an area’s population
What are the demographic transition stages?
Stage 1(the UK before the revolution), Stage(The Gambia), Stage 3(Mexico), Stage 4 (USA), and a hypothetical Stage 5, like in Japan and Ukraine.
What is zero population growth(ZPG)?
Close to zero growth in a country
What is the industrial revolution in terms of the demographic transition model?)
Stage 2, is when a country’s economic output skyrockets, has a major population boom, and the death rate plummets.
How does the sex ratio relate to India and China?
In India and China, aggressive policy-making towards the population resulted in people preferring boys. Unwanted baby girls were aborted, leading to the sex ratio being unequal.
What are population pyramids?
A Bar Graph representing the Male and Female population and how much of the total population they make up. An ideal pyramid has enough population to help support the older ones.
What are age cohorts?
Age groups
What is the dependency ratio?
Number of people too old/young to work to people in productive years
What is the elderly support ratio/graying?
people aged 15-64 to people 65+
What is Japan´s youth dependency ratio?
What is the Epidemiologic transition model?
More or less the same as the Demographic transition stages. Shows birth rate, death rate, population, and increase rate
What are overpopulation theories?
The theory is that we will one day exceed the carrying capacity of the earth. Probably happens a few times in some regions.