Unit 2 Module 3 - Nuclear physics Flashcards
Describe an experiment which investigates the size of the nucleus of an atom, and describe the properties of the incident radiation
Alpha particle scattering. Takes place in a vacuum. Most particles have little deflection because atom is mostly empty space. Very few large deflection. Coulombs law Alpha repelled by nucleus Monoenergetic
What is the range of alpha in air?
What is the range of beta in air?
What is the range of alpha in paper?
What is the range of beta in aluminium?
What is the range of gamma in lead?
Describe an absorption experiment to distinguish between radiations
Use a source and Gieger Muller tube, with paper, aluminium and lead in between. Measure the background radiation activity, then remove lead, aluminium and paper in turn. If the count rate increases as they are taken away then they the radiation is known; lead is gamma, beta is aluminium and alpha is paper.
Advantages and disadvantages of nuclear fission
Advantages: doesnt produce acid rain
a lot more energy per unit volume
doesnt emit CO2
Disadvantages: problems with it getting out of control
maintaining the reaction so it proceeds continuously
risks from radiation
long half life
Explain what is meant by the statement that the strong force is a short range force and explain what this implies about the densities of nuclei of various sizes
force only acts between one nucleon to the next
densities of nuclei are the same no matter what the size
force holding nucleons is independent of size of nucleus
Suggest why a beta particle energy is less than calculated
antineutrino also given off which has some energy
nucleus has kinetic energy
What is the decay constant?
probability of decay in the next second
What is N?
number of undecayed nuclei in a sample
State the importance of gravity in making fusion reactions possible inside the sun.
nuclei collapse under gravity, losing potential energy and gaining kinetic energy and therefore increasing the temperature. Increases the pressure, so increases the frequency of collisions
Describe the process of fusion
Very high temperatures hydrogen fuse to form helium. Positrons are emitted to conserve change, which annihilate electrons releasing electrons.
Discuss the stability of protons
It is stable in a nucleus. All free hadrons are unstable. They have a half life of 10^32 years
Discuss the stability of neutrons
stable in nucleus
half life of 10 mins when free
why are solar panels not practical in deep space?
intensity of light too small
explain why it is not possible to accelerate to a very high energy?
mass increases with speed
how can plutonium 239 be formed?
uranium absorbs a neutrons a beta decays into plutonium
what particle is emitted when plutonium decays?
what is the half life of plutonium?
24000 years
Describe the 3 types of radiation?
gamma is electromagnetic radiation, doesn’t ionise, has no charge or mass, has several km of range in air and is absorbed by 1cm of lead.
alpha is a helium nuclei, is strongly ionising, has 2+ charge and 4u mass, has 1cm of range in air and is absorbed by 0.2mm of paper.
beta is an electron, weakly ionising, has 1- charge, 1/1800u mass, has a range of 2m in air and is absorbed by 1mm of aluminium
what does a high binding energy mean?
greater stability