Definitions Flashcards
AC generator
a generator that via the use of slip rings produces an alternating emf so an alternating current
absorption spectra
a spectrum of dark lines across the pattern of spectral colours produced when light passes through a gas and gas absorbs certain frequencies
alternating current
current that reverses its direction with constant frequency
amplitude in wave
maximum displacement from the mean position
angular momentum
propery that depends on angular velocity
a particle of antimatter with the same mass but equal and opposite charge as its corresponding particle
a particle consisting of 3 quarks
binding energy
the energy required to separate an atom into its constituent parts
binding energy per nucleon
the energy needed to remove one nucleon from a nucleus
capacitor discharge
connecting a charged resistor across a resistor and so enabling the charge to flow from one plate to another
centrepetal acceleration
the acceleration of a body moving in a circle with constant speed acting towards the centre of the circle
cloud chamber
a device used to detect a charged particle by the formation of small clouds along the trails of ions
conservation of momentum
momentum is conserved in all collisions so long as there are no external forces
critical damping
damping of an oscillating system which causes the object to return to the equilibrium position without oscillating
damped oscillations
oscillations in which kinetic energy is converted into other forms and so the amplitude of the oscillations reduces
de Broglie equations
wavelength of a particles is a ratio of Planks constant and the particles momentum
decay constant
probability of decay
the spreading out of waves after passing through a gap or around an object
doppler effect
change in wavelength caused by the relative motion between the wave source and an observer
driving force
force applied to keep an object oscillating
driving frequency
the frequency of the driving force applied to an oscillating object
electromagnetic induction
the process of inducing an emf using a magnetic field and a changing flux linkage
electromagnetic wave
self propagating transverse wave that does not require a medium to travel through
the energy change when an electron moves through a potential difference of one volt
emission spectrum
a pattern of colours of light emitted by specific wavelengths
exponential decay
for any given time interval the ratio of final value to starting value is the same
forced oscillation
when a driving force is required to keep an object oscillation
free oscillations
no driving force required. oscillate at natural frequency
geiger tube
detects radiation by ionisation of gas inside the tube