Unit 2 (matched pairs and 2 sample tests) Flashcards
What is a matched pairs test
where each subject (or carefully pared subjects) gets both treatments. Ex pain pills A and B given to the same person at different times. We care a bout the differences between the scores (A-B)
Matched pairs notation
Standard deviation = Sd, mean of differences = Xbar d, mu = ud
Hypothesis testing for matched pairs
H0 will always be ud = 0, Ha can be ud > 0, ud < 0, ud doesnt = 0. We use t for matched pairs
matched pairs formulas
swap z with t, sigma with Sd, Xbar with Xbard, and mu =0. works for both conf interval and test stat.
how to get Xbard
add up all the differences from each coloum, then divide by the number of coloums
tails in matched pairs
be careful how you set up the question, something that sounds like an upper could be a lower. For example if youre testing to see if IQ improves, then even though that sounds like upper, it will be a lower tail because (normal - BIGGER IQ) will result in a NEGATIVE NUMBER
How to tell when it’s a Two sample test
When it’s a two sample test, we will have 2 n’s (may be the same size), two Sd’s and two Xbarsd’s
Confidence interval for a two sample test
(Xbar1 - Xbar2) +/- t* (SE)
Hypothesis testing for two sample test
H0: u1 = u2 vs HA u1>u2 OR u1 < u2 OR u1 doesnt = u2
is the standard deviation SQUARED
When to use pooled vs non-pooled
if Bigger s / little s <2 use the POOLED METOD