Unit 2: Learning And Respondent Conditioning Flashcards
Relatively permanent change in bx as a result of experience
Reduction in the strength of a reflex response brought about by related exposure to a stimulus that elicits that response Ex. You hear a loud noise, it elicits the activation syndrome. You hear the loud noise repeatedly over time, the strength of the sounds ability to elicit the activation syndrome will weaken. Eventually the loud sound will not elicit the startle response
A stimulus to elicit a reflex response following the elicitation of that response by a different stimulus Ex. Lightening strikes within a few feet from you and elicits the activation syndrome. A few seconds after you calm down the phone rings and elicits the same response. Usually the phone does not startle you, but following the lightening it did.
A dependency bw events: if-then, if x and only x, then y
Innate involuntary response
Respondent behavior
Solely under the control of antecedent stimuli, elicited or involuntary Ex. Food in mouth elicits salvation Ex. Reflexes
Operant behavior
Emitted or evoked, not elicited. Partially under the control of consequences. Most are under both A and C Ex. A plate of food is set in front of Jim. He grabs a fork and eats. The antecedent is the plate of food, the maintaining consequence is that the food is in his mouth as a result of taking it to his mouth with a fork
Behavior-Altering relations
An environmental event produces a relatively permanent alteration in a functional relation bw environment and bx Ex. Bell + meat paired elicits salvation -> function altering effect
Respondent conditioning
Pavlov Also known as classical or Pavlovian conditioning. In eliciting an unconditional response, a U.S. Functions as an unconditioned elicitor. Had a behavior altering or evocative effect
Relatively permanent change in bx as a result of experience
Reduction in the strength of a reflex response brought about by related exposure to a stimulus that elicits that response Ex. You hear a loud noise, it elicits the activation syndrome. You hear the loud noise repeatedly over time, the strength of the sounds ability to elicit the activation syndrome will weaken. Eventually the loud sound will not elicit the startle response
A stimulus to elicit a reflex response following the elicitation of that response by a different stimulus Ex. Lightening strikes within a few feet from you and elicits the activation syndrome. A few seconds after you calm down the phone rings and elicits the same response. Usually the phone does not startle you, but following the lightening it did.
A dependency bw events: if-then, if x and only x, then y
Innate involuntary response
Solely under the control of antecedent stimuli, elicited or involuntary Ex. Food in mouth elicits salvation Ex. Reflexes
Respondent behavior
Emitted or evoked, not elicited. Partially under the control of consequences. Most are under both A and C Ex. A plate of food is set in front of Jim. He grabs a fork and eats. The antecedent is the plate of food, the maintaining consequence is that the food is in his mouth as a result of taking it to his mouth with a fork
Operant behavior
An environmental event produces a relatively permanent alteration in a functional relation bw environment and bx Ex. Bell + meat paired elicits salvation -> function altering effect
Behavior-Altering relations
Pavlov Also known as classical or Pavlovian conditioning. In eliciting an unconditional response, a U.S. Functions as an unconditioned elicitor. Had a behavior altering or evocative effect
Respondent conditioning