unit 2 key terms Flashcards
a religious ceremony; a visible sign of god’s grace
reconciliation anointing of the sick
spiritual healing
initiation sacraments
baptism eucharist and confirmation lay basis of christian living
vocation sacraments
marriage and holy orders - these are ways we are called by god to live a life of love and service
receive bread and wine which becomes body and blood of jesus
name given to consecrated bread and wine
saying sorry to god for sins
charismatic movement
an active style of christian worship which includes dancing and lively music
a commentary that follows a reading of scripture which explains and teaches the meaning of gods word
efficacious prayer
powerful prayer in the funeral rite that encourages the deceased person
speech of praise and remembrance for someone who has died
a mass to remember someone who has died
usually apart of the funeral
formal prayer
prayer which uses words and formulas and is a tradition of the churhc
extempore prayer
prayer which is informal using one’s own words without planning or preparation
blessed sacrament
the real presence of jesus in the consecrated bread and wine, either to be consumed or adored
mystery of the rosary
prayers that concentrate on the joyful, sorrowful, and glorious moments in the life of christ or mary
a journey made for religious reasons
catholic agency for overseas development
social justice
belief that we should live in an equal society due to imago dei
proclaiming and living out the gospel
the new evangelisation
the church’s mission to re-propose the gospel to those who have lost faith or need it renewed