Unit 2 - Israel and Empire Babylon to Rome Flashcards
order of empires 7
babylonia, persia, greece, egypt (ptolomies), syria (seleucids), hasamoneans, rome
king nebechudnezer of babylon destroyed jerusalem and its temple in 596 bc and took many fro israel into exile in babylon
persia and king cyrus
persia defeated babylon in 539 bc and king cyrus allowed jerish exiles to return
main changes after exile 3
jewish people now speak aramaic as everyday language, stress on piety in prayer and study, synagogue likely emerged
alexander the great
over 333-332bc, alexander the great of macedeon (a province in greece) swept across eastern world, defeated persion king, occupied egypt, defeated king poruis of india
under alex, theatres, gyms, schools, govs, universal money introduced greek culture
after alex’s death
his empire divided among his generals
ptolemaic rule 2
alex’s general ptolomy I Soter (savior) ruled egypt as king, largely let israel run its own affairs
hellenization during ptolemaic rule 3
maintained significant influence both in egypt and israel, eroding tradnal jewish culture, greek became common language
seleucid/syrian rule
another of alexander’s generals, seleucus I nicator (conquerer) eventually ruled much of babylon, asia minor, and syria, where antioch was founded as the capital
antiochus iii
one of seleucus’ successors, expanded rule southward, taking israel from the ptolemies in 198 bc, but lost significant battle to the moving in rome less than a decade later
antiochus iv epipanes 3
one of the seleucids, especially ambitious and opressive, ruthlessly resisted jewish attempt at rebellion by sacking jerusalem and descrating the temple and using it for three years as a centre of qorship for zeus
maccabean revolt 5
led by hasidim (pious ones), against seleucid oppression in the form of guerilla warfare, led by maccabean family, syrians retreat and maccabeans reestavlish jewish way of life, temple cleaned and reddicated (since celebrated at hannakuh)
maccabean family
matthais and his sons, including judas, simon, and jonathon
hasmonean dynasty 2
the maccabean family and heirs formed the hasmonean dynasty, the first of jewish independence in centuries (first united since solomon) and last freedom until 1948
pompey 2
the roman empire expanded eastward to include egypt and syria, and israel was caught in the middle, pompey (leading roman commander) overran rudea and jerusalem putting them under roman rule with antipater as rome’s local representative
briefly displaced rome from israel, but roman rule was regained and senate declared antipaters son herod to be their new disgnate entitled “king of the jews”
herod the great 5
worked to please rome, prospered israel through various building projects, but mixed ethnicity made him an outsider to hasmonean family, always weary of rivals including newborn king Jesus, did all he could to hold power to the very end
herod the great’s building projects 4
fortresses, harbor at caeusarea, rebuilding jerusalem, rebuilding temple
israel divided 3+1
herod the great’s kingdom dicided among 3 of his sons
- archelaus - judea
- herod antipas - galilee and perea
- philip - northern areas, what’s left
archelaus 3
his rule was unstable, unpopular and short lived, delegations from both jews and samaritans appealed to emporer augustus sent archelaus to gaul in exile, replaced with roman rule in the form of prefects and procurators
main issues with rome 3
socio-economic oppression, corruption, violation of jewish religious beliefs, practices and sensibilities
1st jewish revolt 3
66-70ad, crushed by roman generals vespasian and his son titus, jerusalem and temple destroyed