6 - Matthew Flashcards
Jesus as 3
teacher, Messiah, Immanuel
matt specialness 2
- most Jewish gospel, perhaps reflecting the originally Jewish-Christian audience and its circumstances
- often called the teacher gospel bc it contains a lot of material that docusses on Jesus as an authoritative teacher who uses the ot to challenge israel and its tradns and presents material in a way that it can be used by the early church for preaching and teaching
geneology 5
- shows J to be fulfillment of all that’s happened in the Ot by connecting him to abe, adam, and david
- structured into 3 sectiosn of 14 names, from abe to david, david to exile, exile to Jesus
- greek genesos, connects to book of genesis, God recreating world through Jesus
- connection to abe covt - descendents as numerous as the stars
- inclusion of 3 gentile women, worldwide inclusion
authorship 3
- could be seen as anonymous bc gives no explicit indication of who wrote it
- title of gospel of matthew was likely added when the 4 gospels were colelcted
- makes sense tho to associate it with matt, disciple of Jesus, bc he was educated and dedicated to the Jewish tradn
purpose 2
- range of related reasons revolving around identity of Jesus as messiah and lord of all
- likely to Jewish Christian audience, though likely in proximity to a wider and perhaps tense gentile enviro
precice locayion unkown, but perhaps syria, antioch, or elsewhere in palestine
not exactly sure, but likely 60s-80s
structure 2
3 stages and 5 blocks of discourses
3 stages
- galilee and area, journey to jerusalem, final days and jerusalem and afterwards
narratives and discourses 5
n - john and J’s prep
d1 - sermon on the mount
n - J’s mighty deeds and the kd of heaven
d2 - teaching on the disciple’s mission
n - various rxns to the kd
d3 - parables on the kd
n - additional rxn to J’s teaching and activity
d4 - teaching on discipleship and the church
n - journey and arrival in jerusalem
d5 - instructions on the destiny of jerus, israel, and the world
n - passion
5 discourses remind of 3
- reminds of pentatauch of Moses
- playing in Moses motif
- shows how Jesus offers new teaching that fulfills Moses’ instructions
stylistic features reason
to make the material easy to preach and teach the life of Jesus in the early church
compact accounts 3
- suitable for teaching
- much more compact than mark’s accounts of the same events
- more easily remembered
repetition 5
- assists with memorization
- certain formulas repeated at important moments, like “this was to fulfill”
- editorial summaries
- 2 accounts of same/similar story
- sayings of Jesus sometimes reintroduced in a closely related form so his teaching’s basic content would be reinforced
infancy narratives 5
- indicates that Jesus fulfills ot’s expectations of Messiah and Savior, but not as expected
- vulnerable baby, not as an adult Jewish resistance fighter ready to get rid of Rome
- visit of wise men omdocayes Jesus has not come just for Israel but for all who seek him
- Herod’s response indicates Jesus will opposed by some
- Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us, a challenge against Jewish monotheism
moses motif 6
- J presented as new moses at sermon otm, mountain reminiscent of sinai (10 commandments) and zion, represent a place of God’s revelation to Israel
- Jesus as a teacher and interpreter of the Torah, who also fulfills the Law
- Matt most often quotes or alludes to OT, showing J as giving a greater understanding to it
- freedom from slavery to people -> freedom from sin
- torah so Israel can be faithful to the covt -> fulfills covt and provides new commandments so his followers can truly be faithful
- for israel -> the world
rightesousness and the sermon on the mount 5
- theme in beautitudes
- righteousness often defines as right behaviour before God
- OT righteousness basically a judicial term referring to one’s life and status before God who is judge
- righteousness includes a way of life which allows God to declare a person not guilty to be a fauthful member of covt
- so Jesus teaching that those who follow his own self-sacrificial example are righteous
kd of heaven
- matt and other Jews venerated the name of God, so Matt substitutes it with heaven
kd of heaven/God features 4
- hidden but now being revealed through Jesus to those with eyes to see
- present but not yet fully realized
- worldwide
- includes radical discipleship
the disciples 4
- Matt gives a favourable portrayal of the displesl but he doesn’t deny their moral inadequacy
- comprise the nucleus of the new covt community
- Jesus regards the disciples as the Israel gathered around himself
- participants in the unfolding kd
the church 3
- matt only gospe to use the word church, which literally means gathering or those called out
- says to peter this is the rock where I will build my church
- later Jesus uses church talking ab his disciples as having a mission and as being a community of discipleship