Unit 2 - Historical Ideas about Science Flashcards
Chapter 1 - Cells the building blocks of life Collins KS3 Science - Book 1
M = ovement R = espiration S = ensitivity
G = rowth R = eproduction E = xcretion N = utrition
Which respected Greek thinker proposed that life arose from non-living material if the material contained ‘pneuma’?
Aristotle (384-322 BCE)
Aristotle (384-322 BCE) was…
A respected Greek thinker who believed in spontaneous generation. He proposed that life arose from non-living material if the material contained ‘pneuma’.
What is spontaneous generation?
Appearance of animals from environments previously devoid of animals
Appearance of animals from environments previously devoid of animals is known as…
Spontaneous generation
Frogs appearing on the bank of the Nile after flooding
Mice coming out of barns
Fish appearing in puddles
These are all examples of…
Spontaneous generation
Give three examples of Spontaneous generation:
Frogs appearing on the bank of the Nile after flooding
Mice coming out of barns
Fish appearing in puddles
Who set out to disprove the idea of spontaneous generation, using 6 jars of meat?
Francesco Redi
What did Francesco Redi set out to disprove, and how?
He set out to disprove the idea of spontaneous generation, using 6 jars of meat.
2 open
2 with gauze
2 sealed
Maggots only found upon the meat of the open containers
John Needham demonstrated the spontaneous generation of microorganisms using…
Broth that was briefly boiled and found to contain numerous microscopic creatures after a couple of days
Who briefly boiled broth and found it to contain numerous microscopic creatures after a couple of days supporting the idea of spontaneous generation?
John Needham in 1745
Who’s development of swan-neck flasks refuted the theory of spontaneous generation?
Louis Pasteur
What did Louis Pasteur develop to help him to refuted the theory of spontaneous generation?
Swan-neck flasks
Who developed glass?
The Romans
The Romans developed…
Who was the Dutch spectacle maker, who experimented with putting lenses in tubes, and developed the first compound microscope in the 1590s?
Zacharias Janssen
Who was Zacharias Janssen and what did he develop?
Dutch spectacle maker, who experimented with putting lenses in tubes, and developed the first compound microscope in the 1590s
Who constructed a microscope with a single spherical lens in the late 1600s, that magnified up to x275
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
What did Antonie van Leeuwenhoek develop?
He constructed a microscope with a single spherical lens in the late 1600s, that magnified up to x275
In 1665 which British scientist discovered and drew
cells using acompound microscope.
Robert Hooke
Who is Robert Hooke, and what did he discover and when?
He is a British scientist discovered and drew
cells using acompound microscope in 1665
How did Hooke describe the cells he observed?
As hundreds of tiny
boxes, giving a honeycomb appearance
‘Hundreds of tiny
boxes, giving a honeycomb appearance’ is a description of ‘what’ and by ‘whom’?
Plant cells under the microscope by Robert Hooke
Who and in what year was the electron microscope developed?
1938: Ernst Ruska
In 1938 Ernst Ruska developed what?
The electron microscope
The electron microscope has helped our understanding of as by hugely improving…
Magnification and resolution