Unit 2 - Ethics & Risk Mgmt Flashcards
What are the three major theories in moral philosophy?
1) Well-being - the impacts of different actions and policies
2) Autonomy - free choice without coercion, addiction and irrationality. Also what makes possible - responsibility, respect and blame
3) Virtuous character - cultivation of this over a human lifetime
What does the theory of Utilitarianism suggest?
That it is morally right to do in any circumstance what will increase the well-being of the most people
What are pros and cons of digital goods w.r.t. Well-being?
Cons - often marketed to the already well off
Pros - non-rival and not scarce. Can therefore increase everyone’s well-being.
Can also be used to specifically help those badly off through disability and to spread educational material.
What are two primary unwanted effects of digitisation on employment?
1) Online selling platforms affect prospects for retail workers, and all related professions to support retail.
2) AI may affect large swathes of a manufacturing Labour force. Even the reduction in need to light / heat an area may reduce needs for maintenance personnel, electricians etc.
What are non-employment downsides of digitisation and connectivity?
1) Social Media - anonymity can be distinguishing leading to rudeness / abuse.
2) Disconnection in the real world - Online gaming platforms etc. Can make us less social.
3) Fake news - circulated by social media with personalisation that reinforces existing beliefs rather than presenting balanced view.
4) Collection of personal data - some may see as violation of privacy. Consent often hidden in small print.
Why is digital development more negative from an Autonomy perspective
When info is collected, it may be used to offer specific items, therefore choices to purchase may be influenced rather than made freely.
Why is leading a virtuous life incompatible with a digital life?
Virtues like courage and self-contol require real-world situations in which real things are at stake, not just an online persona.
What are the 7 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) principles from article 5?
Personal data shall be:
1) processed lawfully, fairly and transparently
2) collected and used for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes
3) adequate, relevant and limited
4) accurate, kept up-to-date
5) kept so data subjects can be identified for no longer than is necessary
6) processed securely
7) controller is responsible for and able to demonstrate compliance with 1-6
Who are ‘Data Controllers’?
Those responsible for receiving, collecting, processing and storing personal data
What are the two constituent parts of a Risk Management Standard?
Risk Management Framework
Risk Management Process
What is the Risk Management Process according to the IRM?
Being able to:
- Identify risks (and opportunities)
- Evaluate and prioritise significant risks (and opps)
- Manage significant risks
For the Risk Mgmt Framework, what does ‘RASP’ stand for?
- Risk Architecture
(Committee structure, roles and resp, reporting reqmts) - risk Strategy
(Risk mgmt philosophy, arrangements for embedding, risk appetite and attitude, risk assessment techniques, risk priorities) - risk Protocols
(Tools and techniques, risk classification system, risk assessment procedures, risk control rules and procedures, responding to incidents, training and comms, reporting)
What does Hopkin define as the 8Rs of (hazard) risk mgmt?
- Recognition
- Rating
- Ranking
- Responding (see four Ts)
- Resourcing
- Reaction Planning
- Reporting
- Reviewing
What does ISO 31000 state in terms of what risk mgmt is based on?
The Principles, Framework and Process outlined in the document
What according to Hopkin (Fundamentals of Risk Mgmt) does External Context include?
- Social, cultural, political, legal, reg, financial, technological, economic, natural and competitive environments
- Industry, products, markets, competitors, suppliers, customers, logistics and regions / cou tries of operation
- Key drivers and trends impacting objectives of operation
- Relationships with and perceptions and values of external stakeholders