Unit 2 - Digital Disruption Flashcards
What are ‘General Purpose Technologies (GPTs)’?
Deep new ideas or techniques that have the potential for important impacts on many sectors of the economy. They:
1) Are pervasive
2) Improve over time
3) Are able to spawn new innovations
What are ‘Specific Technologies’?
Ones that serve a particular purpose
Why is productivity almost everything?
A country’s ability to improve it’s standard of living over time depends almost entirely on its ability to raise it’s output per worker.
Innovation is how this productivity growth happens.
According to Gordon, what were the 3 great inventions of the 2nd industrial revolution?
1) Electricity
2) Internal combustion engine
3) Indoor plumbing
What four things did the steam engine bring?
- Massive increase in power available to factories
- Enabled factories to be located away from rivers / streams
- Revolutionised land travel - railroads
- New sea travel - steamship
How did electricity boost manufacturing?
- Enable individual powered machines
- Lighting for factories, offices and warehouses
- Led to further innovation, such as air conditioning units
What does ‘Innovation as fruit’ mean?
When multiple GPTs appear at the same or similar time, we sustain steady rates of growth over a long time-period.
When there’s a big gap though, economic growth will eventually peter out.
What are meta-ideas?
Ideas about how to support the production and transmission of other ideas. Two safe predictions:
1) Leading country will be the one that implements an innovation that more effectively supports new ideas in the private sector
2) New meta-ideas of this kind will be found
What is ‘Recombinant Innovation’?
Each development becomes a building block for future innovations.
Progress doesn’t run out, it accumulates.
This is the ‘Innovation as a building block’ view.
What is ‘Innocentive’?
Online clearinghouse for scientific problems.
It is non-credentialist and can be used by people from any discipline.
What is ‘Kaggle’?
Online site for people world-wide to solve data analysis / modelling problems submitted by organisations
What is ‘Quirky’?
People firstly generate ideas, then filters them as they vote on submissions, conduct reasearch, suggest improvements, figure out names and brands and drive sales.
What is ‘Choice Modelling’?
An example site is Affinova
Mathematically finds the optimum set of choices by presenting a small number of options and asking people to select which they like best.
What is a ‘Seed Idea’?
Piece of knowledge that adds value to things that are essential to the economy.
Using open-source sites can enable anyone to contribute. E.g through Innocentive or Kaggle
What is ‘Artificial Intelligence’?
The machine-assisted achievement of human goals which depend on the discovery of mathematical relationships between different sets of data.