Unit 2 Edpuzzle Copy of the Civil War and Reconstruction Flashcards
Examine the Social, political, and economic causes, course and consequences of the Civil War
Large piece of land in the South where one cotton is planted for widespread commercial sale. These farms used slave labor

Compromise between the North and South by Henry Clay regarding the expansion of slavery in the new territories. 1. California admitted as a free state 2. Slaves banned in Washington D.C. 3. Tougher fugitive Slave Law enacted

Compromise of 1850
Individuals usually from the North who wanted to end slavery in the entire United States
Compromise introduced by Stephen Douglas, which repealed the Missouri compromise (1920) by applying popular sovereignty which allowed the people of Kansas and Nebraska to decide if they wanted slavery within their territories.

Kansas-Nebraska Act
Supreme Court decision (1857) stating that this slave did not have the right to sue for his freedom since he was not a U.S. citizen, but the property of another person. Decision also stated that slavery could not be prohibited anywhere in the United States (including the north)

Dred Scott Decision
The election of this individual who promised to halt the spread of slavery in new terriroties. As a result Southern states starting with South Carolina decided to leave the Union.

Abraham Lincoln
Confederate forces fired on the federal fort located in the Harbor of Charleston South Carolina which led to the beginning of the Civil War

Fort Sumter
What were the Long Term Causes of the Civil War

- Slavery: Differing economic needs/reliance on slavery in the south 2. Sectionalism- loyalty to the section of the country as opposed to loyalty to the nation 3. extension of Slavery State’s right
Northern Strategy first suggested by General Windfield Scott that proposed strangling the South with a naval blockade of Southern ports and the use of Northern naval power to seize control of the Mississippi and split the Confederacy in two.

Wartime act by President Lincoln that announced all slaves in those territories still in rebellion would be freed. The act did not free any slaves in the border states.

This battle is considered the turning point of the Civil War. After this battle the South never would attack into the Northern territories again.

Location where Robert E Lee surrendered to Ullyses S. Grant. Thus ending the Civil War

Speech Given by Abraham Lincoln honoring those who fought and lost their lives at the Battle of Gettysubrg.
This Amendment abolished slavery in the entire United States

This amendment gave African Americans citenzhip and equal protection under the law.

This Amendment gave African Americans the Right to vote
laws written by Southern States that prevented freedmen (person of color) from voting, holding office serving on juries.
System of agriculture used in South where Farmers would give a portion of their crops to the landowner in exchange for use of land

Landowner forces a worker to pay off a debt with work

Northerners who moved to the South after the Civil War to take advantage of the unstable social, financial and political climate.

First African American in Congress

Hiram Rhodes Revels
Time in the South (end of Reconstruction in 1877 through the early 20th Century) when racism in the country was at an all time high.

Group of the Republican party who believed the South should be punished and African Americans be given full political rights. This group attempted to impeach (kick out) President Andrew Johnson from office due to his opposition to Republican reconstruction plan.
Laws passed in the South after Reconstruction that required racial segregation