Unit 2: Consuming Resources Flashcards
Growth that adds one at each stage: 1,2,3,4 etc. Malthus describes food production in this way.
Fuel made from living things or from the waste they produce (e.g. cow dung).
Black Gold
Another name for oil because it is such a valuable commodity
The maximum number of people who can be supported in a given area.
Carrying Capacity
Ecological footprint
An estimation of the area needed to supply resources to an individual or group of people to maintain their lifestyle. The higher the number, the more space needed.
Energy Security
Reliable and affordable sources of energy. Countries with enough, or a surplus are said to be ‘energy secure’, those without are ‘energy insecure’.
Exponential Growth
Growth that doubles at each stage (1,2,4,8,16 etc). Malthus describes population growth in this way.
A resource which is limited or restricted
Finite resource
The ability to obtain sufficient food on a day to day basis
Food security
Difficulty in obtaining food (from hunger to full-scale famine)
Food insecurity
Peak Oil
The point at which oil production reaches it maximum level then declines.
Sustainable energy
Energy sources which are unlikely to run out (renewables e.g. solar, wind, wave)
Resources that a country has (e.g. Saudi Arabia- oil)
Countries which use resources
Malthus’ Theory
Population would grow faster than food supply, famine would act as a ‘natural check’ on the population.
Boserup’s Theory
‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ If more food is needed due to population growth, people would find a way to ‘invent’. E.g. GM crops that fight disease.