Unit 2 Chapter 7 - Atmosphere Flashcards
A measure of the reflectivity of the sun
Something made or caused by human activities
Chloroflourocarbons – pollutants that cause ozone depletion resulting in climate change
Organism that gains metabolic energy from chemical reactions, eg. nitrifying bacteria
Dynamic equilibrium
Combination of active processes that cancel out each other’s effects, so there is no overall change
El Niño
Name given to the reversal of equatorial Pacific Ocean current that normally flows westwards
Electromagnetic Radiation
Energy in the form of energy waves with a range of frequencies
Electromagnetic Spectrum
The range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation
Enhanced greenhouse effect
Alternative name for global climate change
Greenhouse Effect
The natural processes by which atmospheric gases allow visible light to pass through but absorb infrared energy, causing heating
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons – used to replace CFCs
Hydrofluorocarbons – group of chemicals used to replace CFCs
Process of surface water entering the ground between particles of soil or rock
IR/Infra-Red energy
Long wavelength electromagnetic radiation emitted from warm objects
Kyoto Protocol
International Agreement intended to control emissions of greenhouse gases.
La Niña
Name given to strengthening of westward flowing equatorial Pacific Ocean Current
Less Economically Developed Countries
More Economically Developed Countries
Montreal Protocol
International Agreement tha has controlled release of ozone-depleting substances.
Negative Feedback Mechanism
Situation where an initial change causes a reaction that reduces the original change (warming would increase evaporation leading to more low level cloud, increasing the albedo and reducing solar heating)
Nuclear Fusion
Release of energy during the joining of nuclei of small atoms ie 4 Hydrogen molecules fuse to create Helium
Triatomic oxygen
Positive feedback mechanism
Situation where an initial change causes a reaction that increases the original change (melting permafrost releases methane gas which causes further heating)
Layer of atmosphere that absorbs UV and contains ozone layer. It lies above the Troposphere between 6- 30 miles above the earth
Layer of atmosphere below the stratosphere – ground level to 6 miles
Tropospheric ozone
Ozone in Troposphere, largely produced by human activities
UV/Ultraviolet light
High-energy electromagnetic radiation, including short wavelength radiation emitted by sun. Can cause chemical reactions such as in ozone layer or sunburn or DNA damage.