Unit 1 Chapter 4 - Conservation Abroad Flashcards
Abiotic Factors
Physical Factors such as light, temperature and water
Reflectivity measure of a surface
Antarctic Treaty (1959)
International agreement to protect and manage Antarctica
Measure of variety and abundance of wildlife species
Total mass of living/recently living material in an area
Biotic Factors
Biological Factors eg. Food, disease
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
UK research organisation operating in Antarctica
Carbon Sequestration
Process used to remove Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere, such as afforestation or underground storage.
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
Tourism intended to have a low environmental impact
Gene Pool
Total number of different genes in all the individuals in a population
Role a species plays in its habitat
No Take Zone
Area where catching or removal of species is banned
Any Chemical essential to an organism for growth or metabolic processes
Organisms that drift in surface layers of sea and other water bodies
Slash and Burn Farming
Clearing made in forest by burning then farmed until nutrients depleted and then abandoned
Group of organisms resembling each other closely which interbreed to produce fertile offspring
Relationship between organisms of different species that live together and may benefit one another
Loss of water by evaporation from the stomata of leaves
UV/Ultraviolet light
Short wavelength radiation from sun. Its energy can cause sunburn, DNA damage or chemical reaction (eg ozone layer)