Unit 2: Biological Bases of Behavior Flashcards
Study of the parts & functions of neurons
Individual nerve cells
Rootlike parts of the cell that stretch out and form the cell, receive information
Soma (Cell Body)
Contains the nucleus & other cell parts, in charge of the neuron
Winglike structure ending in terminal buttons that carry the message
Myelin Sheath
A fatty covering around the axon that helps transmission
Terminal Buttons (Axon Terminal)
The branch end of the axon that contains neuro transmitters
Chemicals in terminal buttons that enable neurons to communicate to receptor sites
Space between terminal buttons & dendrites of two neurons
Receptor Sites
Sites on cell surface that accept enzymes, neurotransmitters, etc
Required amount of neurotransmitters to envoke a response
Action Potential
Firing of an electrochemical charge
Negative After-potential
Drop in electrical charge below resting point
All-or-nothing Principle
A neuron either fires completely or not at all
Excitatory neurotransmitters
Neurotransmitters that excite the next cell into firing
Inhibitory Neurotransmitters
Neurotransmitters that cause a neuron to create fewer action potentials
Ion Channels
Tiny openings through the axon membrane
Additional sheath external to myelin, found on PNS axons
Acetylcholine (Neurotransmitter)
Participant in movement, autonomic function, learning & memory
Dopamine (Neurotransmitter)
Participates in motivation, reward, planning of behavior
Endorphins (Neurotransmitter)
Opiate-like neural regulators that relieve pain & stress
Serotonin (Neurotransmitters)
Participates in mood, appetite, & sleep
Melatonin (Neurotransmitter)
A hormone manufactured by the pineal gland that produces sleepiness
Cranial Nerves
Major nerves that leave the brain without passing through the spinal cord
Sensory Neurons (Afferent)
Send info from sensory receptors to CNS
Motor Neurons (Efferent)
Conducts impulses outwards from the brain or spinal cord
Reflex Arc
Simplest behavior, stimulus provides automatic response
Central Nervous System (CNS)
Brain & spinal cord
Spinal Cord
Column of nerves that transmits info between brain & PNS
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Parts of nervous system outside of the brain & spinal cord
Somatic Nervous System
A network linking spinal cord with body & sense organs
Sympathetic Nervous System
The division of the autonomic nervous system that coordinates arousal
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Division of autonomic nervous system that quiets the body & conserves energy
Split Brain
Surgical procedure that cuts the corpus callosum, splits the brain in half
Deep Lesioning
Removal of brain tissue by the use of an electrode
Surgical removal of tissue from the brain surface
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Device that records electrical activity in the brain
Computerized Tomography (CT Scan)
Computer enhanced X-ray image of the brain or body
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
3D image of the brain or body in response to a magnetic field
Positron Emission Tomography (PET Scan)
High-resolution image that captures brain activity by attaching radioactive particles to glucose molecules
Function MRI (fMRI)
MRI technique that records activity levels in various areas of the brain
A primitive part of the brain that comprises the medulla, pons, & cerebellum
Bottom part of the brain that connects to the spinal cord
Structure that connect brain with spinal cord & controls vital life functions
Area of the hindbrain that acts as a bridge between the medulla & other structures
Hindbrain structure that controls coordination & balance
Structure that connects the hindbrain with the forebrain
Reticular Formation
Collection of cells & fibers in the medulla & pons involved in arousal & attention
Reticular Activating System
A bundle of nerves that sits in your brainstem, regulates behavioral arousal
Brain structure that governs higher-order mental processes
Brain structure that relays sensory info to the cerebral cortex
Small area of the brain that regulates emotional behaviors & biological needs
Part of the limbic system associated with the rapid processing of emotions, mainly fear
Limbic system associated with storing memories
Limbic System
Brain structures that play important roles in regulating emotion & memory
Cerebral Cortex
Thin, wrinkled outer covering of the brain in which high-level processes take place
Left & right sides of the cerebral cortex, connected by the corpus callosum
Left Hemisphere
Controls the right side of body, focuses on language, logic, and analytical thinking
Right Hemisphere
Controls left side of the body, focuses on intuitive, creative, and subjective thinking
Brain Lateralization
Differences between the abilities of brain hemispheres
Corpus Callosum
Nerve fibers connecting the brain hemispheres
Association Area
Areas of the cerebral cortex not primarily sensory or motor in function
Frontal Lobes
Areas of cortex associated with movement, sense of self, & higher mental functions
Broca’s Area
Language area related to grammar & pronunciation
Wernicke’s Area
Temporal lobe area related to language comprehension
Motor Cortex
Brain area associated with the control of movement
Parietal Lobes
Cortex areas where body sensations register
Somatosensory Cortex
A receiving area for body sensations
Sensory Cortex
Area in the parietal lobe, behind the motor cortex, where the brain processes sensory information
Occipital Lobes
Cortical areas at the back of the brain that process visuals & sight
Temporal Lobes
Areas of the cortex that include sites where hearing registers
Brain Plasticity
Brain’s ability to reorganize or modify itself in response to an experience or change
Endocrine System
Network of glands that release hormones into the bloodstream
Chemical released by endocrine glands
Thyroid Gland
Endocrine gland that helps regulate metabolism rates
Pituitary Gland
Master gland of pituitary system that controls the actions of all other glands
Adrenal Glands
Endocrine glands that arouse the body, regulate self-balance, adjust body to stress, & affect sexual functioning
Adrenal Cortex
Responsible for releasing epinephrine & nonepinephrine
Neurotransmitter & hormone that tends to arouse the body (anger)
Hormone that arouses the body (fear)
Pineal Gland
Gland in the brain that helps regulate body rhythms & sleep cycles
Growth Hormone
Secreted by the pituitary gland that promotes body growth
A patient is unable to recognize & identify objects or faces
Lost power to use or comprehend words
Lost ability to execute complex coordinated movements without muscular or sensory impairments
Loss of memory
Abnormal widening or ballooning of a portion of a blood vessel
Blood supply is disrupted & brain cells start to die
Abnormal growth of cells
Deprived of an oxygen supply
Blow to the head that causes the brain to hit the skull
Sudden disruption of the brain’s normal electrical activity
The passing down of genes to cause traits
Dominant Gene
The gene’s influence is expressed each time the gene is present
Recessive Gene
The gene is expressed when paired with the same gene type from both parents
Rodlike structures in the cell nucleus that houses genes
Down Syndrome
An extra chromosome in one’s genetic makeup
Monozygotic Twins
Identical, have the exact same genetic makeup
Dizygotic Twins
Fraternal, genetically more like siblings
Conscious Level
Info about yourself & your environment that you’re aware of
Nonconscious Level
Body processes controlled by your mind that your not aware of
Preconscious Level
Unpressed stored memories & thoughts that can be recalled in a a matter of seconds
Subconscious Level
Info beyond a person’s conscious awareness that affects mental processes
Unconscious Level
Thoughts & desires that are actively repressed from consciousness & affect you mentally
Sleep Cycles
Lasts two hours, cycles sleep stages to restore energy
Sleep Stages
Levels of sleep as it develops during the night
REM Sleep
Sleep where dreams occur
nREM Sleep
non-rapid eye movement sleep (Stages 1-4)
Difficulty in getting to sleep or staying asleep
A sudden, irresistible sleep attack
Sleep Apnea
Disorder in which a person stops breathing during sleep
Night Terrors
A state of panic during nREM sleep
Freudian Dream Interpretation
Dreams express unconscious desires
Activation-synthesis Dream Theory
Proposition that dreams are how brains process the random electrical charges of REM sleep
Information-processing Dream Theory
Proposal that dreams reflect everyday waking thoughts & emotions
Psychoactive Drugs
Drugs that change the chemistry of the brain
Mimic neurotransmitters
Block neurotransmitters
The body becomes normalized to the amount of drugs in the system & needs more
Side-effects caused by coming off of drugs after your body is addicted & it feels it as normal
Substance that increases activity in the body & nervous system
Substance that decreases activity in the body & nervous system
Substance that alters or distorts sensory impressions
Agonists for endorphins