Unit 2 Bible Doctrines Flashcards
A person reads his own ideas back into the text of scripture
A person reads the text and determines what the author originally intended to communicate
What are the 3 types of general revelation
Nature, history, human
What are the 3 types of special revelation
Spoken, living word, written
What does inspired mean
God breathed
Know that scripture is a gift it gives us what we need for what 2 things
Salvation and godly life
Why do we need both of the words infallible and inerrant
God always speaks truth fully (infallible) but man may have writing something down incorrectly ( inerrant)
What does canon mean
Measuring rod
Why should we take scripture seriously
Word of God
What are the 3 parts of story of the Bible
Creation, sin /fall, redemption
What was the main standard for scripture
At what point was a book inspired
What does canonization mean
How the Bible received its acceptance
What declared certain inspired books to be in the cannon
What was the process for recognizing an Old Testament book as inspired (3 steps)
Witnessed events , people preserved , heard prophecies
What helped a person to recognize an Old Testament book as inspired
Witness people, heard
When was the Old Testament gathered to be translate into Greek
250 B.C
What was the name of Greek translation
Jesus referenced each of the 3 parts of Jewish Old Testament. What were 3 parts
Law, writing, prophets
What does apocrypha mean
Hidden secret
When were the e apocryphal books written
2 centuries
Were the apocryphal books considered part of the Hebrew Bible
When did the Roman Catholic Church adopt apocrypha as part of their cannon
Name 4 reasons why the apocrypha is not in the Christian Bible
-They contain errors
-They contain unverified stories
-Neither christ nor the apostle referenced
-Some teachings conduct with the other scripture