unit 2 AOS1 Flashcards
oversimplified collection of beliefs about people from a certain group
an evaluation made about something
a negative attitude towards a person in a group, based solely on them being in that group
the unfair treatment of people due to their membership in a group
direct vs indirect discrimination
direct: someone is treated unfairly
indirect: a rule applies to all people and unfairly disadvantages a group
feeling of shame or disgrace experienced for being different
ways to reduce prejudice
social media
inter-group contact
tri component model
Affective component (feelings)
Behavioural component (behaviour)
Cognitive componenet (thoughts)
criteria for an attitude formation
an evaluation of something
stable (long lasting)
learnt through experience
how we explain behaviour
internal vs external attributions
internal: explaining behaviours using personal factors such as personality or ability.
external: explaining behaviours using environmental factors such as environment, luck, or blaming the task itself
person perception
mental process we use to form impressions
cognitive dissonance
the psychological tension that occurs when our thoughts feelings and behaviours do not align
in groups and out groups
in: a group someone identifies with
out: a group someone does not identify with
when an individual complies with command