what is eugenics
the selection of desirable characteristics in order to improve future generations
methods of eugenics
mass extermination
selective breeding
historical example of eugenics
nazi germany and the aryan race
how did hitler use eugenics to purify the aryan race
concentration camps
mass extermination
eugenics influencing uk policy development
hasn’t had a huge impact due to ethics and morals
arguing the right you have over your own body
what percentage of gypsies died in the nazi concentration camps
what theory of criminality can eugenics be linked to
surgical sterilisation would prevent the birth of ‘criminal offspring’
what is capital punishment
the practise of excecuting someone as punishment for a specific crime after a proper legal trial
what year was the death penalty temporarily abolished in the uk
what year was the death penalty permanently abolished in the uk
how did the USA prove that the death penalty is not a deterrent for crime
states where the death penalty was not in use had a 25% lower murder rate than those who did use the death penalty as punishment (2015)
what is a reason for the death penalty not being an effective punishment for crime
people usually kill in a moment of impulsive thoughts and decisions therefore aren’t usually considering the consequences at the given moment
what is antabuse used for
treating alcohol abuse
how does antabuse work
causes a bad reaction when drinking alcohol by blocking the processing of alcohol into the body
what is methadone used for
heroin addiction
how does methadone work
reduces withdrawal symptoms and cravings
who takes stilbestrol
sex offenders
how does stilbestrol work
it aims to lower testosterone levels
what drug is used to manage prisoners
sedatives and tranquillisers (varium)
how does varium work
reduces anxiety and calms people down
what did Gesch et al 2002 study
supplementing prisoners diets with vitamin pills reduces anti social behaviour
vitamin b3
treats forms of schizophrenia, sometimes associated with violent behaviour
what did schornthaler 1982 study
reduced sugar diet reduces anti social behaviour
how has surgical castration been used to alter body’s
used on sex offenders to change the offending behaviour
how has lobotomy been used
used to treat schizophrenia, violent and sexual crimes.
it can have serious side effects so is rarely used
example of crowd control policies
use of chemical substances eg tear gas
works by causing uncomfortable or distressing sensations
patient verbalises their thoughts
aim is to access the unconscious mind, therefore can be linked to freud
what is the goal of psychoanalysis
to bring repressed trauma into the consious mind
1968 Dr Elliott Barker
small group of males in a locked room for eleven days
they were nude and given large amounts of LSD
the only food and drink available had to be sucked through straws in the wall
psychoanalysis - for
SHELDEE (2010) works as well as CBT but should not be used as a substitute
psychoanalysis - against
time consuming
deliberate repression
ANDREWS ET AL (1990) avoided within general samples of offenders
behaviour modification
positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement
eg operant learning and token economies
trained and taught desirable behaviours and undesirable behaviour should be extinguished
IEP - prison incentive earned priviledges
earning benefits in exchange for responsible behaviour
results in a safer environment for staff and prisoners
reduces self harm risk and improved staff prisoner relationships
what is an adjudication
offender and prison staff discuss the offence and what everyone thinks happened
evidence that behaviour modification works
FO AND ODONELL (1975) found a buddy system improved the behaviour of serious offenders
evidence that behaviour modification doesn’t work
ALLYON AND MILAN 1979 token economies work in the short term by improvements do not last once the criminal leaves prison environment
aversion therapy step by step
client will be asked to engage or think about an undesirable behaviour whilst being exposed to an unpleasant stimulus
repeated over the course of several sessions
client eventually stops associating pleasure with the undesirable behaviour
aim of cbt
change negative thought processes and attitudes, resulting in a behaviour change
aggression replacement training
improves social skills
reduces incidence of re arrest
enhances community functioning
thinking skills programme
looks beyond the service users crime and examine the real reason why they offend
develops emotional self management, problem solving and social interaction