Unit 2 Flashcards
What did the Edict of Fontainbleu do?
subjected the Huguenots to the Inquisition
Who was Catherine de Medicis? What did she do?
regent to her son, wanted to preserve monarchy, feared the Guises, allied with the Huguenots
What did the Duke of Guise do?
massacred Huguenots when they were worshiping
What was St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre?
attack against Huguenots because Catherine was scared of them and told the king that they were trying to take the throne
What was the Edict of Nantes?
recognized minority rights, allowed Huguenots to build walls around their villages, created a state within a state
What was Henry IV famous saying?
Paris is worth a mass
What were the French wars of Religion?
Three families wanted to rule: Montmorency-Chatillons, Guises, and Barbons. Catherine made an alliance with the Huguenots (MCs and Bs) to preserve the monarchy, the Duke of Guise massacred Huguenots, afterward they didn’t go to Catherine for help, she made an alliance with Guises. St. Bart’s Day happened
French wars of religion continued
Henry III became king, Peace of Beaulieu. Fought against Henry of Navarre (IV) then had to ally with him. Died on battle field, Henry of Navarre became king and then converted to Catholicism. (famous saying)
Peace of Beaulieu
granted almost complete religious freedom
Mary I
married Philip II of Spain, persecuted Protestants, called Bloody Mary
Elizabeth the I
Act of Supremacy, Thirty-nine articles, faced Spanish Armada, never married, people loved her
Mary, Queen of Scots
Scotish princess, abdicated her throne, moved to England, plotted against Elizabeth, put under house arrest and later executed
What was the Thirty Years’ War?
A religious war in the Holy Roman Empire, Catholics against the Protestants. There were three phases: the Bohemian period, the Danish period, and the Swedish period. Many countries got involved. Ended with the Treaty of Westphalia.
Treaty of Westphalia
ended all hostilites within HRE, was in French, ended the Edict of Restitution, said that the ruler of the land can determine the religion, legalized Calvinism, perpetuated German division and political weakness
Edict of Restitution
stated Calvinism is illegal, ordered all Lutheran lands to be given back, at the end of the Danish period
James I
issues with Parliament because of money, religious problems with Puritans, governed by favorites
Charles I
hated Parliment, levied new tariffs to get money instead of asking Parliment, wanted religious conformity
The Civil War in England
Roundheads with Cromwell vs. Cavaliers with the king, the Roundheads won, dissolved the monarchy, killed Charles
lord protector, disbanded Parliment because they wanted to get rid of their military
Glorious Revolution
Mary and William of Orange (daughter of James II), invaded England, kept England Anglican, invaded because James II tried to make England Catholic again
Bill of Rights
prohibited Roman Catholics from occupying the English throne
Parliamentary monarchy
like British monarchy
Political ablsolutism
like French monarchy
Louis XIV
had no chief minister, subtle about control, took power away from nobles while still having their support, limited noble influence, nobles were in Parlements that had limited influence, controlled foreign affairs, had propaganda, built Versailles to show his power, had a large powerful army, fought against Spain, and Netherlands, was first against England, but then made an alliance with them.
Louis XIV continued
banned Jansenism, revoked Edict of Nantes, fought Nine Years War, and War of Spanish Succession, drained resources from wars
Nine Years War
England and France fought over North America, France against the League of Augsburg (England, Spain, Sweden, United Proverences)
War of Spanish Succession
king of Spain died without an heir, left inheritance to Louis grandson, Phillip V became king of Spain
HRE, German states, Netherlands, Hungry, Croatia, Transylvania, had different titles, controlled a very diverse population, Pragmatic Sanction
Pragmatic Sanction
issued so that a woman could inherit the crown
Prussia, German states, religious toleration, separate laws for army and civilians, disrupted the Pragmatic Sanction
Russia, 1st Romanov elected tsar in 1613
Peter the Great
built up the military, Great Northern War, founded St. Petersburg, Table of Ranks, had no clear successor
process of recruiting elite troops from Christian communities for Ottoman army
Treaty of Carlowitz
caused Ottomans to surrender a sig. amount of territory in middle, started to end the Ottoman Empire
Scientific Revolution
the revolution where science became a real subject not just philosophy
Nicolaus Copernicus
heliocentric universe model
Tycho Brahe
Mercury and Venus around sun, everything else around the earth
Johannes Kepler
elliptical planetary paths
Galeleo Gallilei
mathematics present in nature, furthered heliocentric model
Isaac Newton
gravity, Principia Mathematica
Francis Bacon
father of empiricism
Rene Descartes
Thomas Hobbes
Leviathan, absolute rulers
John Locke
First Treatise of Government, government is responsible to governed, tabla rasa
Queen Christina of Sweden
allowed scientists to stay at her house
Margaret Cavendish
considered a male profession, was a woman in the scientific revolution
witch trails
people had to pass blame on to someone so they thought that some women were witches, ended when people started to think scientifically
First Industrial Revolution
created more jobs for people and not all were farming, Britain was the leader of the IR, cities grew, spinning jenny, water frame, and steam engine were invented, bread and food riots were common, raised standards of living